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  1. slb243

    VHO vs. Metal Halide

    I think metal halide gives a lot more light per watt but they have a huge drawback- they produce a lot more heat than VHO, which still produces a lot. If your tank doesn't have a chiller it can easily overheat with intense lighting. I know metal halide is best for SPS like acropora, but a lot...
  2. slb243

    Loud Wet Dry Gurgle Noises

    I know exactly what you are talking about. I think the gurgle noise is caused by an uneven flow and air and water "surging" down the overflow as it goes into the hole going to the drain hose to the sump. Is it an amiracle overflow box? They come with a cylinder-shaped prefilter spongue. A...
  3. slb243


    I use a plastic gallon milk jug to drip kalkwasser water into my tank. Cut the top off of a milk jug and rinse it out well. Then fill it 3/4 with kalkwasser water (don't pour in the cloudy, milky stff on the bottom of the bucket) and set it above your tank or sump on something stable. I set...
  4. slb243

    raccoon butterflyfish

    I have a raccoon butterfly in a 135 gallon fish only tank. It is about 3 1/2" inches long and very healthy and active. I think they are a moderately hardy fish, but only if you have very good water quality. I suggest a good protein skimmer, a well-cycled tank, a UV and a a cleaner shrimp or...
  5. slb243

    gill parasite treatment

    I have a falcula butterflyfish who eats fine and has no visible external parasites, but exhibits strange behavior. It will be swimming slowly and then "flinch" and "shoot" across the tank. It flinches the same way sometimes when being cleaned by the cleaner wrasse. I think the problem may be...
  6. slb243

    blue line triggerfish with lump on chin

    My bluejaw trigger has a lump on his chin. He has been startled a couple times when I entered the room and darted into the glass. I would guess your trigger has hit the glass or rock. Mine has had his lump for over a week and it hasn't gone away yet. I'm not positive about this diagnosis but...
  7. slb243

    fish list

    I think your tank would be overstocked with all those fish. Tangs are territorial and don't do well if they are crowded. I'd go with 3 max and only if they are smaller. As for the others, I think one puffer and maybe the eel? It may be too aggressive. Blue tangs are also very prone to...
  8. slb243

    green bird wrasse in a community tank?

    Does anyone have experience with a green bird wrasse. I am thinking of adding a medium sized one to a 135 gallon fish only tank with live rock and good filtaration. Tankmates would be a 5" naso tang and 2 4" butterflyfish (raccoon and heniochus). I've heard they can be agressive, but is it...
  9. slb243

    White cacoon looking pods. What are they??

    I had a few on them on live rock (fish only tank)and they seemed to be multiplying until I purchased a raccoon butterfly. Then they all were gone. That was the happiest day of that butterfly's life.
  10. slb243

    puffer in community tank

    I had a 7" lion and a 4" stars and stripes puffer and they lived together fine. No agression from either one. Neither seemed to care about the other but they both loved goldfish.
  11. slb243

    quarantine 2 fish together ?

    Maybe. Some fish that are completely passive in a larger aquarium suddenly because aggressive in a confined space such as a quarantine tank. I think you could do it but I'd have a backup plan in place before trying.
  12. slb243

    Anybody ever heard of a Maculosus Angelfish?

    They are also called Map Angels. I've also heard they are one of the best for captivity and very hardy. The Koran, French and Queen are also good choices. All large angels eventually grow up so a big tank is best.
  13. slb243

    achilles tang

    Does your achilles tang have good color? Is the belly fat or pinched and faded? A pinched belly and faded colors are a sign the fish isn't thriving. I've heard that one reason that achilles tangs do poorly in aquariums is becasue of nutritional deficiencies. Try and get live red macroalgae...
  14. slb243

    Angelfish Compatability

    I had a singapore angel and introduced a coral beauty. They fought constantly in a 90 gallon tank until I finally removed the coral beauty. I thought they would divide up the tank, one territory on each side but that didn't happen. Be careful. Mixing angels sometimes results in a potential...
  15. slb243

    Sialfin Tang coloration.

    I had a sailfin tang who changed colors a lot too. It has a lot to do with what mood he/she is in. My sailfin went very pale if he was frightened or sick. He would also go pale when being cleaned by the cleaner wrasse, while tipping sideways. He would go almost solid black at night or when...
  16. slb243

    Green X and rapid breathing

    I didn't intend to start a fight about Green-X. My LFS guy always tries to tell me how great it is. I think it's somewhat effective, but only in mild cases. The Green-X also didn't cause the rapid breathing as I first thought. My fish are infected with velvet too. I am treating them with...
  17. slb243

    Green X and rapid breathing

    I recently had an outbreak of ich in my 125 FO tank. It was my own fault. I thought I could get away with not quarantining if I only bought fish from the LFS that had been there for a few weeks and were doing well with no signs of disease or parasites. I was wrong. After reading many...
  18. slb243

    romaine lettuce?

    Feed your angel "angel formula" too. Sea veggies (algae) are much better than lettuce. Most large angels do better if they have spongue as part of their diet. My angel likes frozen bloodworms, flake food, caulerpa macroalgae and almost anything else I give him. I think the main items in...
  19. slb243

    imperator angel?

    Feed your angel frozen "angel formula" and dried green algae in an algae clip. I use Ocean Nutrition, which is good quality. Other brands may also be good. My blueface angel also likes brine shrimp, flake food and bloodworms. I've heard of some people feeding them chopped raw clams or...
  20. slb243

    lots of butterflys

    I have a 125 gallon fish only tank with a 4 inch true falcula (doulble saddleback) butterfly, a 3 inch raccoon butterfly and a 3 inch heniochus butterfly. The 3 get along fine and even school together sometimes. I'd like to get another butterfly. Is it safe to get another raccoon or falcula...