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  1. rockette

    Can I use DI water?

    I work in a R&D lab, and I will be taking jugs filled with DI water home with me when I start my tank. DI water actually isn't the most purified water available, there are still some particles in it, but the next level for what we use in the lab is just overkill for the average person. Plus the...
  2. rockette

    Hey NASCAR Fans...

    Originally Posted by ruaround he wasnt injured at all... his undershorts didnt make it though... Ah well, could have been worse. Since when did they start using rear wings with NASCAR? I used to follow racing quite closely before I started to work on my dissertation, mostly WRC and F1 racing...
  3. rockette

    why do u have a sw aquarium?

    I scuba dive. I live in NJ. Closest thing I can get to a reef without flying 3+ hours.
  4. rockette

    Hey NASCAR Fans...

    Wow that was pretty bad. Does he have any minor injuries at all? I can see at least him getting a concussion from that. I am by no means a fan of NASCAR, but it is incredible to see anyone walk away from a crash like that.
  5. rockette

    Any 120 Gallons Out There

    Would like to know too! Planning on getting this size!
  6. rockette

    Gorgeous Coral!

    Wow... that is incredible. I have never seen anything like that even in a reef dive before. What is this/where is it found?
  7. rockette

    Man i went crazy today!!! not 56k friendly at all!!

    Great pics. Quick question though. Does anyone actually use 56k anymore? Cable/dsl internet has been around long enough now that it is almost out of date.
  8. rockette

    How many Computers do you have?

    2 for myself actually...
  9. rockette

    Time Travel

    Travel forward in time a few million years. Should be interesting then.
  10. rockette

    Do you have another addicting hobby?

    Scuba dive. I'm absolutely addicted beyond belief. Wrecks, reefs, kelp forests... next step is caves, which I'm not sure I'm ready for.
  11. rockette

    Ever Google your own name?

    A few papers that I wrote during undergrad came up that were published, as well as some work from my graduate dissertation...
  12. rockette

    show me black sand reef tanks please

    I like white sand more, but it really depends on your reef. BEAUTIFUL tank by the way!
  13. rockette

    NEW pics of my 75g "reef"

    Originally Posted by drpaul84 yea ive been to absolutely fish, i like it they have lots of fish but not that many dry goods, have you tried reef encounters in hackensack? they have TONS of dry goods , and lots of nice fish also, i go to them the most if i need something Where in Hackensack are...
  14. rockette

    The burn???

    Well the pH of the system is rather basic, correct? >7 is basic. Anything greater than a pH 8 will cause minor skin irritation. If most saltwater tanks are a pH of about 8 or so, there's your reason right there. Wear long gloves next time.
  15. rockette

    Probably get a ton of people who ask this...

    Thanks for the info guys. And yes, I'm on a ground floor so I don't think the weight would be too much of an issue. If I post in a week about the tank falling through the floor, then it was an issue, LOL! I've already set aside a nice budget for this, as I think it will make a great addition to...
  16. rockette

    Gary's 150 Pics

    That's a beautiful setup. I may have to copy your aquascape when I start mine! That is, if you don't mind.
  17. rockette

    any divers out there?

    Certified diver here as well. I typically only dive on vacations though since I live around the NYC area. Wish I had an underwater camera for the places I've been, it's a MUST have and will keep you addicted. It's pretty much the reason why I want a saltwater aquarium.
  18. rockette

    NY International Auto Show pics (High badwidth only)

    I have a ton of pics from yesterday as well (Saturday the 29 March 2008). Was a great show! I took 214 pictures!
  19. rockette

    NEW pics of my 75g "reef"

    I was referred to a place called "Absolutely Fish" in Clifton, NJ on route 46 west. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone, although they are pushing me to get a pretty big tank. Although everyone has said to me if I have the space and means to support a large tank, I should.
  20. rockette

    NEW pics of my 75g "reef"

    That was a quick response! Thanks! I would PM you for more specific info, but I'm orginally from Bergen County, grew up there. Recently moved out of my parents nest to Essex County to be closer to work.