Search results

  1. blue44magnum

    220 gal tank opinions

    i would get the perfecto and save the extra money and gas(money) .
  2. blue44magnum

    For Sale: AquaC Remora Skimmer

    what size tank did you have the skimmer on how much shipped to 94535.thanx.
  3. blue44magnum

    WTB 20" MH unit for 24 gallon Aquapod

    how much for the Coralife Hang-on 150w MH ?
  4. blue44magnum

    Added fuge - Nitrate went up?

    +1 on there not being enough sand theory .the sand could also be cycling in the fuge because you moved it.
  5. blue44magnum

    Coral Banded Shrimp?

    i have a cbs and he did kill one of my false percs but i just replaced the perc with another that was a little bigger .In my opinion if he could catch it he will eat it , but every since i replaced the perc everything has been fine. Everybody has percs and cbs.LOL.
  6. blue44magnum

    Has anyone used a Current Fission Nano Skimmer ?

    I purchased a current fission nano skimmer and i was wondering if anyone had or is still using one and whats your opinion,if you've had or have one. thanx.
  7. blue44magnum


    Not worth the plastic it took to put it together . i brought one on thursday(this week), and took it back on friday.I could not tune it to skim anything so i took it back and replaced it .Very noisey and poorly made , i would say save and get an aqau-c remora.If you can.
  8. blue44magnum

    Need quick info before purchase

    Originally Posted by dplantz Are Remora skimmers really good skimmers? I was thinking of selling my Red sea prism and finnex skimmer for this one? Are they better than a Red sea prism? I would say so myself.Do some research .I have been looking into getting one myself.
  9. blue44magnum

    nfl preseason starts this sunday..

    Go Jags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. blue44magnum

    Reef W/O Halides

    I thought that the clip on light was a m/h? anyway , I'm building a hood to the specs of my pendants now. With m/h u can keep anything you want and they'll reach the bottom of your tank for sure. Go ahead and spend the money for halides, it's better to do it now than later.LOL.
  11. blue44magnum

    Pics of my 90g 2 months old

    Very nice looking for a FOWLR , now just add M/H and corals
  12. blue44magnum

    Regular Rock

    That's not a wise decision if you plan on using that rock.No telling what that rock is composed of.If you just want some then go to your lfs and buy some dry rock / lace rock , it's very cheap because it contains no life. or check out in your area and find some cheap live rock in...
  13. blue44magnum

    what kind of crab is this?

    Thats a land crab.Not s/w aquarium.
  14. blue44magnum

    Project 72B

    1.thanks 2." Although I am NOT in agreement with those who suggest using the Dart as a return pump" -why not???? 3.LOL. i live in base housing im in the military and i don't have an electricity bill. for now i guess, but i will be looking into a power efficient setup. what type of...
  15. blue44magnum

    Project 72B

    good morning scsinet , thats true and it's not true about the head pressure.the elbows and all the piping will subtract from the hed stepping down from 1.25 in piping on the outlet to .50 of piping and using flow eductors to spread out my flow patterns there will be 6 nozzles...
  16. blue44magnum

    Project 72B

    21 june08 72g bow front and stand w/ wet dry filter purchased .we also cut an access door on both sides of the stand.replaced wet/dry filter with 30g acrylic sump with protein skimmer .last week i purchased a sequence dart pump to run the closed loop circulation system.more pics to come soon .me...
  17. blue44magnum

    Getting rid of cyano! Question please.

    cut back on the feeding , lights , and if u want u can use a spatcula (or something close to remove it) . also what kind of clean up crew do u have? good luck.
  18. blue44magnum

    Blue Hippo died from ick other fish now in QT help!!!

    i would put them back into the dt and treat the dt.i bought a c/b from my lfs on the 29may for my b-day and 2 days later i notiched a white spot on my c/b's rightgill and my lawnmower blenny started "scratching" once i introduced the c/b so i was referred by a expert reefer to try a medication...
  19. blue44magnum

    Closed loop or Wavemaker?

    i think that closed lood is better because your not putting so much heat into the water by using powerheads . the closed loop sys. that im building will be like having 6 pwr. heads .no powerheads stuck to the side of the tanks means it wont be covered in coraline no extra eyesores. just...