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  1. ren

    frogspawn question

    was just the spot - out about a inch at least within half an hour after I moved it. Thx all.
  2. ren

    frogspawn question

    Originally posted by jugger mine seem happy in a low flow area.... a place that makes them wave around not flap long did the LFS have it before you??? sometimes just after shipping it takes awhile for them to warm up to the tank..... mine opened up the next day.... but i dont...
  3. ren

    cycling with uncured rock

    The best cycling I've found is some large raw grocery shrimp - buy a pound or 2 and throw 3 or 4 in the tank and cook the rest - have a good meal lol and let the 3-4 bake in the tank with just LS. Once you see the ammonia start to fall throw in the LR if uncured - might stall the ammonia drop...
  4. ren

    frogspawn question

    My LFS had a real nice looking one and I couldn't refuse lol. 3 days and it is still only comming out about 1/2 inch?!? It is placed in a moderate current location so wondering should it be moved to a calmer location???
  5. ren

    Tank raised perc and bubbletip

    well, 1 of my books said they 'talk' to each other. That clowns are really quite chatty and you can actually hear them grunt and click in the tank if all surrounding sound is quieted?
  6. ren

    Tank raised perc and bubbletip

    Originally posted by Bang Guy It's difficult to predict what and when Clownfish will use as a host. Bubbletips are a good bet normally though. On a side note, a white Bubbletip sounds doomed. It's really going to require some TLC to get back it's zooxanthellae. Hurmm - not too up on the...
  7. ren

    Tank raised perc and bubbletip

    Originally posted by dbennett78 How do the tank raised clowns know that they wont get stung or whatever?:notsure: Good ? Kinda draggin on the back of my mind too. He seems to be scared of it lol lil wus.
  8. ren

    my diatom problem

    Using florescent lighting ya really need to change the bulbs every 6 months. As stated the new bulbs can cause a shock to your system - overcome it by shortening the on time length when first installed and gradually increase the on time. Or as Beth said - phosphers. Check your water source -...
  9. ren

    Tank raised perc and bubbletip

    just placed a white bubbletip in with a tank raised perc. Will these bond orshould I be looking for a different host for the perc?
  10. ren

    CB Seahorse sales other than ...

    ocean rider and seahorse farms anyone? I've been looking and looking. Thx
  11. ren

    painting back of tank??

    I painted my 54 corner with the cheapest black latex lowes had. Looks pretty good I think - pics are in sig if ya wanna take a look at it.
  12. ren

    i switched livestock

    I think Jeffs has a large assortment of exotic/rare types.
  13. ren

    LFS says no to 55's

    I remember that the initial recomendation here for beginners was/is don't start wityh anything less than a 55gl - just for stability. I'm hoping that they guy was just trying to help you out in the long run.
  14. ren

    Purple Linkia star ...

    How is Jeffs? 130 mile drive 1 way but considering it if they're good people there.
  15. ren

    Purple Linkia star ...

    The place that has em is in gardenia FYI. Thx
  16. ren

    Purple Linkia star ...

    Are these the same carewise as the blue's? Got a chance to get some at 14.99 each and wondering on the care/compatibility issues.
  17. ren

    Fish stung?

    That's where I'd point my finger, lol GL. Hows he doin now? Hopefully he learned to keep his distance
  18. ren

    Attaching soft coral

    Someone correct me but I think that you can superglue it to the LR
  19. ren

    X Large Refugium

    What is the display size? just get a tank that is 60% smaller and section it off: _______________________________ |......|..............................|.......| |......|..............................|.......| |......|..............................|.......| _______________________________...
  20. ren

    tank supplies

    Hummmm, loaded question, try our hosts? Playing safe lol.