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  1. kwpgrooming

    Do Blue Spot Jawfish just disappear sometimes?

    Check overflow & your sump. Mine ended up there twice.
  2. kwpgrooming

    Midas Blenny w/ Flametail Blenny?

    I have a midas blenny & a bicolor blenny in a 72 gallon. They get along fine.
  3. kwpgrooming

    New frogfish discovered

  4. kwpgrooming

    My 125g Diary

    Tank is looking nice. Please get your dog a haircut. Why is he wearing a cone?
  5. kwpgrooming

    why wont my yellow clown gobies eat! what do they eat?

    Mine eats pretty much everything I feed. I feed a variety of frozen. Mine ate right away. Good luck.
  6. kwpgrooming


    I had caulerpa on a coral I bought. For the last year I have been fighting it. It has taken over my tank. I even took out all the rock & cooked it for 3 months in the dark. It all look gone but within a few weeks it started to grow again. All over the rocks again. I have a tang. It doesn't...
  7. kwpgrooming

    Can this kill my corals?

    get rid of it. I had some hitchhike in on a piece of coral & took over my tank. Been fighting it for a year & still haven't killed it all. I did choke out some of my corals.
  8. kwpgrooming

    Firefish & hi-fin goby

    I brought home a purple firefish & a small hi-fin goby from the LFS. I watched both of them eat at the store & they both look healthy. My concern is that now that they are in my tank they have not hidden. The lights are out now & they are both out in the open. The hi-fin is resting on the...
  9. kwpgrooming

    Zebra Barred Dartfish

    Yes they are jumpers. My first jumped through a very small hole. Smaller than egg crate. I have 2 now & I have no holes. They are great fish.
  10. kwpgrooming

    Baby Midas Blenny

    My midas is my favorite fish. He has so much personality. He is always out & about. He eats everything. You will really enjoy Missy. I would have more than one if I could.
  11. kwpgrooming

    LFS Advice

    Welcome. Never take the word of the LFS. Do your own research. I am having all kinds of issues with algae because I listened to mine. When I went today the owner of mine advised me to put a sailfin tang in my 75 gal. to eat the algae. When I told him my research said a 75 gal was way to small...
  12. kwpgrooming

    whats your favorite gobie and blennie?

    In my 75 gallon I have a midas & bicolor blenny, 2 zebra gobies, purple firefish, green clown goby, & a yellow clown goby. I also have a kole tang, pearly jawfish, & pajama cardinal. All of my fish get along just fine. No bickering at all.
  13. kwpgrooming

    Midas not eating

    I feed mine a variety of frozen foods. Soaking in garlic is a good idea. All of my fish like it. I use Marine Cuisine, Emerald Entree, Formula 1 & 2. I hope he will be okay. Mine is my favorite fish, & he is always swimming about. I would worry if he wasn't. Is your water quality good? Is he...
  14. kwpgrooming

    New chiller, mad wife!

    I guess my husband & I are lucky. We never fight about money or what we buy. We don't ask permission, we just say hey I am buying this. Have to make sure it is in the budget. That's it.
  15. kwpgrooming

    Algae missing. Is this a problem?

    Be happy. I wish my algae would disappear. If everything is happy & healthy I would not worry.
  16. kwpgrooming

    whats your favorite gobie and blennie?

    clown goby & midas blenny
  17. kwpgrooming

    Anybody use the Peticure nail trimmer?

    I groom dogs for a living & I dremel all my clients nails. It does not hurt if it is done right. It only causes heat if it is held on the nail for a long time. Even the dogs that freak out for nail clippers will let me dremel once they get use to the noise. Dogs have to learn to trust that you...
  18. kwpgrooming


    I didn't realize you could have to many pods. I have had my 75gal. for almost 9 months. Is it an old enough tank for a mandarin. I do not have a fuge, but I do have a sump. I have some piles of rock rubble in my sump. I would like to rid my flatworms without chemicals, I think I would like to...
  19. kwpgrooming

    Flatworm exit

    I noticed a bunch of red flat worms in my tank. I am considering my options. Will Flatworm exit kill off pods and other beneficial critters?
  20. kwpgrooming

    Check out my Midas Blenny!

    I love mine. He is my favorite. He does like to let the others know he is the boss if they get close to his hole. He doesn't pester anyone much. He & my kole tangs are friends. He & my bicolor blenny even get along. Has anyone notice theirs glow? When he is happy & content his colors to glow.