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  1. drew_tt

    what do you think of my 90?

    that is a fake plant in the back corner, right? :p took me a second to adjust.... thought it was hygro. polysperma :d Drew
  2. drew_tt

    camera help please

    I recently bought a PowerShot S200 digital camera, and I have until friday to return it... most people agreed taht it would be great for macro shots (what I really wanted it for) Ive been playing around with it fora while, and when you hold down the auto focus, on the screen I can see it focus...
  3. drew_tt

    Macro Shots

    Hi, I bought a Canon PowerShot S200 digital cam on boxing day, and Ive been trying forever to take any sort of close ups... usually it ends up focusing in on the background and the subject turns out very blurry... if anyone has this camera, is it just not sufficient for quality close-ups or am I...
  4. drew_tt

    Live Rock IN Toronto

    canadian1, email me and I will send you a link to a great TO-based ol shop. good prices as well. Drew :)
  5. drew_tt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    how do you like your eggs? scrambled or fertilized Drew :d
  6. drew_tt

    Can anyone identify this starfish?

    Linckia multiflora. farily common star hitchiker make sure your water quality is pristine & your tank is sufficiently large for him to graze all day (these ones are mainly algal film grazers afaik...) as well, these are stars taht commonly 'drop arms' and will reproduce this way in captivity...
  7. drew_tt

    Harlequins Coming Tomorrow:)

    very well said, Ophiura! and as for the earlier comment about harlequins going extinct if not fed (absolutely absurd)... unless you pulled them all out of the wild and let them die in captivity, theyre not going to go extinct because THEY CAN FIND their own food. what I would be worried about is...
  8. drew_tt

    What kind of starfish is this?

    my guess would definitely be Linckia multiflora , one of the more -common- linckias that will reproduce in captivity by dropping arms (which ''grow'' a new starfish) congrats, if they are L.multifloras, but watch out as they get older as they will have to 'compete' for the same food source. you...
  9. drew_tt

    Live Sand Dollars?

    somehow I ended up with one... one day in the summer I noticed it in the early morning and it slowly burrowed down & around the sand bed in the first few hours. havent seen it since :s shame... but I hope it's still doing well Drew :) btw - it was just under an inch across
  10. drew_tt

    Unwanted serpent star in my reef.....

    when I had (maybe still have) a mantis, I used the inverted pop bottle trap. every time my stars would end up in there and no mantis :s give it a try Drew :)
  11. drew_tt

    Is this the coolest hitchhiker ever??

    just curious, but youre pretty sure the goby came with the clam? I should buy my clams from your lfs :d thats amazing
  12. drew_tt

    A little research paper

    lots of well-compiled information. but if its an essay, I couldnt really see waht you were trying to prove (ie your thesis)... try and relate every paragraph directly back to what youre trying to prove to make it very clear to whoever is reading your essay. the other thing is you seem to have a...
  13. drew_tt

    Is this the coolest hitchhiker ever??

    correct, rye... neons & engineers are very different things. neons stay small, cute and dont add to much to the bioload. engineers dig, get big & long (almost a foot I believe) and... well theyre just different :p its got the same body as a neon and very similar colours... so I would think it is...
  14. drew_tt

    'feeding feeders' articles

    hey does anyone have on hand articles (or links) pertaining to why you shouldnt feed live feeders (primarily goldfish...)... all Ive found that is very dependable (someone wants proof to back up what I ramble on about health reasons) is fenner's article on but it doesnt detail too much...
  15. drew_tt

    fish from p**co <--- add your name to the list.
  16. drew_tt

    I added a lionfish to my reef....Also another cool fish, need a scientific name!

    fahaka puffer?... and rethink adding both of these to your reef. they severly limit what your ""reef"" can contain.
  17. drew_tt

    Tangs and Halimeda sp.

    Ive seen tanks with halimeda and many tangs of the genera zebrasoma & acanthurus... never saw them munch on the halimeda, neither did the owner(s)... although, the tanks had a lot of other macro so I assume the tang would choose the softer macro over the calcareous halimeda. Drew :)
  18. drew_tt

    Hawaiian Coral can you Identify?

    some sort of really large foramniforam? Ive seen what you have before but I cant recall the name... it was a long time ago.. Drew :)
  19. drew_tt

    Who stole my BTA ?!?!?!?!?

    when my bta does 'his stuff' and retracts, sometimes he shrivels into a tiny tiny ball... he stretches about 8 inches back into a cave and sometimes I cant even see him when he does it...
  20. drew_tt

    Aggression Test

    feeders not being generally 'good-enough' is something we can all agree on... with that being in mind, why NOT feed your fish HEALTHY frozen & prepared foods? okay, a damsel will be better than a goldfish, but why not go the extra step and feed 'the best of the best?' what I derive from all...