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  1. nickz24ninja

    Please I need help with a c.u.c.

    Originally Posted by meowzer ahhhh...didn't know the stuff was used...LOL...(established)... yes everything is established... like i said I am going to wait atleast a month before i add any more fish and corals... and ill add inverts as i need them. The list i made is me assuming what ill need...
  2. nickz24ninja

    Please I need help with a c.u.c.

    everything ( live rock, live sand, micro algee, 80 gallons of 2 year old water ) came out of my two 55 gallon reefs ... my lfs guy told me that the tank is ready...beleave it or not it already had the diatom bloom and it is all done...I have a mushroom rock in there, two zoos frags, a lawnmower...
  3. nickz24ninja

    Please I need help with a c.u.c.

    I just set up my New 250 gallon reef tank and 20 gallon sump.... It has been running for two weeks and I have in there now.. 1 fancy serpent star 1 ruby serpent star 1 coral banded shrimp 3 blue leg hermits 3 scarlet reef hermits 4 nass. snails 3 turbo snails ......80 pounds base rock 130 pounds...
  4. nickz24ninja

    Nick's 250 gallon Tenecor... soon to be reef aquarium

    Hello everyone...i am new fairly new to this forum and i've been in the saltwater hobby for about 4 years now. At my peak i had 14 reef aquariums....two 55's, two 29's, 40 breeder, 20 tall, 20 long, 12, 10, 10, 10, 5, 125 ( not set up ) and a 3. I have been selling all of my tanks and saving up...
  5. nickz24ninja

    White Calcium growth on Fiji Live Rock....

    pictures please
  6. nickz24ninja

    hitch hicker starfish-good or bad?

    I have some in my fowlri tank and they seam fine, but in all of my reefs when i see this guy in there i take them out just to be safe
  7. nickz24ninja

    Need advice for my huge upgrade

    Originally Posted by redsea welcome to the boards! thank you. [pbnj] I am trying to plan it out as much as possible before I start the project.
  8. nickz24ninja

    125 reef diary.Upgrading from a 55

    wow that looks really nice that clam is a monster
  9. nickz24ninja

    My 125g Reef build

    very nice I just got a 125 cant wait to upgrade many pounds of live rock did you use?
  10. nickz24ninja

    reconstruction of my tank

    nice looking tank. x2 I love my tominin tang he is awsome
  11. nickz24ninja

    HELP!!!!! Killer Crab

    get a pest trap in there asap it could be a teddybear crab ive heard reall bad things about then
  12. nickz24ninja

    am i the only one affected by this economy

    me too plus i work in a factory making parts for the auto industry... oh wait i JUST got laid off yesterday
  13. nickz24ninja

    Changing substrate

    you "can" add it on top of the current shell bed I have in the past without any bad side affects. But when you add the sand in do it at night when all of your corals are closed and it is possible that just by pouring it in that you can lose corals and fish because the water will be cloudy for...
  14. nickz24ninja

    anyone interested in doing a frag swap?

    I would love too.....but I am in ct :(
  15. nickz24ninja

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    is vitamin c supposed to help noticeably?
  16. nickz24ninja

    pistol shrimp

    It will burrow none stop so make sure that your rock work is very secure...$24 is cheap for my area... see if they will do a shrimp goby and the pistol shrimp for $40 if so that will be a great deal
  17. nickz24ninja

    To bangaii or not to bangaii

    Yes 1 is fine just make sure that you have 1-3 overhangs....they like to go under overhangs and chill. I had 3 in my 29 but i sold them they got to big.
  18. nickz24ninja

    Need advice for my huge upgrade

    Originally Posted by pbnj On a 6ft tank, you won't be able to use a MH fixture with a bulb that is centered. Don't know if that will create a shadowed area in the center of the tank. I am going to run two 36" coralife mh I have one now and I need to get another one
  19. nickz24ninja

    Need advice for my huge upgrade

    Originally Posted by pbnj Good idea, but when putting in the supports, consider the layout of the lighting you're going to be using. You don't want metal halides bulbs directly shining down on plastic/acrylic/glass supports. I will have two in the center 1' away from each other
  20. nickz24ninja

    Need advice for my huge upgrade

    I am going to redo all of the seams, paint the trim and the stand black, add two cross supports ( for some reason aga did not have centers on this 125 series ) I like antias and bangiis, tangs, pshudochromis, reef safe wrasse, I have 1 yellow watchman goby with a pistol shrimp, 1 percila...