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  1. keeshcarm

    Clown eggs on the anemone's rock instead of the tile

    Update on the babies: I was able to move the anemone but the rock that the eggs were on was too big to get proper placement in the larval tank. It weighed about 15 lbs. Although several did hatch immediately after the move they were the only survivors. All the other eggs failed to hatch and...
  2. keeshcarm

    Clown eggs on the anemone's rock instead of the tile

    Thank you! I will do that....What I will do soon is catch the clowns and move them to a breeding tank!
  3. keeshcarm

    Clown eggs on the anemone's rock instead of the tile

    My clowns have been breeding for months. Finally have everything set up for raising babies, gazillion rotifers ready, and the time to spend caring for them. The happy couple keep moving the tile away and laying on the live rock. I thought ok I will just move rock and most...
  4. keeshcarm

    Preventing contamination of other tanks with ******?

    I'm hoping the experts can answer these questions. I have not been able to find this info elsewhere. How can you be sure not to spread ****** to other tanks? Can it attach itself to your skin while seeking a host? Can they attach to an object placed in a tank? And if so, which I believe I read...
  5. keeshcarm

    Microscopic pics of Ich

    My purple tang is doing so much better now. He went from extremely sick, swimming upside down and laying on his side, very close to death, to happy and eating like a pig again! I can't believe he pulled thru this. Thank you all for your help in saving his life!!
  6. keeshcarm

    Puffers immune to ich?

    My LFS told me my puffer and my leopard wrasse are not likely to get ich. Is this true?
  7. keeshcarm

    Clam with Purple Lobster

    Hmmm... I had a purple firefish disappear overnight, also a couple shrimp. Not a trace of them left. I blamed my Daums lobster but LFS said no.
  8. keeshcarm

    sun corals

    Here is my sun coral. I remove it from the tank to feed mysis, put her in a bowl and swirl the each polyp gets a will eat a whole block of frozen.
  9. keeshcarm

    Microscopic pics of Ich

    Thank you, I will follow your advice and add a prayer for the little guy.
  10. keeshcarm

    Microscopic pics of Ich

    Thank you for the help. I took the scraping today and according to the book I have (Diseases in Marine Aquarium Fish by Bassleer) the spots match the example of Cryptocaryon in the book. My microscope's camera will not focus on such a large specimen only partial. I am no expert though, far from...
  11. keeshcarm

    Microscopic pics of Ich

    He had the HLLE when I bought him and was doing fine until this.
  12. keeshcarm

    Microscopic pics of Ich

    I can't get the entire parasite in the camera view but here are parts of what I believe are ich. I have had this tang in Hypo since July 14. I have a new calibrated refractometer and his tank is at 1.008. Why won't these creeps fall off? I am going to lose this purple tang! Today he is showing...
  13. keeshcarm

    QT cycle problems

    Hi, thank you for your reply Sepulation It was not ich in the DT. It was lympho. It only affected the yellow tang. All the fish in the DT were moved to QT. The QT was cycled. While treating the tang I believe I lost the cycle. I received a powder blue. She was in the other QT & developed ich...
  14. keeshcarm

    QT cycle problems

    Hi Beth, I have 4 qts (20 gal) because I could not keep the nitrite down with more than one fish in each. I pulled all from the larger DT when my yellow tang developed lympho (which at first I thought was ick). I have 3 DTs and had to empty 2 of them at the same time. I bought a powder blue...
  15. keeshcarm

    QT cycle problems

    I have 4- 20gal QT's that I am having a terrible time maintaining cycle in hypo. I only have 1 tang in each (less than 3 in). I have lost one tang already because of Nitrite, and my Angel. I have to do big water change on them daily to keep nitrite down. I do the water change after I feed...
  16. keeshcarm

    Corals Bleaching

    Per recommendations I did not blast them with the halides. I added hours on slowly, and raised them to their original higher positions. My refractometer reading is currently 1.024. I did have it at 1.026 as suggested in one of my reefkeepers books to see if it would make a difference. I recently...
  17. keeshcarm

    Corals Bleaching

    Some of my corals have started bleaching after I used a jug of KickIck. That is the only change I have done other than changing to halides. There are no fish in the tank, all are still in Hypo. I did acclimate the corals to the halides, had to move a couple also. Of course water temps have...
  18. keeshcarm

    Safe to dump pods in QT?

    Yes, thank you I did check out the diner. I put him in a tank inside the tank to try to get him to eat,,, also so the others can't bother him. """why is he in qt? mandarins dont need to be qt before he goes into the dt. they are almost immune to ich.""" Almost immune? or immune? I have everyone...
  19. keeshcarm

    Safe to dump pods in QT?

    I have purchased numerous packs of pods from SWF to keep my Mandarin fed just in case while he was in the DT... Now he is in QT and refuses to eat anything I offer. I can purchase him pods but with all the liquid they come in is it safe to dump all that green water in the QT? He is in the 20g...
  20. keeshcarm

    Where can I put my Mandarin?

    I have the mandarin in hypo, but he will not eat. I have offered mysis, squid,brine, ect frozen...he is not interested in anything and getting thinner. any suggestions?