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  1. blazetamer


    What are your water tests showing and do you have any pics.. also any OR any new tankmates?
  2. blazetamer

    i am finally doing it

    Patience and near Perfect water conditions in a WELL established tank , They do not tolerate very large parameter swings
  3. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Originally Posted by JD_75G Is that a 5' or a 6' 180? Is it sitting on a basement or slab? Tank is 60" x 24" x 24" Which is a 150 Gallon with a 30 gallon sump Is actually in my Living room and is on the hardwood flooring AND is on a Load supporting wall... BUT we went under the house and...
  4. blazetamer

    How to put air in a bag (dusting cans?)

    HEHE "Oink Oink"
  5. blazetamer

    How to put air in a bag (dusting cans?)

    Normal AIR is 21% oxygen and after a NORMAL breath of air we exhale around 17% oxygen. So with that in mind even if we "blow" directly into the bag it shouldnt hurt a coral for a SHORT period of time although the air pump and tubing would be better... the "pure" oxygen should be the best idea...
  6. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Will try to get some Anemone pics up soon if possible I have been letting a nice Pink Tip Hatian settle this week.
  7. blazetamer

    Clown Getting Darker On Top

    I am NOT sure but have been told in the past that it just means that they are maturing I know I have a mated pair and BOTH thier backs got a bit dark after they paired up ...My juvies on the other hand still look "normal" once again I am NOT sure!!
  8. blazetamer

    power outage ??

    Originally Posted by RCreations I have a gas generator outside that can power both my tanks and some other household appliances. Last year we had a really bad storm and the power was out for 2 days but I managed to keep both tanks running, except I didn't power the lights. That WAS my...
  9. blazetamer

    Water Storage Containers...

    Originally Posted by JD_75G Are you talking about the black rubbermaid water tubs at the Tractor Supply? I was looking at those yesterday. YES that is the one.. 50 galon or larger is what is available here and we use BOTH lol as far as the problems I had ... Out of the blue I started to...
  10. blazetamer

    Water Storage Containers...

    I havent used the Brute containers but YES it needs to be food safe ,, the regular plastic cans DO and WILL leach after a short time ( I found out the hard way) Now I use a Rubbermaid resin type tub from Tractor Supply They have premarked "areas" if you want to drill and use as a sump or plumb...
  11. blazetamer

    power outage ??

    We are in Eastern Ky and were without power at our home for 2 WEEKS (14 days) I HAD a small 3000 watt Gen that ran without a hitch on my 180 Reef for 6 days then broke a shaft. That same day I installed a 8000 watt to run the whole house... Was out a fortune in gasoline to keep eerything warm...
  12. blazetamer

    Anemone Questions

    In my exp ...seabes will move about twice their inflated size size every 4 or 5 days untill it is happy... (In a larger tank anyway) they can crawl up or down rock and float so keep your powerheads covered with filter material or somthing of that nature untill he has settled.
  13. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Here is a "night" shot with only the actinics on just before the Lunar lights come on and the actinics go off. Also a pic of my ReefKeeper Elte Controller (still not complete ) I will drill the mount board and have all the wiring come through just below or beside each module.
  14. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Thanks Fred I guess you are talking about the Hairy"Fuzzy" Mushrooms If so they are actually a off brown color and have been growing like mad for about 8 months I started with 2 and now that whole rock is covered LOL Not to mention I have quite a few other Mushrooms that seem to like it in...
  15. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Just got the New ReefKeeper Elite with Net Module I will post pics soon I just installed it last night and this thing is pretty awesome!! LIVE STATS to my REEFKEEPER
  16. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    A Few more pics (Still some blurry but I am gettin used to the wifes new Camera) BTW... Priced a new 300 Gallon 7 footer today for the addition (Just to get an idea of what the new stuff will cost) Still havent made up my mind for the final size but I have a lot of time untill we are ready for...
  17. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    Actually only the one you see on the left is on the front The Reason it is there is that there was a "dead" flow area and had some build up in that particular rock and I am letting the powerhead "blow" it out (Yes I am doing PWC a bit more often till all is blown out) If you look you may be...
  18. blazetamer

    My 180 Reef

    thanks gang I will try to get some more close-ups soon Sorry these are a bit blurry just a quickie till the others are taken
  19. blazetamer

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    Any idea how many TOTAL gallons your system is including all equipment?
  20. blazetamer

    I just screwed my tank up!

    Now you should add (and fixed it) to the title of this post.