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  1. danu

    Ann, Dan, or Tom

    Ditto! Dan
  2. danu

    Seahorse feeding

    Why would you want a fasting day? Dan
  3. danu

    Seahorse feeding

    Copepods will be small. You should see a snick though. I have seen seahorses starve themselves by trying to live off copepods alone. While they are nutritious, their body mass is too small. Kinda like us eating one rice grain at a time. A lot of captive bred seahorses are used to high...
  4. danu

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    If I can scrounge up images, I will be happy to forward. If memory serves me correctly, it looked large on the seahorse fry so the fry had to be very small. Pelagic species are indeed small and very slow movers. Even protozoans can be problematic for them. Dan
  5. danu

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    Jaodissa, you have to find out what works for you. Keep in mind a lot of what you read in message boards has to considered from the source. Follow the lead of those who have succeeded long term. 100 mysid in a 4 gallon is probably a bit much and would likely drop in population. The 40...
  6. danu

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    Randy, I believe this has to do with fry and very small seahorses. I doubt it applies to larger seahorses. At one of the IMAC conventions I saw photos with them attached to the fry. Dan
  7. danu

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    Culturing copepods isn't really difficult. The real issue is two fold. First, they don't multiply that quickly. Still you can culture them and add them in from time to time. Second, is their biomass. They are typically much smaller than artemia (BBS). While they are nutritious, it takes a...
  8. danu

    What went wrong?

    It is possible for corals to carry bacteria and the for the new addition to have been a carrier. No way on knowing for sure. The suggestion of going fallow for a while is a good one. Keep the tank as pristine as possible during this time frame. Dan
  9. danu

    What went wrong?

    If this was bacterial or parasitic, I would have expected some signs or symptoms ahead of time and some differences in time of when they would have expired. Given that the first 2 ate and acted normal the night before and then expired followed by the other 2 two shortly thereafter, I would...
  10. danu


    I married a man that was in the hobby himself. Problem solved. Not in our house. No checks and balances. If one says it is for the fish the other says OK! I don't need another or more agreeable spouse, just a winning lottery ticket! :) Dan
  11. danu

    Fresh Water Horses

    There have been several rumors of freshwater seahorses. Nothing has yet materialized. I was recently contacted by a collector that supposedly found a freshwater seahorse in a lake in Burma, but have yet to see any evidence that this is indeed true. Unfortunately the area that the collector is...
  12. danu

    Odd Experiment: Would it be doable?

    Above ground pools are often used in aquaculture. We don't use pools but we do use 90 gal round tubs. If the above ground pool is not designed or stated that it can be used for aquaculture you would probably have to fill it and let it sit with water for a while to leach stuff out of the...
  13. danu

    seahorse species and basic needs

    Aside from Teresa's info which is correct. H. fuscus appear as miniature versions oh H. kuda. Very social and very easy to keep. They have small broods of benthic fry which are very manageable. Most of what you find on the market are bred in the USA. Can be difficult to find at times as...
  14. danu

    seahorse species and basic needs

    Great job Teresa! A couple of quick notes folks may not be aware of: H. erectus Southern Variety: males may reach 8 to 9 inches. Females up to 7 to 8 inches. Very large bodied. More body mass than all the other species listed except H. abdominalis. Northern Variety: Larger dorsal fin...
  15. danu

    Thinking zots

    +2 From a display standpoint, I really like these tanks. Dan
  16. danu

    My new horses won't eat

    I agree with Teresa. In most cases this is a stress related issue with shipping and a new environment. Normally most seahorses settle down within 24 to 48 hours. The idea of using a bare bottom tank with just a hitching post is a good idea. There are less things in there, you can readily...
  17. danu

    please help

    Sorry! One of the reasons why I don't like participating health related threads is my schedule can be unpredictable and I don't always have time to devote to them as I would like and thus can be slow to respond. If the air pump is moving air sufficiently, then it is fine. The other thing you...
  18. danu

    please help

    I wouldn't! I would get them cleaned up, eating properly with good nutrition and de-stress them before beginning the deworming process. It is a slow process that will require some patience. Dan
  19. danu

    please help

    The fact that the male responded is a very good sign. Sometimes it takes 24 hours after treatment for them to respond. In some cases, a single dip is not enough. If the female has not responded, you may have to go to the next step. Generally I recommend placing them in a hospital tank with a...
  20. danu

    please help

    I have never lost a seahorse to a freshwater dip. I have dipped a lot of seahorses. If the seahorse is still breathing, I would leave it in there. I have known cases where seahorses were dipped a lot longer than recommended here. The symptoms you are describing are indicative of a parasite...