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  1. geckoxp

    New user looking to setup first salt water Aquarium

    Originally Posted by Kacey Re: seahorses in the sump, from what I understand, a lot of seahorses need a weaker water flow than is appropriate for a marine tank. Most also require lower temperatures and some even prefer a slightly different salinity. For these reasons, keeping one in the sump...
  2. geckoxp

    New user looking to setup first salt water Aquarium

    Yes most important ask the former owner if the tank was treated with copper at all. I think what is going on with this post is over information from everyone. Its great but too much info at one time is going to make anyones head explode. 1. Ask yourself if your willing to spend some $$$$...
  3. geckoxp

    asm g2 driving me crazy

    I have one myself and have never had a problem with it. I sometimes adjust the neck on it depending on water level in the cup neck but other then that the skimmer works great. It sounds like the water level in the sump maybe a bit too high? The higher you raise the neck the more air you let into...
  4. geckoxp

    Could I add more fish and if so what?

    I was considering adding a couple chromis into the tank and that would be it but yah why wreck something going good right?
  5. geckoxp

    Could I add more fish and if so what?

    Ok its been a while since I posted anything and this forum has been a great help so I wanted to ask everyone what there opinion is about adding more fish and what could I add? The last time I added any fish was oh early Dec if not before then? Here is what I have in my 90 G Reef tank with a 25G...
  6. geckoxp

    fish vinishing

    Originally Posted by DragonZim If you're losing fish as large as tangs then there almost has to be something in there eating them. I can't see a cleanup crew getting through an entire Naso or Hippo without leaving anything at all for you to be able to see. My bet is on a Mantis shrimp.. Have...
  7. geckoxp

    Tang swimming strange

    I wonder if Cesar Millan will work with fish...hmmmm
  8. geckoxp


    I use it once every other day with no ill effect so far and it has really boosted the coraline algae growth in the system...I test about twice a week and my water tests right in the range it should for calcium. I do not use any other supplements right now. Maybe lucky idk but it seems to work...
  9. geckoxp

    How many Cleaner Shrimp

    I just took back my coral banded shrimp last week and picked up a blood red and another skunk cleaner shrimp and that seems to be a good set for me in my 90G tank...The blood red wants nothing to do but eat all day but the 2 skunks clean away as they should...even my hand when I put it in the tank.
  10. geckoxp

    Fighting Ich

    I tried that Herbana stuff and it was the worst thing I have ever added to my tank...turned off the skimmers etc and it killed off my Bubble coral and my yellow tang developed fin rot...lost my hippo too....It comes in a small bottle and yah it seemed to get rid of the ich but the other things...
  11. geckoxp

    Adding a sixline wrasse?

    Interesting Crypt...I have had one in my 20g tank a while back and that one didn't seem to care about anything either. I did notice that with my ick outbreak (never adding a hippo again) that my yellow tang wanted the wrasse to pick off the ick but that the only tormenting I have ever seen out...
  12. geckoxp

    Adding a sixline wrasse?

    Ive got a six line wrasse and is doing great in my tank...survived the ick outbreak I had and could care less about any of my other fish. Its always possible that the wrasse in that tank setup a territory and if introduced in another tank with already established fish may not be as aggressive...
  13. geckoxp

    Carbon filter media?

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef I use it and also swear by it. I personally will only use ChemiPure Elite. I've noticed that most people who don't like it, don't keep their tanks clean, don't keep up with water changes, etc. If you don't keep up with your tank, you're going to have nitrate...
  14. geckoxp

    Coral banded eating fish?

    Well I had most of those fish in there until I got ich in the tank so I contributed it to ich but now that it has cleared up I added in a royal gamma last week and found it half eaten and now a couple now that the ich is gone I am thinking otherwise here..yah it was enough money...
  15. geckoxp

    Coral banded eating fish?

    Crap...yah now that I think about it I have had a few fish gone without a trace in the tank which may have been attributed to the shrimp... 2 other firefish, neon goby, bicolor blenny, royal gamma and maybe just maybe the flame angel...all those fish were rock dwellers so its very possible as I...
  16. geckoxp

    Next Fish should be??

    I would highly recommend getting a skunk cleaner or blood skunk is in with my coral banded and they get along...however from another post I am getting rid of my coral banded shrimp as I believe I have had 2 firefish, royal gamma, bicolor blenny, flame angel and neon goby all eaten by...
  17. geckoxp

    Coral banded eating fish?

    Ok he is gone as soon as I can get him out of the tank...that should be fun with all the rock...time to get some more cleaner shrimp!! Maybe a blood red one this time! I hate spending $14 per each FF and have them end up as a snack!! Expensive taste for a shrimp...where the heck is my...
  18. geckoxp

    Coral banded eating fish?

    Just curious here...has anyones Coral Banded shrimp gone after any of your fish and made a meal out of them? I had a royal gamma in the tank with no signs of health issues, water temps and readings were good but the little guy was found half eaten on the bottom of the tank the other of...
  19. geckoxp

    Stand up filter and nitrate reduction?

    I purchased a stand up filstar canistar filter to go along with my sump system to help clear the water a bit more. I have 2 bags of chemi-pure in the system along with the filter media to trap particles. No stars or balls or any other media. Is there anything that I can do to reduce the nitrate...
  20. geckoxp

    Best way to spot feed and what do you use?

    Well my frogspawn, brain, zoos, stars are doing fine but my hammer went all white so I was hoping that spot feeding would help. It was doing great until my ich outbreak and then it went south. I am hoping the better lights and dome TLC with spot feeding will help out...I should post pics when I...