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  1. gemini

    From a pistol shrimps perspective

    Shrimp cam is right! We get to see AND hear him nightly..he can get pretty loud when he's warning that darned yellow damsel we can't catch, the six-line wrasse, and the twinspot hogfish away from his "secret" den -'s cool to watch him make the noise too. We've spent many a night just...
  2. gemini


    Yes, WOW it is! Especially today - it's cleaning day. I have two gigantic bird cages and two large perches to clean. Those birds make huge messes! I probably ought to clean the snake cages out too. They aren't nearly as messy though. Did you check out my website? It's just photo albums on...
  3. gemini

    can tangs live together or not

    Probably the best thing to do is buy a good saltwater fish book. We use "Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Michael almost every day. There are several good books out there though. Check the scientific names of the tangs and if they don't have the same scientific name, it is generally ok to put them...
  4. gemini

    dwarf seahorses

    You're better off to buy captive bred seahorses NOT wild caught ones. The captive bred ones are expensive but eat frozen mysis shrimp. You can feed live food occasionally as a treat but it is not recommended to feed live food every day.
  5. gemini


    Alas :( I am still with an empty hole in my wall. We are waiting on a friend to finish the wall so I can paint (you know how that goes - can't be too pushy when it's free labor - LOL). Then I will get the seahorse tank and the other 240 gallon tank set up. I will put two pairs of...
  6. gemini


    Ok..apparently I was wrong about the hermit husband says the blues are aggressive too but that's all we can ever get at our local fish store so that's why we have blue ones in our fish tanks. I could have sworn he told me the red ones were aggressive and not the blue ones but seems I...
  7. gemini


    Killafins, Since I originally posted the first post in this thread, I have read volumes and have come across all of what I have recently seen in here. Please remember, I posted this well over a year ago and people are just now responding to it. This is still good information for those who have...
  8. gemini


    Hi Kim..If I put any live corals in there, it will most likely be mushrooms. I'll probably purchase synthetic corals for hitching posts..I've got live rock that we've had for over a year now that I will use in the tank so hitchhikers should not be much of a problem..we've monitored the rock for...
  9. gemini


    Hello everyone..I originally posted my question a year ago...I STILL have NO seahorses!!! :( I wanted to make sure I had all the info I needed first...then we kept adding other tanks...well, the time is almost here for me to finally get my horses. :D The hole is in the wall (it...
  10. gemini


    You can also find information at They have farm-raised seahorses..more expensive but at least you don't do damage to the dwindling population of the ocean if for some reason things don't go well. One day, I'll do a seahorse tank. I'm still trying to read as much as I can prior...
  11. gemini

    Flame Scallop Questions!

    I have 2 flame scallops in my 80 gal. My husband feeds them phytoplankton (not sure of spelling) at least 1-2 times per week. They are doing great. I don't think they usually do well though unless you feed them. We use a turkey baster and squirt it right on them. It's pretty cool to watch them...
  12. gemini

    can you identify this crab?

    Love your tank, Splash! Cool pics, thanks for sharing!:D
  13. gemini

    Hawkfish vanished...

    Brooklyn Johnny's doesn't take long for the remains to disappear. My husband and I usually do a head count every morning but at times get busy and miss a day..My moray is a very aggressive eater. So far the only thing he's left alone has been the niger trigger I have in with him. Due...
  14. gemini

    Hawkfish vanished...

    That is weird...I agree..the tang didn't do it unless he was a giant orange tang..oops sorry...Mr. Bubble sponge flashback...On a more serious note, I really liked my hawkfish..he was quite the character...I too checked all my live rock repeatedly but to no pretty certain the eel got...
  15. gemini

    Need red or yellow reef safe fish

    well, at least our suggestions were partly yellow:D (yellow coris wrass and royal gramma, which is half yellow)..kind of got off on a tangent about the firefish though...
  16. gemini

    Need red or yellow reef safe fish

    I have a royal gramma and 2 oscillaris clowns along with the 3 firefish. The firefish have only been in the tank for about a week and a half now. The gramma and clowns have been there for almost a year now. It's a 37 gal eclipse system.
  17. gemini

    seahorse and scarlet cleaner shrimp??

    You might want to check out the site I believe they have a message board too and that way you will have a better chance of talking with someone else who actually has seahorses. Good luck!
  18. gemini

    Need red or yellow reef safe fish

    Jake22, Do the yellow coris wrasses get as large as the red coris wrasses? I saw one at a lfs last weekend and it was HUGE! Beautiful but HUGE! It was in a 50 gal tank and I would say needs at least a 125 gal. Just curious...I haven't read much on the yellow ones.:)
  19. gemini

    Hawkfish vanished...

    What else do you have in your tank? I just recently lost my hawk fish to my moray eel, I am fairly certain. I feel your loss:(
  20. gemini

    Need red or yellow reef safe fish

    I just purchased 3 firefish. They are really pretty but stay hidden all the time. Wish I had reconsidered... How about a royal gramma? Mine stays visable most of the time and is bright yellow and purple. Reef safe too. Good luck! :D