Search results

  1. bbuck_camelback

    20 inch Coralife PC Quad Lamp 96 watts

    it comes with one fan but no moon lights
  2. bbuck_camelback

    my 75 gal

    very nice, what kind of lighting do you have? I really like the spectrum of color you got there.
  3. bbuck_camelback

    10 gallon pics

    some pics of the various zoas in the tank
  4. bbuck_camelback

    10 gallon pics

    100% positive Hagen makes it, costs about $2.50. The glass thermos are terrible and they do break easy.
  5. bbuck_camelback

    10 gallon pics

    The thermometer in there is made of plastic, its good and durable
  6. bbuck_camelback

    Pics of my Ten Gallon

    I think I just found my inspiration for my next 10 gallon, nice tank Josh, just out of curiosity roughly how many different zoas you got in there, holy crap!
  7. bbuck_camelback

    clown question

    the maroon would more than likely beat the snot out of the percula, I am sure it could be pulled off in a huge community tank but not the average tank.
  8. bbuck_camelback

    10 gallon pics

    10 gallon pics, just coral no fish
  9. bbuck_camelback

    20 inch Coralife PC Quad Lamp 96 watts

    here is some pics
  10. bbuck_camelback

    20 inch Coralife PC Quad Lamp 96 watts

    Yes I have pics, I was wanting $85 which will include shipping
  11. bbuck_camelback

    20 inch Coralife PC Quad Lamp 96 watts

    I have a 20 inch PC quad actnic/10k 96 watts, which was used on my 10 gallon. I have owned the fixture for about a month and a half bulbs still like new. It also has mounting legs, email me or mesage here if interested.
  12. bbuck_camelback

    Please...which skimmer and filter is best?

    I own the other skimmer the Aqua C Remora, i`ve had it for about 2 years on my 55 gallon reef with no problems. It is slim so you don`t need lots of room in the back of your tank. It does produce alot of bubbles so the preskimmer add-on is a must. As far a filters fo I use a powerfilter rated...
  13. bbuck_camelback

    30g Schooling?

    alot of it depends on what you already have in the tank, if you already have several fish in a 30 gallon then don`t add a school of chromis
  14. bbuck_camelback

    30g Schooling?

    chromis are good schooling fish, you could probably do 5-6 chromis in a 30 gallon
  15. bbuck_camelback

    Pics of your tanks

    nice tanks you all, very nice I love nano
  16. bbuck_camelback

    orange slug in New LR

    based on what I see no that is not harmful. It looks like a inflated sea slug to be honest, if he dies remove him, otherwise don`t worry.
  17. bbuck_camelback

    Wrasse info

    if you wanted to add a second wrasse then yes I would recommend to remove him, the eightline will usually beat the crap out of any smaller wrasse, especially a fairy. Just my expirences with them maybe yours are different.
  18. bbuck_camelback

    Wrasse info

    I would be cautious adding a second wrasse, the eightline is more aggresive than any fairy wrasse and could cause major problems
  19. bbuck_camelback

    How do i get pods if i have none?

    i hope this doesn`t get me kicked, here is a link to the best live supplier of pods on the net, you get amphipods with these guys not the dinky copepods you get elsewhere.
  20. bbuck_camelback

    Live ??? rock

    if your rock is dead then you will see an increase in ammonia and nitrite check your parameters, fully cured rock leaves little to no trace of ammonia, nitrite.