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  1. tuckermojo

    please help

    they should stay the same...just don't ruffle anything up in the tank now, let everything settle...jamie, are you using sand or crushed coral in your tank? i wanna know your opinions
  2. tuckermojo

    please help

    i don't know what you mean...had to use what for the hospital tank? why do u have ich in your tank? levels gne crazy?
  3. tuckermojo

    how to setup best reef w/ best fish

    you should buy the book by Scott W has so many diff fish in this book, tells you what gallons they require, if they should be kept alone...what they eat...its a great book...anyway...if your thinking about keeping an emporer angle...just block those thoughts out...thats impossible...
  4. tuckermojo

    please help

    i remove it with my net...but there is sooooo much alge that it gets down on the sand...and then i gotta dig in the sand and then that starts a big old mess...i hate really thinking about switching to crushed coral...sand gets all dirty...and you can't clean it properly...and all the...
  5. tuckermojo

    water is cloudy

    i know from my expirence...everytime i added anykind of brineshrimp to my was cloudy as ever...i don't know tank is crazy...anyway...that coralife clarifier really makes cloudy tanks CRYSTAL CLEAR...its amazing...but expensive...17 bucks a bottle
  6. tuckermojo

    please help

    hello...sorry for butting in here...i have a quick question...i have alot of alge in my tank that grows on the glass...and i scrape it and clean it everyweek...and everytime i do it, my nitrates spike up...and my water stays cloudy for there a way i can get around this...its really a pain
  7. tuckermojo

    Button Polyps disapearing...

    really? those little terrists were all over my poplys today...i caught them...but i got the magnafying glass...i think thats how u spell it...not sure....and i did not see them eating anything they were just perching themselves... i add calcium to my tank...all the level in my tank are...
  8. tuckermojo

    Button Polyps disapearing...

    somehting strange is going on in my tank guys, my button polyps are comming out of the rock...i can't find them tho...something creepy is going on...i have 10 blue legged hermits, a clown and a blenny...thats it in my tank...someone have any idea...i don't think its the hermits eating them...
  9. tuckermojo

    garlic question????????

    pour garlic in your tank? haha what? where is your LFS located? alabama? soak the food in garlic, you can guy it at GNC...
  10. tuckermojo

    purple tang problem. please help

    i agree with opazen...garlic is great for curing ich...its natrual harsh chemicals...give it a try...
  11. tuckermojo

    red algae/slime

    i have red and green alge slime in my 30 gal tank...and i don't even have a skimmer...or uv...planning to get one soon...i can't get rid of that junk...i just scrape it off the walls with an alge scraper...when i'm done scraping it, i take a net and scoop it all up...
  12. tuckermojo

    Tank Of Tangs

    you both have good oppinions...2 of the same tangs may live together i think...if there is enough liverock and plenty of alge for them to pick at...but i'm still doing alot of reasearch on this...i;ve seen set ups that were 100 gal and 2 yellow had plenty of l/r and plenty of...
  13. tuckermojo

    how old are you?

    I'am full time...2 great pyreneese, 1 great dane, 1 mini dacshound, 2 black and white cats, mustang horse, tenn walker horse, 2 saltwater aquariums.
  14. tuckermojo


    i was assuming the damsel was stressing his clown out right now...if so i would flush him and not wait till tomorrow to take him back to the petstore...but if the damsel isn't too bad then its ok.
  15. tuckermojo


    ok bubby you can stop now... <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />
  16. tuckermojo


    lol what was that all about? feeling alittle violent bubbles?
  17. tuckermojo


    what is Mr Bubble talking about?
  18. tuckermojo


    viper, i think you should flush him...if anything tried to hurt my clownfish, i would get very upset, they are such sweet little creature.
  19. tuckermojo

    Tank Of Tangs

    wow hola, everything you just said sounded so right...i was thinking the same thing about tangs living together in the ocean...i watch dicovery chanel all the time and see hundreds of them together...haha but of course the ocean is very huge...thanks for the've encouraged me to move...
  20. tuckermojo

    Tank Of Tangs

    thanks for the concern nolo...don't worry i'm not gonna put 50 tangs in one tank hehe...i've been doing reef tanks for about a year...i'm not the greatest, but i know alittle bit...i read in a book that if you introduse tangs at the same time in a tank and if they are juviniles they will get...