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  1. blennybabe

    will my hermit get bigger?

    He is pretty big now, but I would bet that he'll get bigger if he has bigger shells to move into. if thats the only shell he has in the tank, it will limit his growth i think.
  2. blennybabe

    prizm skimmer

    I love my prism. It works so well. I dont have to fiddle with it. I like that it is so easy to set up. Whatever you decide, just dont get a sea clone... too much trouble.
  3. blennybabe

    Is this a Baby Flower Pot

    my goniopora makes babies all the time. ususlly about one every 5-6 weeks. They look just like that.
  4. blennybabe

    My New Warty:)

    I just love my frogfish. He is a painted. Here is an ok Pic or "Cow"
  5. blennybabe

    sea dragons

    From what I know they need cool water and a large tank. Thousands of gallons. I think this is another reason that they arent in the aquarium trade. I read somewhere that someone is trying to breed them in captivity. Once this happens, then the price will go down and they may become available.
  6. blennybabe

    # of Zebrasomas for a 200g.

    From what I know, it can be very hard to get tangs from the same genus to live together peacefully. Zebrasomas in particular are the most aggressive of the tangs. I wouldnt recomend what you are proposing. Im not saying it cant be done, I just think it will be really hard. I have heard of...
  7. blennybabe

    Pistol + Cleaner shrimp = Safe?

    I have a cleaner a fire and a Pistol shrimp all in my 75. they dont bother each other at all. HTH
  8. blennybabe

    Seattle Aquarium seawater

    They dont recomend using it for reef tanks. They pump it from right off the pier. Its not used. Its great for fish only but not so great for reefs. I dont remember why exactally. I remember reading bout this in another BB. If you email me, Ill try to look the thread up for you...
  9. blennybabe

    everybody's favorite part

    For me, the best thing is watching other people see my tank. I love those oohs and ahhs...
  10. blennybabe

    Funky Mushroom?!?

    Thanks for you replies. I wasnt too worried because the other two types of mushrooms I have werent affected at all. Its good to know that I'm no alone here.
  11. blennybabe

    Funky Mushroom?!?

    There is a big current that runs past these mushrooms. I have always added cb a+b at night. Im guessing that they will be alright though because they look fine today.
  12. blennybabe

    Funky Mushroom?!?

    I added some Kent calcium buffer a and b last night just before the lights went out. Like I always do. about a minute later my giant frilly mushroom starts to do this weird thing. It spews out whatever is inside of it. I dont know if it is its digestive tract, or some reproductive organs or...
  13. blennybabe

    Question for all 75 gallon reefers with MH...

    I have a 75 with two 250 and I evaporate about 1.75 gallons a day. I have a lot of surface disturbance so I can see the glitter lines really well.
  14. blennybabe

    Bristleworms in my fuge

    Yep those are bristle wroms alright and they are good to have in your fuge. I just got a shipment of tonga slab rock and there are so many bristly worms in there I cant even count them. they are mostly small and harmless. Although I did see some about 5 inches long that dont look like they...
  15. blennybabe

    Sat night pics

    How many fish do you have in there? Your tank looks amazing! You really should be proud.
  16. blennybabe

    Screen names

    I think mine is self explainatory.... Blennies are my favorite fish. and well, to be blunt, I'm a babe. at least thats what my Boyfriend tells me. :D
  17. blennybabe

    Feather Duster is losing its feathers

    The will shed their crown, the feathers, when stressed or when water quality goes down. check all your levels. It will regrow a new crown in about 3 weeks or so. its still alive and if it was healthy enough before it lost its only means of nutrition, then it might stay alive. Good luck!
  18. blennybabe

    coolest avatar!?

    No I didnt draw this myself, I found it on some Japanese Reef site. I dont speek Japanese, but I thought that the drawings were cute. Its not a blenny either, A goby rather, but its close enough right?
  19. blennybabe

    Question for all Seahorse owners

    also, they say that they cant be fed frozen and must be fed live brine only. Do some research on their feeding requirements before you purchase them please! Look on the other board, there is tons of information there. Make sure you research really well. Ill try to find some more information...
  20. blennybabe

    Question for all Seahorse owners

    Seahorse Farms horses are not tank raised. they are all wild caught. Dont buy from them if you can avoid it. Take a look at their shipping policy. they send everything by regular mail, not overnight. they say that their is enough oxygen to last 12 days but I cant believe this is good for...