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  1. blacktip


    The debate on skimmers can go round and round. I have been using an air driven skimmer for years now. I too jumped on the bandwagon when the new venturi type skimmer hit the market. However after comparison and using both skimmers on a tank I have come to the conclusion both skimmers where...
  2. blacktip

    ATTN: RISC...question for you..

    Ps want to chat about sharks...My Icq number is 154198714. Happy to chat anytime....especailly about my babies
  3. blacktip

    ATTN: RISC...question for you..

    Resident shark guy???? Need some help...drop me a line. And I will send ya pics of my sharks and pond.....check out my profile....will be happy to help
  4. blacktip

    what do u think about snowflakes

    Snowflake eels make a great addition to most reef tanks. They do however have two drawbacks. They love to eat shrimp and crabs. Secondly they love to knock over corals. As long as your corals are firmly planted ( epoxy works weel ) and the critters have plenty of hiding places they are a neat...
  5. blacktip


    First off I would like to say the skimmer you are using works fine. Venturi skimmers such as Berlin and Aqua C have the same sucess as the old driven airstone skimmers. These skimmers require a new wooden airstone on a monthly basis. They are every bit as efficent as the new high tech skimmers...
  6. blacktip

    What kind of food do you soak

    A great food for Tangs is Lifeline Frozen Foods. The green formula is for algae eating fish.
  7. blacktip


    Hey Rane, If you are having a problem with cloudy water a simple solution is to use a polishing filter. One filter which works well and will create a sparkling clear aquarium in less than 4 hours is a Diatomagic Filter. This uses a diatom earth powder which will polish and create crystal clear...
  8. blacktip

    Concerned Shark Keeper

    I am very concerned. I have to admit I have been away from message boards for quite sometime now and thought I would once again give them a try. To my amusement things haven't changed much. We have people giving others very poor information. I have noticed in some posts people calling other...
  9. blacktip

    Bubble Coral Care

    Good choice Bubble are an easy to keep coral. They can be quite under intense flor. lighting as well as VHO, P.C's and halides. They however burn very easily and should be kept in the same light range your lfs had them under. As time progesses you may increase them to brighter lighting. Water...
  10. blacktip

    Got to get the metal out!

    Just for a goof......Seachem make a product called is specificly made to remove copper and heavy metals you may want to try this also which copper test are you using? I have found a few differnet manufacturors who's test kit is very inaccurate.Therefore copper may not even be the...
  11. blacktip

    Where in the world are the fish lovers?

    Wow...this is really is neat to see so many people over so many miles all involved in one of the greatest hobbies in the world. I am from chicago, one of the worst cities in the U.S. Cold winters and long summers ( road construction during spring, summer and fall) I have been involved...
  12. blacktip


    I have to say I entirely disagree. Any and all large species of large angels must be kept out of reef aquaria. This includes Korans, frenchs, queens and most larger angels. In nature most large angels make a diet of sponges and corals. They are also shrimp and crab eaters and become quite...
  13. blacktip

    lunar cycle

    I apologize to everyone who has become offended by my response. The reason for my attitude or bulliness if you may is I have been involved in this hobby for 18 years. I have been importing fish and corals to retailers as well as public aquariums longer than most people have owned fish tanks and...
  14. blacktip


    In a well run reef, mushrooms will reproduce on their own. However if you are impatient you may split them manually. Take a very sharp razor blade and while the mushroom is fully open just slice it right down the middle. The key is a very very sharp blade and oh ya a steady hand. Make sure the...
  15. blacktip

    End to our hobby?

    For the past 18 years I have been importing marine fish from all over the world. I have as well heard the same rumor. I also heard a rumor that congress wants to control what airline companies are allowed to ship. One of the items they want the airlines to stop shipping are fish and animals...
  16. blacktip


    If you can find a quality torch coral from you local fish store torch's can adapt realtivly easy to the home aquaium. While picking out one from you local shop look for it to be fully extended. Check base area for tissue resention. Lighting requirements are VHo, P.C' or metal halides. If using...
  17. blacktip

    cleaner wrasses?

    Depending on which speices of cleaner wrasse you are speaking of a few may be kept in captivity for quite some length of time. However cleaners have a short life span even in the wild generally only living a few years before dying. Cleaners taken from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, or the philipines...
  18. blacktip


    Coral banded shrimp spend most of the daylight hours hiding. The best time for veiwing is 1/2 hour after the lights go out.They are primary nocturnal and do their hunting at night. As for cleaner shrimp they are on daylight time and do all of their feeding during the day while hiding through the...
  19. blacktip

    Dean fish and Film on top w/smell

    How long has the tank been set-up? Generally in a new tank situation the film you find on the surface of the water is dust from the sand/crushed coral you added when you orginally set up the tank. If the substrate wasnt throuoghly rinsed the dust floats to the top and creates a film. As for...
  20. blacktip

    Eclipse Tanks

    The nice thing about the eclipse tanks is that they are construted of acrylic. Protein skimmers are important in a reef tank. As long as your eclipse is the two bulb model you can add 1000k bulbs and have the lighting you need for easier corals. To add a protein skimmer drill a hole in the back...