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  1. kambiz

    How come my cleaner shrimp has been hiding for 2 weeks now?

    about a 3 weeks ago, after she molted, i reorganized the rocks took out the mean domino damsel, and added a bunch of new fish and she has been hiding behind one of the rocks ever since.. it is the same side as she used to hang on to. could it be that she just prefers that side of the rock? if...
  2. kambiz

    Switching from CC to DSB.. General questions..

    thanks guys..
  3. kambiz

    got a joke for everyone its called the stupid test

    "How many are left?" That would depend on where our point of reference is.. If your reference is to their right, then all five would be "LEFT"!! ps. must be the engineer mind working again..
  4. kambiz

    Switching from CC to DSB.. General questions..

    Should I mix the sand with aquarium water in a bucket first? How long should I leave it in the bucket for? Should I put some of the old CC on top of the DSB? I can not get live sand in canada, and stores do not ship here. What options do I have? CanI use something else instead? From what I...
  5. kambiz

    DSB questions, including how quickly should you thicken a sandbed up to make it DSB?

    HairTrigger: Did you ever make the change to DSB? Did you utilize Bang's "mixing in some flake food" method? How long did you leave the mix in the bucket? How did it go? Hoe deep is your DSB now? Also: Did you take out all the CC or did you just put the CC on top of the DSB? I want to...
  6. kambiz

    Has your cleaner shrimp ever laid eggs?

    Mine had all these eggs underneath her and continued to move them and organize the every few minutes. But I did not see her lay eggs. What happened to the eggs? Got eaten by the rest of the fish? Also she does not have a mate. Don’t shrimps need a partner to produce eggs?
  7. kambiz

    antisocial shrimp

    maybe your shrimp are molting. mine usually goes missing for a few days every couple of months to molt. but normally, mine sleeps all day, and at night she is all over the tank. doing her inspections and her inventory.
  8. kambiz

    fish type question

    I attest to the mean Domino Damsel fact. Mine killed a yellow tail damsel that I just added. I am afraid I will have to yank the little beast if I would like to keep anything else that is.
  9. kambiz

    fish type question

    My Poor attempt at understanding the question has resulted in this responce: I would start with a couple of damsels, a clown and a cleaner shrimp, few snails, and few crabs. Although your tank should look full, you should also make sure your fish are happy. And if you crowd them, they will not...
  10. kambiz

    what is a good coral for beginners?

    So any suggestions as to a fast growing less expensive coral that is good for beginners and is not too sensitive to water quality and easy to keep?
  11. kambiz

    what is a good coral for beginners?

    Wrasse: You’re right. The pink tip I was describing IS the Condy. How do you feed the corals? What about other additives hat they need? Would I have to monitor my water more carefully? And do more water changes? I heard some of them are really sensitive. Is that true? How fast do they grow...
  12. kambiz

    Are we nerds?

    I LOVE the ocean… And want to have a small piece of it in my living room. If that makes me a nerd, so be it. But on the counter argument, I also write books, race bikes, have a band and travel to remote locations. You decide..
  13. kambiz member photos.....

    and here is my pic:
  14. kambiz

    what is a good coral for beginners?

    I have been contemplating for a few months to start adding corals into my 55 gal that has been running for about a year now. Any suggestions? From what I read, I understand that maintaining corals is a lot of work, and also a delicate task. What is a good coral for me to start to experiment...
  15. kambiz

    Starting first new saltwater tank -shaking

    doni: i agree with the other guys.. you gotta do a lot of research. your tank is about 130 gallons, and that is about 1200 lbs of water alone. you have to use thick strong glass.. also, you have to make sure that your wall can support that kind of weight..
  16. kambiz

    Saltwater problems

    i have had my 55 gal for almost a year now, and to this day, i still get those little white particles everytime i mix salt and do a water change.. in the beginning, i used to crush them with my fingers to make sure they dissolve, but now, i don't do that any more.. i just don't add the stuff at...
  17. kambiz

    Odd Morning

    maybe your damsels are mixing the sand.. happenned to me. but then again, one of my damsels was a "singing damsel"!!!!!! every time he would chase someone around the tank, he would make this sound like a high pitched cat purr!!!!!!! believe it or not.. don't rush into anything.. just give it...
  18. kambiz


    mflee: have you got a bio wheel filter? if you have one from a nother thank, you can add that to your new tank it will work wonders. it basically exposes the ammoia to air and speeds up the whole cycling process. but it should NOT be a new wheel. should be a used one with lots of good dark...
  19. kambiz

    how do i add a picture under my username?

    jinky: i got it.. thanks a lot buddy.. o u 1.
  20. kambiz

    how do i add a picture under my username?

    i have also been trying to reduce my pic. size. unsuccessully using kodak and a few other softwares.. is there a trick to it? any suggestions? thnx