Search results

  1. iloveflameangel

    Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!

    I'd be interested in the pipe organs, the green star polyps, and possiblt the BTA if you do break it all up.
  2. iloveflameangel

    Q looking for A on sumps

    I am going to start a sump and was wondering what is the best combo to put in? Should I just do sand and macroalgae, should I add LR? Or should I just use bio-balls? Any opinions?:confused:
  3. iloveflameangel

    Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

    I got it...sent you one in return.
  4. iloveflameangel


    I found it rather amusing that one of my clowns preferred my goniopora to my anemone.
  5. iloveflameangel

    Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

    Hey Zack...I work at a LFS in Seattle. Which ones have you been to, and which one treats you well? I'm not extremely knowledgeable (sp?) but I would be honored to have you as a customer. I love to see the young people in the hobby. Not that I'm all that old, but I have been in the hobby for...
  6. iloveflameangel


    If you have tank raised clowns, they may not even know what an anemone is! I've had to buy true wild-caught percs just to get them to show interest in my sebae!
  7. iloveflameangel

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    Well, enough trying to defend the know Mr. B, I like playing devil's advocate, but man, you make it hard for one to try and think of ways to back you. For all those out there who think they're witty, get off the bandwagon and try to fight for his side...that will definitely revive...
  8. iloveflameangel

    WTB: Large Tanks in WA

    I would like 55gal or larger aquariums around Seattle, WA. Just reply to this post, or email me at
  9. iloveflameangel

    To skim or not to skim

    Wow, great info everyone. Thank you all. I think I'm gonna keep skimming because I've been battling high nitrates for a while, and of course the LFS can't tell me where it might be coming from, but boy do they have the right product for me! lol
  10. iloveflameangel

    To skim or not to skim

    Thanks for the advice. It's been running only a few hours, and I've already noticed a difference.
  11. iloveflameangel

    To skim or not to skim

    I was wondering what everyone thought about skimmers for reef tanks. I have read numerous places that you're wasting money if you skim and add supplements, but I'm just sick of my water looking like I have stuff just floating around. I liked it much better when I was running my skimmer. Any...
  12. iloveflameangel

    R/O equipment

    I was wondering if it was possible to make a DIY R/O unit. If not, does anyone sell one cheaper than the LFS, or the online retailers?
  13. iloveflameangel

    75 gallon setup Seattle, WA

    And how much for the hippo?
  14. iloveflameangel

    75 gallon setup Seattle, WA

    How much for the purple tang?
  15. iloveflameangel

    What do you use to clean the inside of your glass?

    Just bought the MagFloat today....AWESOME! Money well spent.
  16. iloveflameangel

    Cheap tanks!

    That coupon is only sent out to certain PALS customers in a mailing only around twice a year. I have been a PALS customer for over a year now, spend a lot of money there, and have yet to get one of those darned
  17. iloveflameangel

    Lettuce vs. Seaweed?

    I was wondering if anyone had experience or an opinion on the comparison of fresh romaine and the dried seaweed at the LFS?:confused:
  18. iloveflameangel

    Lettuce vs. Algae

    I was wondering what would be better, fresh romaine or the dried seaweed sold at the LFS? Any opinions, experience?:confused:
  19. iloveflameangel

    new tank

    Absolutely Cyber. I work at a LFS, and you can't believe how many people think they want to start small to save money, get hooked, and buy the big one anyway, essentially wasting the money spent on the small setup, unless they use if for a quarantine tank. My advise, go as large as...