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  1. solandri


    Hey everyone, all moved in to my new place at school and I'm finally going to get started on that tank. Till now I was talking about seting up a 180 aggro setup but I've decided to do something a little smaller for now since I'll be moving out towards the end of the year. I was thinking of...
  2. solandri

    DIY lighting setup for MH/VHO

    Broomer, thanks for the link. That man has an outstanding setup. When it comes time to build my hood I think I'll be using those plans. Larrylwill, look like I can get away with doing this much cheaper than I had thought. Can you really use MH bulbs for $15 from lowes?? Do they produce the...
  3. solandri

    DIY lighting setup for MH/VHO

    I'm looking to make myself a MH/VHO light setup for a 180 I'm setting up in a couple weeks. It's not going to be a reef but I want to promote all the growth I can and I might even add some easy to care for corals down the line. The full hood my LFS has is $1100 .. That's a bit too much for my...
  4. solandri

    DIY lighting setup for MH/VHO

    I'm looking to make myself a MH/VHO light setup for a 180 I'm setting up in a couple weeks. It's not going to be a reef but I want to promote all the growth I can and I might even add some easy to care for corals down the line. The full hood my LFS has is $1100 .. That's a bit too much for my...
  5. solandri

    Looking for lights

    I'm looking to DIY a MH/VHO light setup for a 180 I'm setting up in a couple weeks. It's not going to be a reef but I want to promote all the growth I can and I might even add some easy to care for corals down the line. The full hood my LFS has is $1100 .. That's a bit too much for my liking...
  6. solandri

    Pump and lighting question

    Hey everyone, I move into my new apartment next weekend and want to start my 180 just after the new year before classes start again. Now I saw this "Gen-X" pump at mt LFS and was wondering if anyone has had any expierence with these? It says it can do 1190 GPH at 11.5' Does that sound right...
  7. solandri

    Lighting question

    I'm going to be setting up a 180 in about a month and want to know what kind of lighting I should get. I only want to use the strip lighting and I won't be keeping this tank as a reef. I will be keeping a lot of live rock and maybe some smaller corals and inverts. I really want to promote as...
  8. solandri


    This stuff is safe to put in a tank? What color is it? I'll be setting up a 180 and want to know if I can put a couple inches of this stuff on the bottom followed by a couple inches of LS .. Will this turn the dead sand into live sand? -Mike
  9. solandri

    Still cant find a leopard shark out there.

    I know the sharks are hard but does anyone know where to get a selection of shark eggs? Like leopard and banded? -Mike
  10. solandri

    Any good WetDry w/Skimmer brand?

    Make it yourself!! Well except for the pump and skimmer (unless you're REALLY motivated). I'm already done making the sump for my 180 I'm setting up. Very easy to do. -Mike
  11. solandri

    Mysterious Conveyor Belt Tentacles

    Any chance you can take some pictures of these things? I'd love to see what you're talking about. -Mike
  12. solandri

    RO Equipment Question

    I'm almost certainly ordering my RO/DI from these guys: If anyone disaggrees please let me know. -Mike
  13. solandri

    Cycling with live rock

    Originally posted by stanford Use a protein skimmer, power head a heater throughou the cycle. Are you supposed to use a protien skimmer while cycling a tank? I was on the understanding you should wait at least until after the cycle before turning a skimmer on. Can anyone verify either...
  14. solandri

    tesselata combo

    Isn't a 75 or even a 125 a bit too small for a tesselata? I'm gonna be setting up a 180 and I even thought that was a little too small for how big those eels get. Not at all certain so I'm wondering myself if I'll be able to keep one too. -Mike
  15. solandri

    Live Rock fromSWF.Com

    I always kind of hope for some hitch hikers even if they are of the "bad" variety. Except MAYBE for a mantis and only because they're capable of shattering glass. The unexpected has always been my very favorite part of live rock. -Mike
  16. solandri

    Stupid Question.. But Please Answer!!

    Yeah, try to avoid using that glass cleaner if it can be avoided. Fresh water will work just as well . -Mike
  17. solandri

    What is your dream tank?

    I'll be starting to set mine up hopefully next month. It's going to be a 180 aggro tank. Still haven't decided exactly what I want to put in it but I'll figure that out as I go along :D -Mike
  18. solandri

    Fish devouring Sebae Anenome

    I had a big sebae in my old tank. Watched him once eat a cute baby koran angel I had gotten a week earlier. There wasn't a thing I can do, the fishy looked so sad :( -Mike
  19. solandri

    General Starfish eating Snail -- pics

    Thanks a lot. I'll take a look around online. -Mike
  20. solandri

    Deep sand bed?

    I'm setting up a 180 in about a month. Will a sand bed less than 4 inches help the biological filtration or not? Maybe about 2 inches to start. Is that ok or will I need more to help cycle? -Mike