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  1. nightshiftman

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    have you seen what cabbie looks like lately? that fat f@#% lost over 100 pounds already! he's on the trim spa web site with before and after pics too. i think it's, but i really can't remember right now.
  2. nightshiftman

    My friends tank

    does your friend have a good cleaning crew in there? i mean no offence, but that tank is looking to be in pretty sad shape. i think it could definatly use a good cleaning if you ask me. once again, don't take any offence, it's just my opinion.
  3. nightshiftman

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    my friend lost 80 pounds on trim spa. he didn't exercise or anything! he ate the same and drank like a fish.:D
  4. nightshiftman

    Best Calcium Buffer

    check out the link i added in my previous post.;)
  5. nightshiftman

    kent calcium

    stong current will help spread coraline too. be crarful not to overdose the liquid calcium. it is very easy to do. kalkwalser will grow the coraline better if you ask me, but all other parameters need to be near perfect also. i use liquid reactor on my tanks now, and i am having just as good...
  6. nightshiftman

    ricordia mushrooms

    i have ricordia shrooms in the bottom of my low light tank. they are in a constantly changing water current, and are growing and splitting like it's nobodies business! it's a 29 gallon with only 80 watts of light. and did i mention they are all the way at the bottom?:D
  7. nightshiftman

    Protein skimmer sugg. for a Amiracle sump

    a seaclone should fit in there.
  8. nightshiftman

    wooden diffusers/ air stones?

    if this is for a skimmer, then you will be best off with the wooden air stone. the diffusers and regular stones don't create a fine enough bubble for a skimmer to work properly. if you find the wooden stone too expensive, you can clean them by boiling them in water for about thirty minutes...
  9. nightshiftman

    Recommend me a skimmer

    seaclones are great skimmers. most people just had bad times with the older model. it had a couple flaws, and now people go by that....ya know. since then there have been modifications to the skimmer, and it is almost perfect now. if you look at it closely, it is the same concept of the berlin...
  10. nightshiftman

    i hate working nights!!!

    UPDATE: i posted wrong yesterday on the types of coral i bought. one is actually a favites( pinapple coral), the other is some type of rasta coral(can't remember sientific name right now). both are doing well, and i can't wait to frag the rasta. i will probly do it in a week or two. i don't...
  11. nightshiftman

    i hate working nights!!!

    five years and counting.;)
  12. nightshiftman

    i hate working nights!!!

    you know what, i never acclimate a thing besides fish. i haven't lost a thing yet(i'm knocking on some wood right now).
  13. nightshiftman

    Stars and Stripes puffer

    just another reason to research what you want before buying it.;)
  14. nightshiftman

    Urchin ID

    one more thing that they eat is power cords. i've seen it happen to someone once, and it wasn't pretty. i would value my life more then a sea urchin.;)
  15. nightshiftman

    Stars and Stripes puffer

    why not just eat the loss, and give it back for free?
  16. nightshiftman

    Bristle worms

    IMO, arrow crabs are just as bad as coral banded shrimp. just my opinion though.;) BTW, everybody has bristle worms. you can never rid a tank of them unless EVERYTHING is aquacultured. even in my aquacultured tanks i still added bristle worms to it. but i also added a copperband butterfly who...
  17. nightshiftman

    Urchin ID

    i know one thing for sure. urchins ARE NOT a good choice for a reef tank for MANY reasons.
  18. nightshiftman

    Stars and Stripes puffer

    sounds like you made a bad choice my freind. say good-bye to the hermits and snails. say good-bye to any small fish once it gets bigger(they get pretty big by the way). and say good-bye to good water quality since they need to be fed quite often, and make a pretty big mess afterwords if you know...
  19. nightshiftman

    Bristle worms

    did you say gravel???? those sound like bristle worms to me. i say leave them alone. they are great for a reef tank. just don't touch them unless you like awful pain.
  20. nightshiftman

    i hate working nights!!!

    man this stinks! i took a little ride to "absolute fish" tonight in clifton. i wound up buying two corals there. an orange and yellow favia, and a singularia(i probly spelled that wrong). i got both which were fairly good size corals for 100 bucks. not a bad deal if you ask me. so anyway, i had...