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  1. clamps

    starting to get upset

    im just getting tyerd of explaining to the other guy where his 100 in rock is,if it was just me i wouldent care so much
  2. clamps

    OT: all of you ohio people

    Athens (ohio university)
  3. clamps

    starting to get upset

    i ordered live rock from sunday,and asked for a wed. delivery well on wed. i emailed them about it cuz i had not reicieved my confermation email they said it would be shiped out today(wednesday) to be here friday,the e-mail also said that i would recieve a confermation e-mail later that...
  4. clamps

    Lighting for my 29G

    i have a 29 gal clam lagoon and i use a 175 watt mh with a- o3 actentic everything is doing fine and my brain eats like a horse my light is 10 inches from water surface and i have 1- 4 inch computer fan blowing out to cool it my temp stays fine and i love the look it has
  5. clamps

    dipping new live rock

    thank u very much ill let u know if i get 1
  6. clamps

    dipping new live rock

    i will be getting some new live rock friday (50#) and got to thinking that i might get a mantis in it so..i want to maybe dip all my rock b4 i put it in cuz i would like to set up a spiecies tank for 1, if i get heres my Q?what salinity was it that u could dip live rock for a minute or two...
  7. clamps

    Horseshoe Crabs eating Clams??

    i have a horseshoe and clams the only thing i dont like about him is he keeps knocking over my baby clams when he goes into dig mode,so about once a day i have to set 1 back upright,but he cant move my big crocea clam so i would say yes with big clams no with small ,he will be coming out b4 long...
  8. clamps

    anyone order maxima from

    yes i think weather played a big role in the death of that clam and i also think the 3 hours late that fed ex came dident help either,the order was slated to be here by noon and swf.coms email said to email them if it wasent here by 3 pm at 3:02 i was headed upstairs to mail them and i saw the...
  9. clamps

    brain??rose???what is help

    wow i bet it is a wellsophillia thanks sam
  10. clamps

    brain??rose???what is help

    i know it looks more like a reg. open brain but the base of it threw me(being that its flat)does this mean its a flat brain??i figgured it was a brain but what kind, i was leaning closer to lobophilia(spelling)but im not sure ,,thats why i wanted to know
  11. clamps

    brain??rose???what is help

  12. clamps

    brain??rose???what is help

    out at night
  13. clamps

    brain??rose???what is help

    i bought this coral at my lfs he sold it as a open brain i bought cuz it was uniqe looking like a 3 leaf clover, got it home and got ready to put it in and noticed that the bottom isent shaped like a open brain(its flat and kind of squared off) so i got to watching real close and when the lights...
  14. clamps

    anyone order maxima from

    well 1 out of 3 died, but it never acted right from the beggining it was never coming out all the way but i thought it was just timid end of second night it died the others are doing well,the 1 on the right is the 1 that died ,the 1 my frind took looks like the blue 1 its fine,the 3rd is the...
  15. clamps

    anyone order maxima from

    i just got 3 clams from them yesterday they all great and doing well traded 1 to a friend for 3 frags and put 2 with my other 2 ill post pics soon when my lights come on :) ,each was a different color and all of high quality
  16. clamps

    Pistol Shrimp??

    sry it took so long to get back to u on this ReefSOE here is a pic of that pistol
  17. clamps

    Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

    2nd (the baby)
  18. clamps

    Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

    thought u guys would like these pics from a friends tank the first is of his clown in frogspawn the 2nd is of a dead head on a frog spawn with a baby starting off to the side
  19. clamps

    Uhhh.... molting. Do scarlett hermits do it?

    im allmost sure that all animals with a hard shell type bodys have to molt,because there bodys wont expand to allow for growth,they molt shed there old shell swell out with water and then get hard and shrink back in to give growing room i could be wrong of course and im sure if i am ill hear...
  20. clamps

    Help from clam gurus

    most of mine prefer the sand it seems,i have also heard and read both IMO it depends on the light if there is ample lite the clam will be happist in the sand but if there is a want for light then up higher on the rocks would prolly be better,the tridacna croaca is a rock burrowing clam so it...