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  1. heyoo


    Originally posted by I like fish What are the chances of one dying and wiping out a tank? They aren't like cucumbers, sea apples, and the like... if BTA's die, they don't nuke the tank with toxins. They literally turn inside out. Its a really nasty mess. If it looks ill - be prepared to...
  2. heyoo

    Skimmer Question

    I've had that skimmer on my 90 reef for about a year and a half. It works very well for a cheap skimmer. Make sure your water level in your sump remains fairly constant, or you'll have fluctuations in performance... but otherwise, it works great. Check the pump tho... If it still comes with a...
  3. heyoo

    PVC plumbing question!

    I searched dogpile for threaded PCV - and I found an info page from a PVC manufacturer that says most leaks are due to overtightening. They suggest finger-tightening the connection, and then turning about two full turns more. For anything smaller than 2", they recommended against using a pipe...
  4. heyoo

    10g acrylic tank I made today

    Originally posted by JoeZ how do you cut your actylic? I've done jigsaw which proves to be less-than-straight, dremel with same results, and have yet to find a good means for cutting 1/4" I'm going to also build a 240 in acrylic hopefully, but I certainly won't make cuts for that...
  5. heyoo

    10g acrylic tank I made today

    I made some acrylic dividers for a sump recently- and while in the process of cutting and welding, I got the idea that I'd make a tank. Who knows, it could have been the weld-on fumes making my brain do wierd things. I got a fine-toothed blade for my table saw that makes very nice cuts...
  6. heyoo

    What's In A Name

    I'm Heyoo... Its all about the respect I get at work. Most people think that's my name.... They burst into the lab saying, "Hey you... lab guy... test this for me!". Do this, do that. blah, blah.
  7. heyoo

    lights on or off during cycle

    Hopefully you plan on adding more live rock ASAP. Sure, with the decaying shrimp method mentioned above - and with the small bioload from your rock - you will cycle the tank... it might take a while, but it will cycle. But if you wait two months, and then dump in 50 lb of fresh liverock...
  8. heyoo

    Overflow - drill or hang on?

    Originally posted by lilbuddy is the bottom temperd? drill the bottom if you can. my old 55 was drilled in the back and i got a gargeling noise my 90 is drilled on the bottom and i can hear a pin drop. Also hangon over flows have problems Yes - the bottom is tempered... so drilling that is...
  9. heyoo

    Overflow - drill or hang on?

    Originally posted by maryc137 Definitely drill the back. I used an overflow box for several months until I got tired of looking at that big black box in the tank. It looks much nicer now with just the 2 drain holes up in the corner. Anybody need a perfectly good overflow box?? So you just put...
  10. heyoo

    Overflow - drill or hang on?

    I took my new 46 bow front to the LFS to get drilled & an overflow installed in the corner. This afternoon I got a call saying that the bottom was tempered. Therefore, my only choice is using a hang-on overflow (which I have on my other tanks), or to drill the back of the tank. I would like to...
  11. heyoo

    If you had a 300 gallon tank and money was no object

    I saw a LARGE titan trigger at an LFS. It was in a 300g tank, and it looked cramped. I'm all for large aggressive fish - but within reason. I'd leave those for the ocean or the people with REALLY big tanks.
  12. heyoo

    Sump/Refuge DIY Pics!

    I agree about putting the skimmer on the sump instead of the refugium. If your macroalgae grows rapidly (as you hope it will), your pump feeding the skimmer might get clogged frequently. I asked the AquaC people about the remoras for sump-side use, and they said it was fine. Just add an...
  13. heyoo

    Sump Overflow Question

    You could install a check valve in your pipe from the sump. The anti-siphon hole you drilled should do the trick. Just make sure it doesn't clog with algae, coralline, etc before turning off the pump.
  14. heyoo

    Life expectancy of pumps

    I've got a Rio 3100 on my 90 that has been working for a little over 2 years. I expect it will die any day now. On my 55, I had a rio 2100. It made it just about a year and crapped out. The brand-new Rio 2100 that replaced it lasted about 6 days. I have started switching all of my tanks to...
  15. heyoo

    Drilling a 29g tank

    Originally posted by broncofish Been looking around to get my 29g tank drilled and it costs more than the tank. I found a place online to get the 1 3/4 glass drill bit for $42. that 8 dollars cheaper than having the holes drilled. Anybody ever drill their own holes, or but one of these bits...
  16. heyoo

    Drilling a 29g tank

    Originally posted by Johnny.D.S Can you drill a 10 gallon ? I had a hole drilled in the side of an all-glass brand 10 gallon with no problem. I don't know if the bottom surface is tempered or not, but at $8 for the tank , it might be worth the gamble. Another option would be to contact the...
  17. heyoo

    Frozen Food Problem

    IF its an hour and a half, I'd go ahead and use it. I once bought some food from a petsmart store, and it had apparently gone bad. From the looks of things, the freezer defrosted or something, and the food (plankton cubes) had gotten noticeably darker than ones I'd used in the past. Oh - and...
  18. heyoo

    Sump/Refuge DIY Pics!

    My monitor in the office sux. Your pictures are fine - but my monitor shows everything too dark (and before I get flamed for having the contrast and brightness too low - don't. Its just a crappy monitor). Anyway, I'm trying to figure out your pyramid of PVC. What exactly is that, and is is in...
  19. heyoo

    blue hermits, good or bad??

    crabs are mean. Its a fact of life. They will compete for shells, and randomly kill each other or snails for a new home. I've seen crabs kill each other - take the loser's shell, and move again in a day or two. Just accept the fact that they might kill snails, and they might kill other...
  20. heyoo

    your favorite marine book??????

    Originally posted by barry769 I third it, I personally own this book, but my post is mainly just so that I can become a mandarin. Does that mean you're likely to die of starvation????:D