Search results

  1. cielo

    Feeding Bamboo

    My Bamboo hatched five days ago and I can't get him to eat anything. I bought some squid and octopus from the grocery store and I've tried every morning and evening by holding the food right in front of him but he's not reacting to it even being there at all! He's very healthy, in the early...
  2. cielo

    Live sand depth

    Thank you. Okay this is a REALLY newbie question but what are the benefits of having a deeper sand bed vs. a shallower one? :confused: I know it has to be more than just "looks". (it's so frustrating being new to all of this..thank you for your help)
  3. cielo

    Live sand depth

    I'm sorry to ask this question. I tried a search but didnt get the answer I needed for my type of tank. I have an AGA 20 G long (30L x 12W x 12H) that I am setting up for a nano reef. Last night I added 40 lbs of live sand. The sand bed is now 2 to 3 inches thick (more at theback , less at the...
  4. cielo

    To lid or not to lid ?

    I'm setting up a 20 gallon nano reef. I have my tank but I have a question about th etop. My LFS told me to keep the top fully with the cut out strip at the back. How important is it to fully enclose the tank top or do some of you have open reefs? My lights are going to be fixed...
  5. cielo


    Need some quick help from you experts as Im ready to place an order. Tank is only 14 inches high...and I want to house some corals and a clam or two. Should I go with the compact Coralife twin set of 2 x 36 w bulbs or should I step up to the 2 x 65 w bulbs? (each bulb in the set has it's own...
  6. cielo


    thank you:)
  7. cielo


    okay this is such a beginner question but here goes...snails eat algae...snails poop...who or what eats the poop and if nothing does then what do I do with it when I have LR and LS ?
  8. cielo

    As Promised

    Oh my gosh, that is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. AWESOME photos. Gives a really good idea of his size too. I know before you mentioned how big he was but it was hard to picture him without some sort of reference with him. What a cool pet !:D
  9. cielo

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    PS...any more pictures of them?:D :)
  10. cielo

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    WOW CBSHARK, your sharks are so awesome. Thanks for sharing those pics. You have at least answered one of my questions about how fast Bamboo's grow. ANyone know at what age they reach maturity and stop growing?
  11. cielo

    Bamboo and others

    Thanks guys...lack of food makes more sense than tank size ( I just never thought about that) for the dwarfing. By the way does anyone have a bamboo that they have had for a while and how big/fast do they grow approx. I'm trying to decide if it justifies getting a huge tank straight away of to...
  12. cielo

    Bamboo and others

    I was just cruising some sites and came across the following. This was on ***********.com under Bamboo sharks. It is a customers comment, but surely if it wasn't agreed upon by the web site then they wouldn't have posted it. Any comments about the authors comment about the sharks remaining...
  13. cielo

    Fuzzy with Bamboo

    Still in the planning stage. Can I put a fuzzy drawf with a baby bamboo? (and keep them together indef.) Thanks.:)
  14. cielo

    12 Gallon Nano Pic. Take A Look...

    OH wonderful. I'm just about to set up a 10 or 15 nano and you have truely inspired me. Beauty can be found even in the tiny systems. Could you please tel me what lighting you are using? Thanks.
  15. cielo

    Live rock

    I'm setting up a fun nano tank (15 gallons) SO MONEY IS NO OBJECT (hehehe NEVER thought I could say that about salt water hehehe) anyhoo, my question is..with such a small amount of live rock needed where does the absolute best quality live rock come from and as the tank is going to be empty...
  16. cielo

    banded and coral carsharks?

    Does anyone have a photo of their Coral Cats?
  17. cielo

    Check this out.......

    Hey , that's not so funny. I was sitting in my hot tub last night enjoying a nice glass of wine when I suddenly thought "what a great shark tank this would make" 500 gallons, it's own heating system AND great CIRCULATION hahahah My poor husband nearly chocked HA ha ha ha ha;)
  18. cielo

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    oh DROOL ...major drool. Arghh my keyboard...***yelling at the top of my voice "quick get the rags I'm floating here"*** Oh you guys are TOOO kind for sharing all those awesome photos. (I think!) :cool:
  19. cielo

    Lingo ?

    okay guys, for a middle aged momma who's been in the horse shed too many years...PLEASE someone tell me what the heck does "LFS" stand for ( I'm thinking Live Fish Store..but I KNOW I may be way off base) and what the badozees is a "FUGE" ???? :confused: :rolleyes:
  20. cielo

    Cat vs. Banded

    Looks like a 180 is in store. Obviously this will take a while to now find and set up. Does anyone have any suggestions of where I can locate my Coral Cats when I have everything set up for them?