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  1. turbocav250

    Pics of my tank

    Good Pics but in that last picture it looks like that tang isn't doing so well....:nope:
  2. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    Is your tank drilled? How far down is the intake?
  3. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    I will add a BV before the union on the intake side. I have a true union on the return side of the pump. So with this strainer it is just simple a 4" PVC Expander Coupler with a 4" PVC Sewer Drain screwed into it? There is no filter floss or foam covering the drain? Dan
  4. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    Just imagine the top section over to the left so the neck is exposed. I"ll draw a schematic up at work. Also how far down in the tank should it be, 8"? I'm going to put it to the left of my Overflow, will that cause the overflow to starve? Thanks in Advance, Dan
  5. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    Thank you bang, I'm looking forward to your post! While your here I guess I should ask you another question. My design to prime the pump is quite simple but I'm not sure if it will cause cavitation. Basically from the pump it 90s straight up and hits a union then goes to a "Tee". From the "Tee"...
  6. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    Thank you guys. I actually spoke with the support tech at mdm sequence inc and he said you either run the 2" intake or tee off into 2 1" intakes. I guess you really dont need the full 2" flow for the Dart Pump. I'm going to run the 2" pipe over the top with a foam filter for the strainer. Seems...
  7. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    hehe thanks flipper:D
  8. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    23 views and no replies? Also I'm looking at my union from Lowes and its says 150 psi - 73 degrees F. Can I use this on my tank which has a temp of 80 degrees? The piece is made by american valve and came from Lowes.
  9. turbocav250

    2 or 1

    Just got back from lowes with 70 dollars in pvc piping. I have a question for you all. My Sequence Dart has a 2" suction that I am running from the top of the tank down. When I go over the top i personally think that a 2 inch pipe sucking water from the tank is alittle big. I'll probably be...
  10. turbocav250

    Check thisout!

    The "Garbage Cans" are in a separate room 15 feet away. I'm actually pumping the new RO/DI water through a wall and then into the separate topoff container. The picture however doesn't show how far away the cans really are. I'm having a problem with the kent float valve right now with the small...
  11. turbocav250

    Check thisout!

    My future plans are to have a 2nd 32 Gallon Rubbermaid garage can for saltwater mixing and water changes. That way I can just take the MAG pump and drop it in the other can and pump the water directly into the tank. I plan to control the topoff water container by running the MAG on a timer like...
  12. turbocav250

    Check thisout!

    I've been doing some heavy research lately on the water movement in my tank and I've come up with this schematic of my system. About 40% of the piping is already in place but please check it out and let me know what I'm missing what I need to change or what I'm not accounting for. This will be a...
  13. turbocav250

    starting wednesday

    The stand pipes you are referring to are the Durso Stand pipes. I have dual durso pipes in my overflow and there is very little noise at all. Just the occasional "blip"! I would cancel the order on the SCWD and go with a 4 way or 8 way from Oceansmotions dot com. The SCWD will break down over...
  14. turbocav250

    Turnover Rate

    Thanks benj I didn't really think about that. I just placed an order for the Oceansmotions 4-way. Im going to run a 1800 gph pump through the 4 way on a closed loop with the intake of the pump near the overflow and have 2 of the outlets facing the front of the tank and 2 facing the back. Here is...
  15. turbocav250

    Turnover Rate

    thank you squidd
  16. turbocav250

    Closed Loop

    my current return from the sump is 770 gph and i am aiming for 20x turnover so I think a 1300 gph pump or higher right?
  17. turbocav250

    Closed Loop

    Do you have a picture of a strainer? The intake for the closed loop would be over the top. How far down should it be in the tank? I'm talking with paul of oceansmotions about pump size with his 4 way. What would you recommend on a 90G reef tank?
  18. turbocav250

    Closed Loop

    When running a closed loop what type of filter do you run on inside the tank for the input line on the pump? Some one mentioned a screen can anyone clarify the filter on the pvc?
  19. turbocav250

    euro-reef question

  20. turbocav250

    What would you Do?
