Search results

  1. lesleybird

    I don't know what to do

    If you are driving your car cross country you could stick your live rock in a couple of rubbermaids with a few inches of saltwater in the bottom. And the live sand could go in one also. Only problem is that if you stop to eat somewhere during the day when the sun is out the car will heat up too...
  2. lesleybird

    Why do my fish keep dying?

    Do you only do the top off of 7 gallons once every two weeks? One should be doing top offs daily or every other day. Every two weeks would let the specific gravity swing too much suddenly. Do you put something in to get rid of the chlorine? What is your ph? Nitrates? Are your fish overstocked...
  3. lesleybird

    Need Honest LFS Around Albany

    You don't need an honest fish store.....What you need is to go home and do your homework before you purchase anything at your fish store. You also need to look up the equiptment purchases on line for a better price before you plunk down your hard earned money at the fish store. My fish store has...
  4. lesleybird

    whcih do you think i should get-

    Too small for either let alone both!
  5. lesleybird

    Just Added A Tang To A 38 Gal

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy It's his Tank he can add what he wants to it. I can't believe that advice is coming from you! I thought you were better than that!
  6. lesleybird

    Pods have TAKEN OVER my tank. HELP!!!

    Originally Posted by Tarball Buy a mandarin dragonet, they will love the pods. No need to QT them either. Sounds like a perfect fit for the tank. Bad idea as in a 55 gallon tank the mandarin will run out of pods in a week or two. No matter how many you have now they will not reproduce fast...
  7. lesleybird

    pods lifecyle

    Don't know much about their life cycle but you never really need to worry about them getting out of hand as most fish that I have had like wrasses and other fish like to eat them if they see/find them. They eat algea growing on the rocks and glass along with left over fish food. If one drops...
  8. lesleybird

    Compatible Blennies ??

    Putting two blennies like that in a 55 gallon is asking for trouble because they are too much alike and will fight for the same areas. Why don't you go for one blenny and one royal gramma as these fish are really pretty, stay small, and usually will get along with a blenny. Lesley
  9. lesleybird

    New way to cure ich?

    My outbreak of ich a couple of months ago went away with a high wattage UV filter with a very slow flow rate and my cleaner neon goby. The cleaner neon goby does a much better job than any cleaner shrimp that I ever had. I found that if the cleaner shrimp are well fed they get lazy and don't...
  10. lesleybird


    Originally Posted by chub Can I put Shells that I got from the gulf in my tank with out any problems? Only problem is the coraline algae will soon cover them up leaving them not as nice looking.
  11. lesleybird

    Eating Fish?

    Originally Posted by Markw Just about all of the finicky fish I read about, it says "Make sure the fish is eating while at the LFS or dont even consider bringing it home." question is, how can you be 100% certain? I mean obviously any LFS employee will tell you that they are just to sell...
  12. lesleybird

    Does anyone use bio balls??

    I use the big bioballs in my overflows. They do not get dirty and cause nitrate problems because I use micron filter pads on top of them to catch the crud before it gets to the balls. The really big bioballs do not seem to trap the dirt as the spaces between the spike things on the balls are...
  13. lesleybird

    The Worst Story Ever!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Markw And the sad thing is, when they do catch him, he will only be treated with a misdemeanor, vandalim as well as animal cruelty are both misdemeanors, a maximum sentence of 1 year in jail. Hopefully he is charged for every single creature that he killed as a seperate...
  14. lesleybird

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    In a tank your size you can get both about the same size and put them in together and you should not have much problem with them getting along. Lesley
  15. lesleybird

    Vote for your favorite fish !

    I don't like your poll as none of my favorite fish are even listed. I like queen angels, bluefaced angels and regal angels and none of them are even on your poll.
  16. lesleybird

    Tang mixes? No aggression...

    Originally Posted by mario2377505 thats kool because they can think what ever they want. Thats why I have my own saltwater tank and thats why they have there own saltwater tanks. So I can do what ever I want with mine and they can do whatever they want with there tanks since people are not...
  17. lesleybird

    Tang mixes? No aggression...

    Originally Posted by dkw27 I have a YT, Naso (very peaceful) and a Kole together in a 125g, everyone gets along great.... You have a Naso in a 125 gallon? What a shame. It is really cruel to keep a Naso in a 125 gallon when they need like a 300 gallon. The hippo tang mentioned in this thread...
  18. lesleybird


    My queen conch is called Hoover because of the long vacuum cleaner looking hose or trunk thing that it cleans up the tank with. My queen is growing really fast.....good thing I have a 200 gallon tank but she may get too big for even this. I hear that when they get too big they can knock over...
  19. lesleybird

    How Many Is To Many

    Cleaner shrimp often get lazy and stop cleaning. My best cleaner is a cleaner goby that cleans all my fish on a regular basis and also eats all fish foods. Don't know the exact name of him but think he may be called a neon goby and he has blue stripes on him. The big fish don't bother him that...
  20. lesleybird

    Wrasse ?'s

    Get a flasher wrasse as they are really beautiful and stay small enough for a 29 gallon.