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  1. lesleybird

    True percula lost his mate of 3 years tonight.

    Hi, I was thinking of buying three more true percula clowns and putting them in my 190 gallon tank and letting them pair up themselves. Should this work if I get three more of different sizes to stick with the male who lost his wife tonight? I was looking at my tank with a flashlight at...
  2. lesleybird

    How many Clarkii clowns in a tank.

    Originally Posted by redimpala01 So would 4 be too many.....I am still not sure Yessssssss You should only have one inch of fish per 4 to 5 gallons of water in a saltwater tank.
  3. lesleybird

    Do I have room for another fish, suggestions?

    Get a large male Scotts fairy wrass....A lot of them are blue and red....grow to 6 inches and peaceful, reef safe. Lesley
  4. lesleybird

    quarantine fish from this site

    Originally Posted by ladylinn do you still have to quarantine the fish if bought from this site? I'd quarenteen that dam frog! Looks like it may be rabid or something.
  5. lesleybird

    Seahorse shipping advice

    Are you shipping dwarf seahorses or regular sized ones? What variety? Insurance will not pay for them if they die so don't bother with much insurance.
  6. lesleybird

    Anthias in a 55?

    Originally Posted by Spartan78 Could I just keep one mail Lyretail Anthias in a 55? I have a protein skimmer for waste also. I had one beautiful male Lyretail Anthias when I had my 90 gallon and he bullied my wrasses the same size as him to death and would not let the smaller fish eat. Did not...
  7. lesleybird

    Thinking of adding some fish, need YOUR help

    Why don't you wait until you get your 150 gallon? Start adding more to your tank of "very happy fish" and they won't be so happy. A grouper in a 75 gallon is a joke. Please read up on how big fish get and what size tank they need before you get them. Also read up on stocking levels for...
  8. lesleybird

    Looking For New Fish In 110

    Hi, I have had two larger wrasses with a cleaner wrasse and they did not bother him because he looks totally different. Cleaner wrasses usually don't live very long in captivity. If and when yours dies you might want to replace him with a cleaner goby instead. My cleaner goby cleans my larger...
  9. lesleybird

    Looking for suggestions..

    Hi, I am an angelfish fan and think that a Majestic angelfish or a Scribbled angelfish would go nicely in your size tank as they only get to 10 or 11 inches, not 16 to 18 inches like the emperator or a queen angelfish. Some of the fairy wrasses like Scotts and some of the others are peaceful...
  10. lesleybird

    Ich Getting Ichier

    Originally Posted by Beth You can do hyposalinity in a tank with live rock!! What are your current water readings in that tank? Does the coraline algea die in hypo? How about other forms of algea and saltwater plants? I think that one needs to be careful doing hypo with live rock and sand...
  11. lesleybird

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by Darknes I don't want to start a religious debate or anything here. Just curious, what percentage of you believe in evolution. The reason I ask is that it is so widely taught to be scientific truth, but in actuality is only a theory. There has never been any evidence that...
  12. lesleybird

    I have never seen this????

    Originally Posted by renogaw personally i've had better luck with melafix than maracyn, but melafix STINKS (i guess it's an herbal remedy) like halls throat drops. if you don't think it's brook (as you've stated before), i'd try that first. Hi, I have used Melifix with a broad spectrum...
  13. lesleybird

    Opinions: Overflow Boxes or drilled overflows

    Drilled is the best....very little risk of flooding compaired to the cumbersom hang on the back mess. Lesley
  14. lesleybird

    HELP! Fish is dying!

    You need to post earlier to cure your the time you having him on his side for three days it is too late. If you look at your fish daily and you see anything like a red area, spot, growth, post right away and maybe someone can point you to the right treatment before it is too late. Lesley
  15. lesleybird


    Scotts fairy wrasses are nice and peaceful and your current fish will not bother them. Other fairy wrasses are nice too but you have to get rid of the lion and the eel or you will be way over stocked. Both the Koran angel and the sailfin will out grow your tank. It would be best if you...
  16. lesleybird

    Need help- Stock list for a 175 -?

    No way can you ever put two queens in there they will fight....and contrary to what the last poster said they can grow to 18 inches in captivity if they live longe enough. Even if these larger angels only get to 12 inches instead of 18 it is not nice to keep them in anything less than a 24 inch...
  17. lesleybird

    Need help- Stock list for a 175 -?

    Originally Posted by GTDAROCK Oops ! I had the Height wrong. Its 32in -H. I have pics in the photo section. So what do you guys think of the list-? Can I add more-? I really want a Queen. Do you think I got a chance of adding an Emperor Angel the same time with the Queen-? 2-Percula Clown 1-Goby...
  18. lesleybird

    Fish Recomendation

    The flame angel should do fine even if you don't have a lot of algea on the rocks as they also eat most fish foods. Get some food that has some algea in it to feed some times too, and algea sheets. The clown and the angel should be fine as long as it is not one of the agressive varieties of...
  19. lesleybird

    Food on the bottom ? overfeeding ?

    Did everyone miss the part about the "FRENCH ANGEL" in a 29 gallon?? Minimum tank size is about 180 gallons for an adult, and 90 gallons for a smaller one.
  20. lesleybird

    What Killed my Algae?

    Lets see, the only thing that you changed was the hypo. It isn't rocket science to figure out the algea does not like the hypo.....