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  1. lesleybird

    stock list help

    You cannot keep a mandarin in a 36 gallon tank as it will starve to death in a few weeks to months. They need an very large established tank with a couple of hundred pounds of live rock to support a large enough pod population that multiplies fast enough to keep up with their feeding...
  2. lesleybird

    My Picassos Are Here!

    Wow! Got to love them...they are really beautiful. I wish you had not posted them though because now I really want a pair like that but my current clowns would never go for that, and where in the world would one find them? Lesley
  3. lesleybird

    angle fish

    Hi, When I kept my 90 gallon I kept a flame angel and a lemonpeel angel without any problems. I think you could only do this if you have at least a 90 gallon tank and the pygme angles do not have the same colors or stripe patterns etc. If you have a big tank then try two different ones and put...
  4. lesleybird

    Clown bully... Help!

    Get two floating feeding rings and put one on each side of the tank. Try to put food in each at the same time. Lesley
  5. lesleybird

    need help deciding on fish...

    Originally Posted by cj7eagle I have a 72 gallon bowfront reef tank. a 40 gallon sump/fuge, and a reef devil skimmer. I am trying to decide on the rest of my stock list. right now i have the following... 2 false percs 1 small hippo tang. Down the road i want a pair of mandarins, so i dont want...
  6. lesleybird

    Anyone vaccum the sand in your F/O?

    Always do it.....can't stop myself. Got to remove the crap on the bottom.
  7. lesleybird

    brine shrimp problem?

    See if you can get a fine brine shrimp net and get most of them out of there. Or, you could put a micron filter pad in your filter to remove them then take the pad out before they rot in it and cause more of an amonia spike. Lesley
  8. lesleybird

    To cycle or not to cycle?

    Along with the cocktail shrimp, go to Petsmart or ***** and get a bottle of Cycle and pour the whole bottle in the tank and your cycle will go much faster. Lesley
  9. lesleybird

    Wrasse compatibility

    My 6 line killed my flasher.........
  10. lesleybird

    snail shells

    It's just your hermit crabs that need to borrow new empty shells as they grow out of them, not your snails.
  11. lesleybird

    Fishy Toys

    Is this for your entertainment or the fishes???
  12. lesleybird

    Hardy Angels?

    I would stick with one of the medium sized ones like the majestic (10 to 12 inches) which I have found to be hardy and do well as long as you see the one that you get eating before purchase. I have had two (not together) in the last 5 years. Both survived ich and one even survived a tank that...
  13. lesleybird

    are bug bombs safe to use with aquariums?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet What I'd suggest is to get some long tubing. Place an airstone in the tank and run the tubing outside to a pump so the tank is being oxygenated with fresh air. (you may need a fairly large pump) Then cover the tank, shut down the main filtration and lighting...
  14. lesleybird

    how do you know when to replace the DI filter?

    See how it is starting to turn brown on the bottom? The whole thing will turn like that. Lesley
  15. lesleybird

    220 stock list

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I'm sorry, I am not trying to flame Lesliebird, but everytime she posts something she posts the size they can achieve in the wild...Fish do not grow as large in a 220 gallon tank as they do in the ocean They just don't...PERIOD. I had a 7 year old Huma that was 3...
  16. lesleybird

    220 stock list

    You will be way overstocked if you add all of those fish. Half the amount is what you need. To find the stocking levels for saltwater fish one needs not only to go for about 1 inch of fish for every 4 gallons max when taking into account the adult size of each fish, but considering the the...
  17. lesleybird

    True percula lost his mate of 3 years tonight.

    Originally Posted by bigarn Sorry to hear about your loss but 2 things I'd like to point out .... I've never seen or heard of a Perc 4+ inches long and it wasn't old age that killed it, they can live 25 years or more in a healthy environment. How do you know that it was not 20 years old...
  18. lesleybird

    True percula lost his mate of 3 years tonight.

    I guess nobody knew the answer here......well, I was going to the store to get three but they only had one true percula clown that suited me. It was only half of the size of the male that I have at home. When I first put the little guy in the tank my much larger male went over and started...
  19. lesleybird

    175 needs some new fish

    Originally Posted by BaileyAA Okay, I need help. I'm maintaining a 175 tank that has been running for two years, all tests are good. There's only a 18" snowflake in there. About 120 pounds of rock, and all the high-tech gear you can think of. I just started on her about a month ago getting...
  20. lesleybird

    What is your favorite fish?

    Majestic angelfish. 190 gallon. Well...I also love queen angelfish, and goldflake angelfish, and scribbled angelfish, and bluefaced angelfish, and the flame angelfish. I love all angelfish. Lesley