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  1. miraclemade


    Does the egg crate interfere with the lighting? There is a lot of plastic between those holes.
  2. miraclemade

    Do peppermint shrimp Nocturnal?

    I have 5 and they will swim up and eat from my hand. One actually will swim upside down to the top of the tank and skim along the top water when food is there. It is very funny to watch!
  3. miraclemade

    which powerheads

    Is there a way to position the powerheads so they don't disturb the sandbed. I have a maxi1200 in my 55 gal. and unless it is pointed up toward the surface it makes drifts in the sandbed. I'm alittle afraid to put another in because of this. How do you position them?
  4. miraclemade

    Amount of salt

    I think the correct amount is approximately 1/2 cup per 10 gallons.
  5. miraclemade

    peppermint shirmp

    I have 5 peppermint shrimp, one emerald, and one sallylightfoot crab. They all seem to get along fine. I guess because there are 5 of the peppermint shrimp they are more adventurous. They are out in the open most of the time... or hanging looking out from under the rocks. In the past I had only...
  6. miraclemade

    Territorial fish

    Are there any other fish that would go well in this tank?
  7. miraclemade

    Territorial fish

    I currently have a 55 gal with a Royal Gramma, Percula Clown, and a Citron Clown Goby. the RG and Clown are pretty territorial and chase the Goby into hiding most of the time. I want to get another fish but I'm not sure what fish would be able to stand up to these fish without being too...
  8. miraclemade

    LR organisms?

    I too got LR from this site and it looked great but after more than a month I have never seen any critters, featherdusters, or anything like that. It was alittle disappointing but I guess it happens! I still think the rock was a good buy.
  9. miraclemade

    another clown?

    Thanks. I have seen the posturing from the Royal Gramma toward the perc. I worried alittle about it at first but it doesn't seem to bother the perc anymore... he just swims by! Fun to watch!
  10. miraclemade

    adding corals

    Is there a good rule of thumb for the number of coral to add at one time. Are purchasing coral packages, like the ones on this site, a good idea?? or is it too much of a load all at once on your system? FYI...My tank has been running for 3 months and has had 2 fish and a cleanup crew for one month.
  11. miraclemade

    another clown?

    Does anyone else have any experience introducing a second perc to a tank?
  12. miraclemade

    clown goby

    Good to know... thanks!:)
  13. miraclemade

    clown goby

    Thanks.. Do you know if it is true that they need to be fed several times a day? I saw that on a different website.
  14. miraclemade

    stocking question

    OK, I have another question ... I want to order some livestock from this site. My first order of LR and cleanup crew came from and I was very pleased. BUT... can I introduce 4-5 small fish to my tank at one time? (since you have to order $75 worth of livestock at one time) Am I asking...
  15. miraclemade

    another clown?

    Thanks. I guess nothing is a "sure thing". One thing I have learned on this site is that everyone has different experiences with similar livestock. I know crabs can sometimes be problematic but they sure are fun to watch!:D
  16. miraclemade

    clown goby

    What can anyone tell me about a clown goby. I think they are really cute but I am afraid that it's small size might be a problem with a sally lightfoot crab. Can they exist in the same tank?
  17. miraclemade

    another clown?

    I can see how moving the rock will help but I don't really want to do that just to have a second clown. Would the clown just adjust to another one on it's own? What about the clown goby? Does it really have to be fed twice a day.... is it too small to exist with a sally lightfoot crab?
  18. miraclemade

    another clown?

    I have been lurking around this site for over 4 months now (doesn't that sound scary!) Finally decided to ask a question... I have a 55 gal with about 30lb LR. Currently I have a percula clown and royal gramma. I have only had them for 1 month. I would like to get another percula clown to keep...