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  1. holloway


  2. holloway


    Mike I had the same experience. I was as careful as can be not to scratch but failed. It sucks, sorry.
  3. holloway


    Hello. I just moved to central Texas, 20 miles south of Austin into a small city called Kyle. I used to live in Orange County CA and was spoiled by all the saltwater resources/stores. Does anyone know of any good stores in my area? Any leads are greatly appreciated.
  4. holloway

    Dolphin Amp Master 3000

    Anyone have any experience with this pump? Like to get some feedback before investing. Thanks.
  5. holloway

    Sump Pump Dilemma

    I went and examined the chiller/pump . It appears to be getting enough flow. I'll try another pump. Thanks.
  6. holloway

    Sump Pump Dilemma

    I am using a 3rd sedra 12000 to run the chiller alone. The other 2 were only responsible for my filtration.
  7. holloway

    Sump pump RecommendATIONS

    What kind/brand/size pump would you recommend for a 300 gal. reef tank witha 50 gal. sump? Thanks.
  8. holloway

    Sump Pump Dilemma

    I recently replaced 2 submerged sedra 12000 pumps that were powering my overflow with 1 Iwaki Magnate pump. The Sedra pumps each max out at 1200 gal/ hr. Whereas the Iwaki max at 35.6 /min. I replaced the submerged pumps for 2 reasons. 1. Create more space in my sump. 2. To reduce heat they...
  9. holloway

    yellow tang

    Beware of the tang police. They recommend 100 gal minimum.
  10. holloway

    does this sound good?

    sounds like a domino damsel. Should be fine. They are territorial and a bit aggressive. May limit your options for putting in new fish.
  11. holloway


    I set my tank up last June 03. About a month ago I heard the clicking sound so eventually I was able to spot him and where I believed he was hiding/living. I removed the rock, he crawled out and now I have him in a 30 gal qt tank where I plan to keep him. Problem is finding inexpensive live food...
  12. holloway


    I have a 30 gal hex OT tank with crushed coral in it. I also have 2 black mollies in there. Not to sound morbid but I got the mollies to cycle the tank about 6 weeks ago. And I'm not too concerned if they get caught by the jaws of death. Letting him live there would delete the purpose of having...
  13. holloway


    I was successful in capturing one of my mantis shrimp. Fortunately, I heard the clicking sound and was looking in the right spot at the right time (AFTER WEEKS OF SEARCHING) and saw his little face peaking out of my mushrooms. A week later I saw him out nearly all the way. I removed the rock...
  14. holloway

    Captured Mantis Pic

    I was successful in capturing one of my mantis shrimp. Fortunately, I heard the clicking sound and was looking in the right spot at the right time (AFTER WEEKS OF SEARCHING) and saw his little face peaking out of my mushrooms. A week later I saw him out nearly all the way. I removed the rock...
  15. holloway

    Is It Dead??

    What is the target SG for a reef tank that stays at 79?
  16. holloway

    Am I nuts? Your thoughts

    I wouldn't of takin the time you did to reach your decision. I would have blasted her with Negative feedback and forwarned everyone on every site to beware. This sounds like standard business proceedure for this person and I'll bet she/he is loading up another 1/2 doz . zip lock bags with "coral...
  17. holloway

    Is It Dead??

    I had a similar experience with my Green Star Polyps. They are the size of a softball and always looked really healthy then one day it looked as if only half of the polyps were out. The next day nothing. It stayed liked that for nearly 3 weeks. I thought for sure it was a gonner until I read...
  18. holloway

    Please help

    Waterfaller... yes that snail does have algae on it. Almost all my astera snails have algae on it. Daisy ... I use two test kits for ammonia. 1. Aquarium Pharmacueticals sp. (Doc Wellfish) which scored .25 2. Salifert which scored <0.5 (Pain in the butt to conduct). I had it tested 2 times at...
  19. holloway

    Please help

    Here it is today.:notsure: Is it too late? The only thing I can think of is moving it lower. Or should I remove it all together because it's damaging the water quality? :help: Is it beyond dead?
  20. holloway

    Please help

    I'm afraid it's too late to save my Yellow Porite but what should I do. Here is a photo takin 12-16-03. You can see it's turning brown on the tips. I have it under 400watt MH 20K bulbs. App. 14" from bulb. I also have a Rio 2100 powerhead with a 3QI SCWD wave maker blasting it. I was under the...