240 FOWLR in Progress


Active Member
Well here are a few good ones of the Sargassum at least, and one bad one of the baby Niger (just over an inch long), my wife's camara battery died, I will get updated full tank shot and the other fish including the new Niger after the water change in a few days.
Sargassum is awesome btw, what a fantastic fish, really slow acclimating, but now I can't get him away from the front of the tank, he is about 2 1/2 inch or so, and eats like a trigger (piggy).



Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Very cool. Indeed on the sargassum, not only a rare find, but rarer still at that size.

Yeah, as you guys know, I was planning on a M & F Bluethroat, but when that one came available I couldn't resist, especially at that size, I told Campbell that I was considering the Black Hawaiian with it, but it was 7 inchs, so I saved some money and got the $19 baby Niger instead, I prefer little guys at this point...The Sargassum is the most expensive fish I have ever owned by about $50!!!


Active Member
Wow your tank is coming along nicely . Whats your stocking list so far . Just so there is no confusion .

Oh BTW I am so jelious .


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
...The Sargassum is the most expensive fish I have ever owned by about $50!!!

Really? How much was he? ($120'ish?) And how much did you pay for the Banana wrasse? I've seen Bananas up to $89.99 (for a large) here.


Active Member
Man oh man... why didn't I see this thread earlier???
Awesome set up. The flame and sargassum have unbelievable colors. I love your stock list. Sohal is by far my favorite tang, but unfortunately I had to get rid of mine when it was kicking the crap out of my ray. The porc has got to come soon... or a dogface... or a golden dogface... oh hell, just do all 3.
I'll be watching this thread now. Great tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Wow your tank is coming along nicely . Whats your stocking list so far . Just so there is no confusion .

Oh BTW I am so jelious .
Thanks El Guapo, speaking of confusion, now you have no avatar...I don't know what to say
....Current stocklist
Sunset Wrasse about 4 inch now, absolute pig, I put 2 pieces of krill in last night thinking he would eat one and the Sargassum would get one, he snatched one and guarded the other while he wolfed the first one down

Flame Angel 2 inch...love this fish, I am considering 2 more dwarfs just because he is so cool, he follows the big wrasse around like a little puppy.
Sargassum 3 inch, 1+ inch Niger
The Cream Angel perished 4 days in, sad but he never looked right, he ate and was out all the time, but he just kind of wondered aimlessly around the tank in a daze, then just up and died. SWF was great and gave a full refund.
My current-future stock list (subject to change in the next 5 mins
)...I get back from a week in Seattle the middle of May and I think at that point I might add Maroon Clown, Half Black Angel, and Coral Beauty. I thought having 4 smallish fish would be cool, and they may have "safety in numbers"....After that will come the bruisers...Porky Puffer, then late this Summer, the final 2...Emperor Angel and some sort of large Acanthurus Tang (Barienne, Dussimier, Sohal, or Achilles). I expect either the Angel or whatever Tang to eventually be the "Boss" in there.
What do you guys (and gals) think???
Originally Posted by AquaKnight

Really? How much was he? ($120'ish?) And how much did you pay for the Banana wrasse? I've seen Bananas up to $89.99 (for a large) here.
Yep, $125...Wrasse was $60, got him at a LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Sohal is by far my favorite tang, but unfortunately I had to get rid of mine when it was kicking the crap out of my ray.
Thats why I am a little leary of the Sohal...Their nasty reputation for dominating everything no matter how big or small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Thats why I am a little leary of the Sohal...Their nasty reputation for dominating everything no matter how big or small.
I hear ya but I don't really see anything in your tank that would be extremely vulnerable. You have a good size tank with a bunch of hiding spots. None of your fish are slow or have long, flowing fins. I'd take a chance on one of these guys, even if it's a small one. The most striking of all the tangs IMO.


Active Member
Dang it!
I was planning on the something very similar, a pair of potter's angels and a pair of leopard wrasses to go in with my bruisers. Sounds like a great plan, I would skip on the Duss though, I really feel that they only should be in a large pond or 500gal 10ft tank min.
Sorry to hear about the cream as well. Not sure if you happen to see my thread on -- about my little angel, but I picked up a juvi Chaetodontoplus angel, mostly likely a Blue Spotted Angel, that perished as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Dang it!
I was planning on the something very similar, a pair of potter's angels and a pair of leopard wrasses to go in with my bruisers. Sounds like a great plan, I would skip on the Duss though, I really feel that they only should be in a large pond or 500gal 10ft tank min.
Yeah, I know they get 21 inches, you're probably right...I think Crimzy's post plus what SrFisher and CC have said has me back on the Sohal wagon
Such an awesome fish, gotta try it.


Active Member
I think that I would definitely try the Sohal. Try getting the Red Sea version. I think that you will be good to go as long as you get him really small (2"-3"). You can also lower aggression by putting more fish in the tank so there is no real defined area.
If you decide against the Sohal, try the Vlamingi Male. Absolutely stunning fish.