2700 gallon aquarium pics


That's an amazing tank. I'm gonna read through for a cost quote but if there are none could you throw me one? Beautiful.


Have you gone scuba divin with the shark in the tank? or are u scared? u should and have a friend or ur wife take a pic. if u are scared maybe....harpoon gun?


SaltFisher where in ohio are you located
and yes I have went swilling in the aquarium with the shark just not for a long time


Active Member
Is he a zookeeper? I didnt know that. The pay scale for zoologists and people with similar careers varies...especially with experience level. I knew a marine biologist that got paid 20,000 a year, but my brother in law introduced me to another marine biologist that he knows who works at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, and he got paid upwards of 175,000 a year. So, in short...it depends. Also, I am sure this tank took a TON of saving up and making wise choices about his money spending.


Black tip reef sharks are generally more aggressive then bonnetheads. So right there this can sometimes pose a problem when keeping the sharks together. More then likely most of my smaller fish in the aquarium such as the damsels would have to be removed and placed in my other aquariums. As far as the larger fish go such as the angels and the tangs they would more then likely be fine in the aquarium. Otherwise I would fell a little light in the pocket book. and a fue fish short in the aquarium .
any more ?


Well a lot of you have been asking me for a cost sheet of the aquarium. I will have to look through my records but the total cost of the aquarium with live stock DOSE NOT EXCEEDED $3750.00