2Quills, 120G Re-build thread.


Well-Known Member
Al, sorry I forgot to answere your question. Using the concieled (european style) hinges. However on the 2 side doors of the stand itself I had to use flush hinges. Basically the vertical pieces of wood on the cabinet face on those sides is thicker than it is on the sides of the canopy. They had to be to cover up the frame supports. So essentially I had to make over sized doors to match the ones on the canopy and in doing so limited myself to having to use the flush mount hinges. On page 8 theres pics of the hinges.
Shawn, it would be sick to own one of them commercial machines that they use to cut cabinet doors, those things are sweet. But yeah, I kinda went the cheaper easier route when I did the doors on this thing. I think the next time I do doors I'll get me a biscuit joiner or mortice and tennon the doors and possibly try a raised pannel. I have an idea waaaay in the back of my head right now about another build possibly for later down the road. We'll see...


Active Member
I'm curious to know. Do any of you do any other type of woodswork? Such as finish basements/build add-ons to houses/BUILD HOUSES?
I can't imagine you people being able to build SO much SO detailed and SO perfect that you can't use this craft else where... or haven't thought to before.


Active Member
Ahhhhh yeah a side job is remodeling, hardwood flooring, granite counter tops, you name it......There's not to much I won't tackle.....That is my goal at 55....Kids will all be grown and gone, and I can retire, and actually build my house this time....sub out what I don't want to do, but do all the stuff I enjoy......I'll have to take a video of my basement.....I was to cheap when I had the house built 10yrs ago to have the finish it.....Well needless to say, I did it 6 months after we moved in....Along with all the other upgrades my wife didn't want originally......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/240#post_3340913
I'm curious to know. Do any of you do any other type of woodswork? Such as finish basements/build add-ons to houses/BUILD HOUSES?
I can't imagine you people being able to build SO much SO detailed and SO perfect that you can't use this craft else where... or haven't thought to before.
I used to do re-model work for a while. I'm fiarly farmiliar with just about all types of work that goes into building a house. If this market ever does get better I wouldn't mind going into business for myself turning houses. I also spent 8 years in the landscape industry. I worked for some of the biggest and best in that field. Then I spent about 3 years traveling building communications towers, installing and maintaining wireless and broadcast systems. Now I work with heating and cooling systems which involves alot of electrical. Shoot I think most of my friends growing up all turned out to be plumbers, mechanics, roofers...etc. And I've learned alot from them over the years as well. Pluss my father always did projects around the house growing up and did some nice wood work back in the day. My grandpa has a pretty nice woodshop that he's set up at his place. I'd love to have a shop like that one day for my house when we get one.
I don't have very many old pics after the HD on my last computer crashed I've never retrieved them. But heres a couple of picks when I dabbled a little while back with woodburning (pyrography).
Bear that I made and gave to my mom for christmas one year because she has alot of bear stuff around her house like nic nacs and pixtures n stuff.

Sign I made for my wife's parents place...

That's about all I have for old pics anymore. Wish I had more of some of my other projects but I've been out of the game for a little while.


Active Member
True talent Corey.....I did a little burning back in my younger days, and it was so much fun....Actually I did a bunch of duck carving, and burned the feathers and such in.....When I had time!!!!!

gill again68

Active Member
Really like the bear. Just a thought on those hinges. You may want to give them a very light coat of grease. I wish I had done that with mine. 1 year and they are rusting pretty good. I will have to replace them soon.


Well-Known Member
The molding is coming along on the stand. I've attached most of it. The stuff on the doors and the pallisters that I made aren't on there permanent right now. What do you think...are the pallisters going overkill with all the squares??? I still want to route the sides of the pallisters and see how that looks as well.
Here's the pallisters...






Active Member
With!!!!!!! I think without it's something missing.
On the note of the hinges, they do make a spray to coat/spray the hinges that would/will be exposed!!!!


Active Member
100% with. That looks amazing with it. When I get my new house I'm going to contract you and let you build whatever you want in my house haha. Everything you build looks amazing!
i just read through this entire thread. All i can say is WOW. When i finally get to a place where i can start my own tank (hopefully in the next 2 years) i want to do something very similar to yours. Your thread has taught me a lot about how to build a stand, i would have just used 2x4`s. I can understand why you did it the way you did, it makes much more sense. Also the pocket screws are a neat idea. Needless to say, you have saved me a lot of time and money wasted on mistakes, and also have taught me how to make a more quality stand. I will surely keep following your thread here and i hope to keep learning.
IMO the things i would change on your stand is very little, the two that stick out most to me is i would use a golden oak stain, and where your shelves on the hood are, i would move to the front of the stand and do an open design with glass shelving, more as a book shelf display thing, and keep all equipment under the stand. Earlier you had said something about outdoing the tank with the stand but i do not think that is possible. Your stand can only improve the beauty of the tank.
Keep up with the amazing progress.


Well-Known Member
lol...Thanks, Mike!

And thanks, ALL! I hope you guys all had a good Christmas. I'm going to keep them. I'll put a routed edge on em to match the cut on the doors I think. If I'm feeling frisky enough I may try tackleing the crown molding today. Not the hardest thing in the world to do but I always gotta think twice when cutting inside and outside corners with this stuff. At $35 a piece I don't want to muck up too many cuts. Stand by for pics later.


Active Member
Im waiting on edge for more pics.This will be awesome expecially when you get something live actually in the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/240#post_3341362
lol...Thanks, Mike!

And thanks, ALL! I hope you guys all had a good Christmas. I'm going to keep them. I'll put a routed edge on em to match the cut on the doors I think. If I'm feeling frisky enough I may try tackleing the crown molding today. Not the hardest thing in the world to do but I always gotta think twice when cutting inside and outside corners with this stuff. At $35 a piece I don't want to muck up too many cuts. Stand by for pics later.

Corey you probably know this but when you are cutting crown molding always have the piece upside down on your mitre saw, an old cabinet maker told me that once.


Active Member
Looks good Corey....I know what you mean...I can't tell you how many times I put it in the miter saw and as I got ready to squeeze the trigger I'd stop and wonder
I think I spent more on crown molding than anything!!!!!
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/240#post_3341362
lol...Thanks, Mike!

And thanks, ALL! I hope you guys all had a good Christmas. I'm going to keep them. I'll put a routed edge on em to match the cut on the doors I think. If I'm feeling frisky enough I may try tackleing the crown molding today. Not the hardest thing in the world to do but I always gotta think twice when cutting inside and outside corners with this stuff. At $35 a piece I don't want to muck up too many cuts. Stand by for pics later.

That is so true Al.......
Originally Posted by Al&Burke
Corey you probably know this but when you are cutting crown molding always have the piece upside down on your mitre saw, an old cabinet maker told me that once.