90 gal build log


ok so I've been dosing calcium lately and have noticed a teeny tiny bit of growth in my sps. I dont know if you can see it on my birdsnest but I'm pretty sure it's in the picture (it may be out of focus or in the back). The candy cane coral continues to split. The polyp in the back has almost completely split and is working on forming the outer edges of the sepperate polyps. I'm super excited because I've only had this coral for 6 months and it is in the process of splitting 3 times since I got it! woo hoo!



these are pics of my mushrooms. Anybody have an idea of why my purple mushroom would be irritated by the ricordia there next to it? The purple, as some of you may remember, was perfect and beautiful before I put the ric next to it. Unfortunately the ric moved off of the little piece of rock it came on and onto the actual live rock it's on now and I cant move it without cutting it off ( a new shroom will probably grow from that anyway and then I'm in the same position as I'm in now). Any idea behind why my purple shroom is acting this way towards the ric?



Even though they are not touching yet they can sense eachother on the rock so there will be a battle eventually between them and the purple shroom will probably lose. The good thing though is that those purple shrooms can multiply fairly quickly and they can remove themselves from the rock and relocate. Don't worry about it though...you just have to let nature decide who will stay there and who will move...


Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Even though they are not touching yet they can sense eachother on the rock so there will be a battle eventually between them and the purple shroom will probably lose. The good thing though is that those purple shrooms can multiply fairly quickly and they can remove themselves from the rock and relocate. Don't worry about it though...you just have to let nature decide who will stay there and who will move...
well, they were touching each other a while back.... only recently has the purple one started shrinking away from the ric. But it sounds like good news that they may both make it.


I know how you guys hate this but I have an update but no pictures until tomorow. I wanna wait to post pics until I get my special package from Carlos and it should be here tomorow some time.
Now for the update: My red slime is dwindling into nothingness all on its own. The only thing I've done is religious water changes with my RODI unit. I'm very happy to have not needed to resort to drastic measures. I also went and bought a test kit---finnaly! i know I know, I should have bought one a very long time ago, but I couldn't find one locally for less than $50! My new favorite LFS has them for $25 after tax so I'm super excited to be a responcible reefer now. I tested my water for the first time ever and it is perfect!!! I'm actually really shocked to tell you the truth.
Also, in light of recent aquisitions (new frags) I needed to rearange some of my rocks to make room so that inappropriate corals aren't too close. After moving around my rocks and placing them just so, I've decided that I still need to build up my right side (you'll see what I mean when the pics are posted tomorow). My frag rack is coming in really handy as I need to wait until I get more rocks before I move some of my new frags into a finnal resting place. I'm also switching salts because my Instant Ocean just doesn't seem to want to disolve completely, even after I got a brand new bag of it! so, I'm switching to seachem reef salt. It comes highly recomended from my new favorite LFS and that is all he uses in his stores tanks and in the premixed water he sells. so, we will see how much better it performs.
hmmm. what else...... oh yeah, my bubble coral actually ate a piece of my kenya tree that fell off too near it! haha!
sorry for making this so long without adding pictures but the lights went out before I could take any and I'm still waiting on my new arrivals. Thanks for reading though, and I love comments and suggestions!


Glad to hear about your algae getting better...regular maintenance is the key here...
I will look forward to seeing your new pics tomorrow


Originally Posted by meowzer
Glad to hear about your algae getting better...regular maintenance is the key here...
I will look forward to seeing your new pics tomorrow
thankyou! I wanted to make a point of that. All I did was regular water changes and cleaning. It took about a month or two but I got it under control! Everyone paying attention? Regular maintence is all you need!


ok. So I have quite a few updates today. I got my zoas from Nissan and so far so good. they haven't opened up yet, but the water inside the box was very cold. Today is a rare day in Texas where it's 60 degrees outside. No problem, I acclimated them and set them on my frag rack to make sure I can get a good pic later when they open. in the mean time I have other pictures and updates for you guys. The new frags I got from the vice president of my club (he's always in a giving mood) are included in this set of pictures. There is two different types of monti caps. The two pink ones came from the same coral but he wasn't able to get me a large peice like he wanted to. So, he gave me two. The other darker one is supposed to become purple. he told me to keep it up high and it should turn back to purple for me. I think that the tall one is an acro of some kind. I didn't ask. if you guys know then please let me know.
more to come



In light of information about manderan gobies and scooter blennies I decided to make my 10 gallon into a sepparate fuge. I already have a fuge in the sump but I thought I could stand to have a place where my pods could really thrive. So I set it up with the same live sand it alwasy had and the same filter but I put it in the window seat near the larger tank. Natural sunlight, a little cheato and regular water changes should equal success. So here's the first picture of it and maybe we can track the growth and popluation together.
The rest of the pictures are of my birdsnest, manderan and my xenias. the eggcrate is there to see if the xenia will climb onto it, instead of the large rock i put behind it. I'm hoping to controll where they climb and keep them from taking over. I had to rearange some of my corals and rocks to allow for the less agressive ones to servive. Now I'm having trouble with my flow. I have that little korillia on the left hand side now pointing into a dead spot. but now i'm thinking that I need another small one on the right. We will see. I will continue to play with it and find the perfect spot.
My new zoas are still not opening. I think it's because they were so cold when the arrived. Texas is freaky when it comes to the weather. the blue ones are starting to open but I wanna wait to show you guys until I can show you all of them. I'm seeing some red poke out of the second set of zoas. Maybe tomorow.



YEAHHHHH...get that xenia growing on the eggcrate and mail it to me....LOL
Some of the zoas I got from Nissan took a week to open, but my rinky dink town also took 3 days for me to get them


Originally Posted by meowzer
YEAHHHHH...get that xenia growing on the eggcrate and mail it to me....LOL
Some of the zoas I got from Nissan took a week to open, but my rinky dink town also took 3 days for me to get them
honestly, I will mail them to you. they are climbing all over the place! I'm trying to controll them a little but it turns out that it's not that easy. if this works then you can have it!
I got mine in two days. but the weather here got really cold today and that stupid mail man abused the box! I'm sure they will open in due time.


I came home to an alomst overflowed tank and found a snail stuck in my overflow tube!!!
I thought my mexican turbos were way too big to fit inside those things!!! I guess one isn't for sure!
the reason we were out was to buy a new fish and a crab. If I can get pictures I will. 1 chalk basslet and 1 emerald crab..... yup I bought another one! hopefully this one wont starve!


I love my chalk Basslet :) it's in my 29G
sorry to hear about the snail...lol....glad you got home in time....I have not had that problem....my eggcrate lies on top of my overflow thingy....you may need to cover it..


Originally Posted by meowzer
I love my chalk Basslet :) it's in my 29G
sorry to hear about the snail...lol....glad you got home in time....I have not had that problem....my eggcrate lies on top of my overflow thingy....you may need to cover it..
well, luckily we have two tubes that suck down water. so it's kinda redundant or whatever. And the snails are really good at getting in there and cleaning it out really fast. I guess I will need to either cover it like you said or keep a really close eye on them.
My plan with the chalk bass is to end up with three or four of them. the owner of this one lfs said that they are true schooling fish because they dont fight like chromis and some of the other "schooling fish" and they will change their --- in groups and breed! that's going to be fun!


here are the pics! first up the chalk bass then the emerald crab
the bass is still pretty freaked out. he looked like he wanted to eat wtih the rest of the fish but was too nervous. the lights will be out soon so hopefully he will find a good home and feel more brave tomorow.
oh yeah! i found out that my manderan goby is a girl!



Originally Posted by nissan577
hey there mely! looking really good!
i hope the zoas open real soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love it!
hey nissan! oh yeah, the zoas are slowly opening. today the red kedds are starting to open too! i'm getting excited again..... i dont wanna post pics until they are all open though. i wanna really show them off.


i have ich!!!!

the chalk bass was really stressed out when he went in the tank and now he has ich and my mimic tang has it as well! crap! I dont have a hospital tank. even if i got one wouldn't the ich still be in the display? if I cure the fish of the ich in a hospital tank with hypo wouldn't they get it again when i put them back into the display?


Originally Posted by melypr1985
i have ich!!!!

the chalk bass was really stressed out when he went in the tank and now he has ich and my mimic tang has it as well! crap! I dont have a hospital tank. even if i got one wouldn't the ich still be in the display? if I cure the fish of the ich in a hospital tank with hypo wouldn't they get it again when i put them back into the display?
YIKES...sorry to hear that....I think if you put all fish in the qt and do hypo...and leave the DT w/o fish for 6-8 weeks the ich should die off....
at least with all the reading I have done...that is what I have come to understand


Originally Posted by meowzer
YIKES...sorry to hear that....I think if you put all fish in the qt and do hypo...and leave the DT w/o fish for 6-8 weeks the ich should die off....
at least with all the reading I have done...that is what I have come to understand
well, i dont have a big enough tank for that. i have a ten gallon to use. i could probably use the other ten if i cut out the baffles and clean it really well. but then what about my manderan? i dont have a way to feed him. do i have to take the sand and cheato out of the ten? that way the manderan will have all the pods i've been cultivating for him. do you think i could do that?