American Idol Winner?


Wait if that happens Sanjaya fans will vote crazy leaving Jordin Blake and Melinda in the bottom 3.
Everyone will think Jordin and Melinda are safe so they get no votes.Blake gets a few votes by people against the whole idea of forcing Sanjaya to leave which makes Jordin and Melinda the bottom 2
I think Melinda leaves at 5.


Well my fav is Blake because he's the only one that actually puts his own personality into a song instead of just singing it like it once was song.............
I wish Sanjaya would just leave the show....... He has to know he sucks....... don't ya think?
AND what was with the hair??????????


Active Member
If Sanjaya cut off his hair and had a short haircut (as if he didn't have that mohawk last night) he might actually be taken seriously. He's not the best performer or singer, but i think its the hair that i'm judging more than his actual talent. he probably could be considered handsome if you imagine the hair gone.
Phil did well last night, and i think Melinda/Lakisha are too comfey with all the praises they've gotten and were off their ball last night. Melinda looked like an old, hunched over woman instead of the 30? year old she is.


Sanjaya all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont know how he's still on the show! he's weired, kinda creepy, and he cant sing.
he needs to go home!


Active Member
Sanjaya is proof Simon has been wrong so many times, when he called this a singing competition...
Everyone could have a bad night, I am just waiting for Sanjaya to actually have a good night.
I guess these two rules apply on why he is still there:
Rule 20 There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
Rule 24 Someone who thinks logically, provides a nice contrast to the real world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
i hate this show! i hope that sanjaya kid wins because all of howard sterns fans vote for him. and it will bring the show to it's end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAH I agree i will laugh so hard
if he wins


My list is still going the right way! :scared: :scared: On some AI forum the east coasters are saying wwaahh Chris Sligh went home,Sanjaya should go this and that.1 made good'ol joke and peed his pants,now there nine!
I voted for Haley 125 times as many gallons as my new fish tank! :joy:


Active Member
sorry, but this has got to be fixed. For Sanjaya not to be in the bottom three 2 weeks in a row is just impossible. I may just stop watching it again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
sorry, but this has got to be fixed. For Sanjaya not to be in the bottom three 2 weeks in a row is just impossible. I may just stop watching it again.
well i hate to say it, but sanjaya is going to stay for a few more weeks. i doubt that he will win, but he will go far. only because of sites like 'vote for the' and radio people like howard stern. i think it would be quite funny to see him win, but don't think he will. i'm still thinking about voting for him, lol. i probably won't ever vote though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
sorry, but this has got to be fixed. For Sanjaya not to be in the bottom three 2 weeks in a row is just impossible. I may just stop watching it again.

Renogaw, it is the Stern Nation doing this get on board.


Active Member
Maybe American Idol will have to go voice only and be booted to satellite radio. If you ain't got talent go obscene....
Stern is just showing Sanjaya Professional Courtesy for the No Talent niche market they both belong..


Active Member
I highly doubt Sanjaya will win. Simon said in an interview, "He's not going to win. I won't be back if he does!"


Active Member
zman1, diss on stern or sanjaya all you want.
but satellite radio is amazing. anything you want to listen to all the time anytime. never have to change the channel, works great for me, woo hoo.


Active Member
LOL- it wasn't a diss on satellite radio, just happens to be where Stern hides out and those two deserve each other...


Active Member
It will be a tragedy if dolittle doesn't win she is by far the most talented person on the show this year but past years have proven that it's just a beauty/popularity contest and all the little teenyboppers are voting for sanjaya.....tragic


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
It will be a tragedy if dolittle doesn't win she is by far the most talented person on the show this year but past years have proven that it's just a beauty/popularity contest and all the little teenyboppers are voting for sanjaya.....tragic
she just looks funny, like she doesn't have a neck. and a huge chin or jaw.
i don't think she will win, there have been great singers like that in the past that haven't won.


Active Member
I can see Jordin being the American Idol before I see Melinda being it. Jordin has a very good stage prescence, she has a nice look to her, and she has a great voice. She is my choice for American Idol.


Active Member
blake is doing ok now, he's sorta my feeling as an underdog and would like to see him get into the final 4 at least. I do though think he's in trouble when AI starts telling them what song to sing, not letting them decide themselves. Jordin would be a great idol as well. I don't think Melinda has the look to be it.
that being said, i do feel that melinda, lakisha, jordin, blake, and... erm.. the black/red headed punkerchick, will get signed eventually. the others are just a process of elimination to get rid of. I will NEVER watch it again if Sanjaya wins.


These are my top four.
2.Gina,Lakisha,Blake.The rest I wouldn't care if they all got eliminated.
I just like Haley she isn't bad I know,I sound crazy but I would compare her voice with Jordin's and pass Haley.To get money and fame you need to look good,sing well,have a great personality,and have fun with the songs,Haley does it everytime,same with Blake