Astrowars anyone?


Active Member
Wait, so lets say the person built up to a level 10 robotics. Does that mean if I took that planet, those buildings would still be there? What about cybernetics cores?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
well shoot...when ever i attacked last round at the end i never got anything but 0s...those jerks!lol
Don't you have that paper to write?

LOL, jk. Hmmmm, maybe the server just doesn't like you that is why you got 0's


Active Member
i'm done thank the lord, stupid papers.....ay...
maybe they just hadnt built anything....but i dont know...maybe i destroyed it to no end


Active Member
Well, my culture is gonna go up in about a day, so I decided to go ahead and take over a free planet, which will give me time to build some transports, and another colony ship. I may need the time to build some destroyers, that is if my distant neighbour wants to try anything funny!


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Nemo's little corner of the galaxy. Just so you newbs know we have a NAP with the HNU and Vulture alliance. If any one of them attack you contact me, this does not mean that you are protected in any way, but we would like to be able to help if possible.
yea im right on the border between Nemo and V. hopefully i won't be a future easy take over for someone, but im #371 overall so i must be doin something right.


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Wait, so lets say the person built up to a level 10 robotics. Does that mean if I took that planet, those buildings would still be there? What about cybernetics cores?
There will be some damage, say they had level 10 robotics, you may find that it is damaged to level 8 or 7., but it's going to be easier to build back up. Same for the other things. If he also had a 12 lab you might destry a couple of levels of that as well.


im back babey OH YEAH :jumping: i came back to 720 points, 1 new planet, and a crap tun of experience points, all 3 of my fleets were victorius.


I have a good one i sent a fleet over to a planet and Defeted the user now i want to take it over. But its not going. Since theres a population of 2 do i just send over a colony and transport or what?


you would send 2 transports....but to take it you would have to have a high enough culture for it.


Originally Posted by bs21
you would send 2 transports....but to take it you would have to have a high enough culture for it.
I do


Active Member
@BS21 - you are very close to some of the NEMOs - particularly lizzard, and DarthVlad. You might post in the NEMO forums and we might be able to get you into NEMO this round.
- other new players - NEMO is setting up a new private forum for new saltwater fish players who might be interested in joining NEMO in future rounds. If we can help you become better players, it is worth our time. The secure forum is better for posting race information (although not many players are likely to find this thread). Just post in the NEMO forums - - to get access.


posted overthere... i had noticed some of the Nemos around but most are still out of my range. I have been lookin on that site thomas posted to see where everyone was.


Active Member
The new Mentoring Forum has been made - called "Little Fishies"

We can talk there without bothering all the other non-playing members of

Access to that forum will only be given to new members as well as NEMO leadership. This will allow you to get more expert opinions and learn good habits right away. We've already started a get-to-know-you thread there.


Active Member
go to the forum index, then above in all the little print where it says logout, messages, says usergroups, click that....then you can see the "little fishies" under the group membership deatils


Active Member
your welcome my peasant

i still dont understand it though, are we supposed to PM each other, or is there a spcific thread for it?


Active Member
There are no specific threads yet. You guys can create new threads to ask questions and have discussions about any topics you would like. If one of you has a question, it is likely that another one of you has a similar question. This is a new idea we are trying. We have had a mentor system in place, but with more potential recruits this round, it will pay off for next round to have you guys learn the game from experts.
I've been having a running discussion by PM with Bronco300. I don't mind teaching but I think that we can learn from each other. I am also aware that people will have different strategies based on their particular situation. I try to explain the tradeoffs and benefits of specific tactics. Learning from several players is often helpful to get different opinions.
I'm launching out of my home system into a hostile system. The early boring part of this game is passing.
@BS21 - we are trying to figure out if you are on the NEMO or the VULTURE side of a demarcation which divides our two alliances. I hope we can get you tagged. However, if not, we can at least send you a few destroyers to help yourself up.