Astrowars anyone?



Originally Posted by matty0h_52
I didnt they just gave me one?

What you picked is a straight race, by not picking anything else. That is exactly what a new person should do for the first round as you learn the ropes. Even if you get destroyed, you can start over in the rims as we call it, during a game. When a player gets to a biology of 25, they can pretty much launch anywhere in the system. So even if you newbs get destroyed start over and learn more. If that happens one of us NEMO's can launch a few hundred destroyers near where you are for protection if that happens.
i bought 2 destroyers but now i show 0 does that mean someone attacked or what? how do i know if someone attacks me? or is trying to take over? Im still a star im not shure why anyone would want to
Are you sure that you bought 2ds? Check your planet screen, those bars that go across to show what you need for pp to build anything. At this time you would need 60pp to build 2 ds. Why do you need it right now any way? ONly reasone right now for building ds is to trade them with someone.
If matty an bs21 could see each other you each build 1ds and send them to each other, in other words attack. Meanwhile you build 2 ds each to defend, along with your starbase 2SB you should have no problem winning. Then send another one each. This should give you your first SU=supply unit, which can be sold for many production points=pp. The first SU's will sell for 1000pp and as people sell their SU's the price starts going down. So we try to get it done asap.
Since you guys are not that close to each other what I would do is build 2 or 3 ds and send them to one of the guys near you that you think are idlers and have not logged on since they built there planet.
Its early game, I suggest you guys alternate in science, study social and then switch to biology, once you guys hit 4 or 6 biology you should either be able to see each other or see a system very near each other. Then you can send ships to colonize and support each other.


Active Member
how long does it take for a ship to reach another planet in my galaxy?
Like lets say that I have a planet directly beside me, and I would like to take it over (no one is on it). I have 3 days till I get 2 culture, but I am a level 10 robotics, so once I go to bed, and wake up, I will have at least 60 PP (actually about 90 pp) should I spend the PP on making a colony ship, or should I spend it on something else?
Population +5 3 5
Hydroponic Farm 4 21
Robotic Factory 7 76
Galactic Cybernet3 10
Research Lab 2 11
Starbase 2 12
Production Points 0 +10
Thomas, if I shouldn't spend it on a colony ship, what should I spend it on?


Active Member
if you go into your fleet tab you can put where you want it to go, then check the time calculator, and it'll show you an estimated time for the fleet


You can just send a colony ship to the planet next to you, righ now depending on race bonus, speed and energy levels it would take about 24 hours to reach, but as bronco points out if you build a ship then you can just to an estimated time of arrival by clicking the box in the fleet launch screen first.
Personally I'd be tempted to take the next planet over. Send 3 destroyers and 2 transports to the idler player. you get experience points, most likely an SU, and you get to take over the planet. If your lucky he started with a lab which means that he has a lab at level 12, but by bashing his planet it might go down to level 10 or 9. but it's better than nothing!.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
if you go into your fleet tab you can put where you want it to go, then check the time calculator, and it'll show you an estimated time for the fleet
Ooooh! Well, I haven't made any fleet so far, I didn't even know that option was there!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Personally I'd be tempted to take the next planet over. Send 3 destroyers and 2 transports to the idler player. you get experience points, most likely an SU, and you get to take over the planet. If your lucky he started with a lab which means that he has a lab at level 12, but by bashing his planet it might go down to level 10 or 9. but it's better than nothing!.
None of them have been idle very long, I think the longest was 21 minutes.
I think I will build me a colony ship then!


ok i got it now i thought that 2/60 meant that i have 2 and im only allowed 60....stupid newB. And i have leveled up all sci but am now working on is Bio-and social. what do you think?


man you guys should find my planet i'm the only one on it who has logged on everyone else has their first login and thats it. theres this one guy who says its uknown and that makes me nervous because i can't see whats goin on over there. anyway i've started colonizing some of the empty planets in my system allready maybe thats not a good idea though what do ya guys think.


Go for it bs21. That unkown is a person who logged in, decided that he didn't want to be there and resigned. This is called free food, attack him before someone else does. In the next week or so, people will be attacking all the idle players for the experience if not the planet itself.
If you can start another planet than do so, you will be stronger for it. More pp per hour.


OK, I'm in this now too. Looks cool. Clown52 just so you folks recognize me. I'll give myself a couple learning runs and then see about joining OMEN or NEMO. How long is a game? 3 days?
I am on Alpha Aladfar.
ID# 1321
Coordinates (-19/53)
Anyone near there?


Originally Posted by Clown52
OK, I'm in this now too. Looks cool. Clown52 just so you folks recognize me. I'll give myself a couple learning runs and then see about joining OMEN or NEMO. How long is a game? 3 days?
I am on Alpha Aladfar.
ID# 1321
Coordinates (-19/53)
Anyone near there?
-16/41 here and i know bs21 i right next to me some where.


Thomas what do you think i should go from here
Population +5 3 15
Hydroponic Farm 4 10
Robotic Factory 6 57
Galactic Cybernet 4 22
Research Lab 4 25
Starbase 4 25
Production Points 12 +9


i think i read that attacking an unknown planet can give me an artifact....... is that correct?


Originally Posted by bs21
i think i read that attacking an unknown planet can give me an artifact....... is that correct?
Hey bs21 what are your (-, ) again i cant see you yet woundering how far away you are. My bio is up 2 and yours?


There is an "Unknown" next to me I would like to take out, however his starbase level is 4. How can I tell if he actually built one?

matty I think you and I may be closer than you and bs21.


if his starbase lvl is that high he probably made it that high i don't think it would make it up.


Originally Posted by Clown52
There is an "Unknown" next to me I would like to take out, however his starbase level is 4. How can I tell if he actually built one?

matty I think you and I may be closer than you and bs21.
where you at clown


you guys want to get these up to 12 eventually.
Hydroponic Farm
Robotic Factory
Galactic Cybernet
Research Lab
Push robotics up 2 levels higher than the rest, and then bring the others up one, robotics then cybernetics, then hydroponics finally research lab. Get ready for that colony ship to establish another planet.
I'll find out where clown52 is at.
This early in the game you will not find an artifact on a planet, cause nobody can afford one. However it is possible if someone is finally rimmed that you can locate their artifact on a planet.