Best deal you ever got at LFS?


sinner's girl

That's easy, we got our 75gl set up (tank, stand lights, regular and moon, filter, ph, heater, fish (3), cc, a big rock, ect). The part was nitrates were like 80 and the move killed the trigger and snapper, damsel lived.
I can't for the life of me find the price we paid, for some reason I can't search by user name, it only lets me put in Sinner's G...then tells me it's invalid. But it was under $200.
Our clowns cost $9.99 each (before nemo), it was a P.A.L.s special.


got this deal from reading these post it was Approx 70lbs of live rock
-Yellow tang (approx 3" in length)
-Pair of banggai (sp?) cardinals
-Two clown fish
a test kit 2 working power heads
2 bags of salt
3 snails i have found 2 small crabs that he did not tell me it was in there


I got this brain for $10 (Australian).
The fish shop owner didnt like it and his regular customers were not interested either so he let me take it off his hands for $10.
Bargain i think. My shrimp loves hiding behind it.



New Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
yea ***** has some fish for low prices with your pals card just wach out for ich.

ya, the ***** near me has great prices, but i agree, there is a lot of ich there


Active Member
Originally Posted by rkmcinvale
We recently bought a saddleback carpet anemone which normally sells for about $90, we only paid 28.00, the cashier put the selling price as $44 (for a green carpet), plus we got 40% percent off. Not to bad of a deal. I also got my mandarin for $10, when they normally sell for about $25.

hey i know that shop was it aqua zoo lol. do you know anyother good lfs's i just moved up to saint augustine 3 days ago and we scoped out aqua zoo - the beach.
thanks COnnor


Baby clown trigger for $25. Thought it was great until it died, and it's replacement died with no cause.


My best deal was getting a Lrg. Copperband butterfly for only 13.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was huge!! 4-6 in. God! But i went on vacation 6 months afteri bought him and the people watching killed him....


Active Member
idk if there was a best hitch-hiker thread, but i just bought some LR rubble to fill my sump for my new reef tank, i grabbed one small slab, and felt something soft, when i looked, it appeared to be some kind of coral, i drop it in my other display tank that is running, and 3 minutes later, out pops 10-12 zoanthid polyps of 3 species! wooooot


Well I didn't get this deal at my Local LFS but off the internet. Won't say where, but I ordered a $299 light fixture. They must have pulled it wrong or something because I got a complete 20 gallon Finnex tanks setup with skimmer, pumps, tank, light fixture and everything. I looked it up and it was about $549. They said keep it...shipping it back and forth would cost more. What was I to do?
I think it was a trick, I only needed a light for my 24 gallon nano, now I still need a light for my 24 gallon nano. I am going to set up the 20 gallon with the light that came with it. It is a 150 watt Mh with 2 18 watt pc. Now I got to buy another light for my 24 gallon nano.....


Well I got into the hobby for free
this guy gave me a bunch of stuff, including a bunch of fish that would never have been okay in my tank so I traded them in for stuff that would be...
free list
-55g tank
-10g sump wet/dry with bio balls and overflow box
-protien skimmer, seaclone but hey it was free
-1 maxi jet powerhead
-30lbs of lr and ls
-some little things like magnet float, net, food etc
-yellow tang (traded in)
-blue hippo tang (I sold him for $50 to someone with a bigger tank)
-6 clowns (I traded for some 1 emerald, a mushrooom, a few snails)
-kole yellow eyed tang (traded in a lfs)
-cbs (traded in for royal gramma)
-2 camel back shrimp
-4 emerald crabs
-bunch of snails and hermit including an Electric Blue Hermit Crab - very cool!
hmmmm that is all i can think of for the free list, of course now I am spending money upgrading


Originally Posted by reffer
ya, the ***** near me has great prices, but i agree, there is a lot of ich there

im a ***** and.......WE HAVE NO ICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a week long period we lost only 17 fish, fresh and salt (feeders not included) We have a very healthy fish salection.


Active Member
Best deal I ever got at my LFS: Xenia 9.99 per stalk . Walk through the door and he says "How's the tank?"


Active Member
how about free for buying $700 jbj 1/3 hp chiller no tax, brand new
i got a 2 10" colt coral, 16" toadstool leather,8"finger leather and large flower pot coral


My LFS had a 30% off sale on everything in the store except salt on Memorial Day. They had people lining up 2 hours before they opened for tanks.


Nothing shady, but went to trade my purple lobster in(fin nipper), needed some phos sponge marked $13.99, but the register rang it up correctly- $18.99, so no savings till I asked about these red w/ green frost shroons and she told me $2.99. "Each" I asked? "No there's 2-3 in a clump"she said. She gave me 10 of them for $2.99. "SWEET" as my son says. But they are always doing that for me. Makes my wife wonder, they're a couple of Hotties and I always get this look like "Better Behave", but I'm considered a "Regular" because we're always in there buying or trading something.


Originally Posted by Agent707
I can beat all of that. I lived on a tropical island (was stationed there) 'bout 15 years ago. I had an aquarium for about 1.5 years. Never paid a cent for anything that went in it.
I just went snorkling in the tide pools during low tide on the reef and would have buckets full of whatever fish I could catch. I had lots and lots of fish.
Lionfish, triggers, zillions of dansels (had something that ate them left and right), shrimp, lawnmovers were so easy to catch at night time with flashlights. lol
Also had tons of choice hand picked rocks... and of course I carried fresh ocean water to my tanks. So there was never any "cycling" or anything.
After 15 years, I'm finnally setting up a tank again... and "just now" finding out how dang expensive it is.
Though, I do have an Aunt that works in a LFS... so I have gotten a few good deals. Nothing stolen mind you. I pay for everything I get.

where was the island and ive got a french angel and two jacknife fish for free fom the same thing the ocean


Originally Posted by popnfrresh
Im sorry to criticize you BUT why feed damsels to other fish. There are so many great alternatives to feed picky feeders. Why take a fish off of the reef just to feed it to one of your fish. Take a 10 gallon tank and throw 6 convict cichlids in there or throw 6 guppies/mollies/platies/swordtails. You can use something other than damsels... Mollies will even live in saltwater if they arent eaten right away...

Its not ok to use damsels as feeder fish but it is ok to use mollies and guppies...hmmmm sounds brutal to me....and besides(not that i think either is good or bad)but arent damsels the mollies of saltwater???


Originally Posted by tazsbaby99
Its not ok to use damsels as feeder fish but it is ok to use mollies and guppies...hmmmm sounds brutal to me....and besides(not that i think either is good or bad)but arent damsels the mollies of saltwater???
It sounds like they were saying that taking a damsel from the REEF was the issue, not so much feeding the fish. I know nothing about freshwater fish, but I assume mollies & guppies are easily tank-raised...saving the reefs perhaps?