Best deal you ever got at LFS?


New Member
I went to buy a doz. rozey reds for my freshwater ciclids and when I got them home the chick gave me like 40 of them and charged me for 12.


I too live on an island (Oahu) , and havnt ever paid for a animal.
but the other day my pump/filter broke and i found a returned 25 gallon eclipes full setup for 50$, the same price as my replacement pump would have been......course i bought both any way.


The only deal that I have had so far with a LFS is the free black and white stripped dotty back hiding in the live rock. I figured he had died because the guy was shaking the rock violently trying to get the fish out. ...Plus, my tank was just set up, and I figured if he wasn't already dead, he would be soon. But he is alive and swimming around like a champ.


Active Member
Ok this is not fool proof and I don't recommend doing it or think it is morally or ethically correct. You can walk into most *****’s or petlands if you want a steal and don't mind getting a fish from there and go to a tank that say has damsels and angels in it point to the queen angel going for 100 bucks or more and say can I have that damsel over there. They most probably give it to you and then look at the sticker on the tank for damsel and charge you $14.99.
Hey I’m a New Yorker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i bought a snowflake eel at ***** for 8 dollars and then i took it to a lfs and sold him for 20 what a good deal :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Originally Posted by popnfrresh
Im sorry to criticize you BUT why feed damsels to other fish. There are so many great alternatives to feed picky feeders. Why take a fish off of the reef just to feed it to one of your fish. Take a 10 gallon tank and throw 6 convict cichlids in there or throw 6 guppies/mollies/platies/swordtails. You can use something other than damsels... Mollies will even live in saltwater if they arent eaten right away...

And why are fresh water fish less valuable than saltwater? Also damsels are pretty abundant in the ocean. In addition they can be bred in captivity.
-#-%$%&#^ now I am off topic too. Somebody flame me.


At ***** I got 2 ocellaris clowns but was rung up for only one.
At a lfs I got 2 rose BTAs for $25 each. No mistake there, they were small and landed in the owners tank by accident I believe. Both were about 1", one of which has since split into 4 for me.


I recently went to ***** and got a powder blue tang for 18.99
Tag said assorted tangs so that is what they charged me. lol
I don't have a tank big enough for one so I took it to the LFS and they gave me $50.00 credit for him. I got a nice mushroom rock and a GS marron clown for my $18.99 and still had credit.
They turned around and sold him for 69.99 in two days.


We recently bought a saddleback carpet anemone which normally sells for about $90, we only paid 28.00, the cashier put the selling price as $44 (for a green carpet), plus we got 40% percent off. Not to bad of a deal. I also got my mandarin for $10, when they normally sell for about $25.


Originally Posted by jhebi
I just got a Regal Angelfish for $19.99 today and sold to a friend of mine for $50.00, large size. I think it was a good price, the fish is really pretty~~

some friend you are


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
The A. thiellei clownfish is in the skunk clownfish complex i.e. it looks like a skunk clownfish.
If their so common than let me know where I can find another. :notsure:


I got a Princess parrotfish for 30.00 at ***** ;I think that's good. And Lbs of lr with polyups and a crab, <also hitchhikers. And best of all I got my Lionfish at mylfs for 24.99.


I have a friend who owns a saltwater fish importing warehouse. In otherwords, fish shopping spree, and you get to choose from dozens of each species so you can always find a healthy, beautiful specimen. its about 1.5 hours away, but i only pay about 10% of retail price. i cant drive yet so my parents only take me there every year or so. anyone jealous?