Colts vs. Bears...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Dungy will fall back on his defensive roots and load the box early and DARE the Bears to take to the air. SHould the COlts get out to an early could be a LONG day for the Bears.
Bears NEED turnovers at least plus 3 to win. If they get plus 3 it will be close.
Colts 31-17
i disagree... it is not a Dungy D to load the box or blitz... the bend but dont break Tampa 2 (Cover 2) defense is how he got the Bucs on the path, and has done the same in Indianapolis... speed, coverage schemes, tackling and turnovers is what a Dungy D is all about... rarely does a Dungy D give up a big play and thats what the Bears rely on... while rex is fallin on his bum huckin it up and pryin that a bear comes down with it... on the other hand you have the solid running game, rex handing it off may be the Bears path to victory...
the irony of it all, the debatable best ever passer in the NFL and the worst this year... killer D against finesse O...


I'd say you're ridiculous if you want to hold any bears fans beyond the actual ones holding those signs or making those comments. People or shall I say many people are indeed classless in general. Bears fans colts fans ravens fans and so on. I as a person would never make such comments as those and find them tasteless classless and absurd. But look at that or those guys as just overall bad humans and idiots and not just stupid fans. Just because they're sorry excuses for human beings doesn't mean many or any bears fans are also necessarily the same way. Hell, i've seen guys get stabbed at raiders games. Not because they weren't raiders fans. But because they were rival gang members. Just remember, Idiots wear all sorts of different names and faces. I hope incidents like these wont overshadow the players and coaches that have worked hard to get to this point and that everyone has a great time.

oh yeah. Go Bears.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Then what happend to the Ravens....#1 ranked defense in the entire nfl?
There is that good ol' Colts class popping out of you. I'm supposing that they were over ranked... Just like OSU


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
I'd say you're ridiculous if you want to hold any bears fans beyond the actual ones holding those signs or making those comments. People or shall I say many people are indeed classless in general. Bears fans colts fans ravens fans and so on. I as a person would never make such comments as those and find them tasteless classless and absurd. But look at that or those guys as just overall bad humans and idiots and not just stupid fans. Just because they're sorry excuses for human beings doesn't mean many or any bears fans are also necessarily the same way. Hell, i've seen guys get stabbed at raiders games. Not because they weren't raiders fans. But because they were rival gang members. Just remember, Idiots wear all sorts of different names and faces. I hope incidents like these wont overshadow the players and coaches that have worked hard to get to this point and that everyone has a great time.

oh yeah. Go Bears.

This was not the frst happened the last time the Saints played Chicago at Soldier Field. That report was from a Chicago station...not out of New Orleans.
I encountered the same clasless bunch of fans here in AZ at the local watering hole watching the game.
If you read my post..I said there are many bears fans with class. Too bad the ones with class at Soldier Field did not take the signs down...or ask the classless folks not to display them.
Based on the report from the Chicago station, does not appear to be isolated to a few. I wasn't there and I don't know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i disagree... it is not a Dungy D to load the box or blitz... the bend but dont break Tampa 2 (Cover 2) defense is how he got the Bucs on the path, and has done the same in Indianapolis... speed, coverage schemes, tackling and turnovers is what a Dungy D is all about... rarely does a Dungy D give up a big play and thats what the Bears rely on... while rex is fallin on his bum huckin it up and pryin that a bear comes down with it... on the other hand you have the solid running game, rex handing it off may be the Bears path to victory...
the irony of it all, the debatable best ever passer in the NFL and the worst this year... killer D against finesse O...
The weakness of the Bears O dictates this is what he should do. Shut down the run and DARE the Bears to beat him throwing. I'd put 8 in the box...and dare'em.


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
There is that good ol' Colts class popping out of you. I'm supposing that they were over ranked... Just like OSU

In college teams are ranked based on voting. In the pros defense is ranked based on statistics. Ravens had the #1 defense in the nfl based on stats...not some ranked voting.
I simply posted a q...if defense wins championships then the Ravens should be Super Bowl Champs as they had the overall #1 defense in the entire nfl.
OSU was ranked #1 by some other means....not based on yardage/points, etc given up.
How are they overranked when statistics place them as #1 in defense based on stats?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Wow, that is just awful. Just another reason to root for Manning and the Colts!!
New Orleans Fans Furious With Bears Fan Behavior
Report: Mayor Daley Has Apologized For Some Bears' Fans Behavior
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(CBS) CHICAGO Bears fans are still basking in the glory of Sunday's win over the Saints, but there is a cloud of controversy hovering over it.
As CBS 2's Mai Martinez reports, Some Saints fans and New Orleans residents say they were mistreated while in the Windy City, and they want an apology.
After Sunday's game, some New Orleans fans said Chicago fans took the rivalry too far, shouting insults and making inappropriate references to what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans.
New Orleans television stations have reported some Saints fans say they were taunted to no end about Hurricane Katrina and verbally abused.
Many Saints fans were especially hurt and insulted by a sign displayed by a Bears fan that said, "Bears, Finishing What Katrina Started."
"(It's) very, very disappointing that there are people that will take something that's happened so bad to our city and try to turn it around over a football game," one woman said.
Another viewer wrote, "You have some truly heartless, hateful fans," and asked how Chicagoans would have felt if the city had been ridiculed after the Chicago Fire of 1871.
New Orleans television has reported that Mayor Richard M. Daley's office released a statement which said: "This kind of unfortunate behavior by no means reflects Chicago. It's deplorable, and it should never have happened."


dont mean to sound ditsy but when is super bowl..... ive been busy with life and dont even know when it is... next weekend right?


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Some bears fans are I am hoping for a beat down. I even got into it at the local watering hole. I'm not that small a guy so I invited a couple Bears fans to the parking lot after their tasteless comments as well......... and they declined. A class bears fan and a GOOD friend calmed me down. Of course ...he had my 100 bucks in his pocket from out friendly little wager.
Report from CHicago...
Sunday night, some Bears fans took the rivalry too far. In one instance, a woman being interviewed by a New Orleans TV reporter in front of Soldier Field was pushed out of the way by a man screaming, "Super Bowl, Super Bears."
Saints fans and New Orleans residents are especially upset by one sign that says "Bears: Finishing What Katrina Started."
"(It's) very, very disappointing that there are people that will take something that's happened so bad to our city and try to turn it around over a football game," one woman said.
Another woman added, "A man lost his wife and child in Katrina and they were ragging him over that, and it was just terrible."
A Louisiana resident wrote to CBS 2: "I have visited your city many times but never will again. I pray to God no catastrophic event ever occurs that will force your entire city out of their homes."
Hopefully, the class Bears fans will show up in I'm sure there are many.

OK...You will probably not think of me as being one of your "class bears fans" that you have this idea about, but I am so sick of this Katrina and New Orleans thing. Is it ever going to end?
Was it tragic? Yes
Do I have sympathy for everyone involved? Yes
Am I glad that this storm didn't hit my area and ruin my life? Yes
Everyone knows what happened down there and everyone knows that it was a terrible situation, but why do we all need to be reminded of it on an hourly basis? And why does it matter how good their football team does? Time to move on, people. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you can actually focus on getting your lives back together.
I'm sure that everyone will hate me for this thread, but whatever. Just need to vent sometimes, you know?
Go Bears!
PS. Everyone was so quick to mention the storm when the Saints started to perform, but how come no one mentioned the Great Fire that destroyed the city of Chicago so long ago. The people of Chicago rose up, rebuilt their city, and now look at them. Their team is in the Superbowl.
The people of New Orleans can follow this excellent example.


Originally Posted by petieaztec
dont mean to sound ditsy but when is super bowl..... ive been busy with life and dont even know when it is... next weekend right?
no worries. it's Feb. 4th.


Originally Posted by petieaztec
sweet thanks :cheer: I wouldnt want to miss it.... im mean chicago is playing.

seriously. i can't wait :D


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
OK...You will probably not think of me as being one of your "class bears fans" that you have this idea about, but I am so sick of this Katrina and New Orleans thing. Is it ever going to end?
Was it tragic? Yes
Do I have sympathy for everyone involved? Yes
Am I glad that this storm didn't hit my area and ruin my life? Yes
Everyone knows what happened down there and everyone knows that it was a terrible situation, but why do we all need to be reminded of it on an hourly basis? And why does it matter how good their football team does? Time to move on, people. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you can actually focus on getting your lives back together.
I'm sure that everyone will hate me for this thread, but whatever. Just need to vent sometimes, you know?
Go Bears!
PS. Everyone was so quick to mention the storm when the Saints started to perform, but how come no one mentioned the Great Fire that destroyed the city of Chicago so long ago. The people of Chicago rose up, rebuilt their city, and now look at them. Their team is in the Superbowl.
The people of New Orleans can follow this excellent example.
They need something to cry about to help forget that they got beatdown and wasted the one chance they've ever had for a Superbowl. Any stadium with 70,000+ people is gonna have some bad elements in it, unfortunately thats how it is nowadays. Hell, at UF, students used to pee in cups and then throw them at the opposing fans :scared:
Seems to me that New Orleans residents should be much more upset and outraged that their own citizens are murdering each other in record numbers rather than what some Bears fans 2000 miles away said.


Active Member
I think it's safe to say any team or town has it's "classless" fans. If the story of the signage was true, then that is despicable. I will say that when I watched the Saints/Eagles game, I was appauled at some of the shirts and signs I saw...many of them saying 'F da Eagles' or 'kill the fn eagles' etc...I watched the first half of that game with my children and was mortified. I had quite the discussion about the infamous Janet Jackson moment, and how that was nothing compared to this. I just couldn't believe the NFL and Fox would allow that to be aired...they weren't just quick glances either. I'm not saying that's worse than signs celebrating Katrina, but definitely classless none the less!


Active Member
Originally Posted by schneidts
I think it's safe to say any team or town has it's "classless" fans. If the story of the signage was true, then that is despicable. I will say that when I watched the Saints/Eagles game, I was appauled at some of the shirts and signs I saw...many of them saying 'F da Eagles' or 'kill the fn eagles' etc...I watched the first half of that game with my children and was mortified. I had quite the discussion about the infamous Janet Jackson moment, and how that was nothing compared to this. I just couldn't believe the NFL and Fox would allow that to be aired...they weren't just quick glances either. I'm not saying that's worse than signs celebrating Katrina, but definitely classless none the less!
There was one shirt and Fox apologized for showing it. I don't think it would be in the same class but that is up to each person to decide.
Unfortuanlely, Katrina was the worst natural disaster in the history of this country. So, it remains a story as the City I lived in is still a ghost town in many areas.
I did not see any reports of Eagles fans being abused...nor did any public officicial apologize for the actions of numerous New Orleans fans in that game.
it takes alot for folks back home to reach this level as New Orleanians are a pretty laid back. It obviously crossed the line and was not isolated.
The last time the Saints played in a playoff game in Chicago (1990 I beleive)fans were bombarded with snowballs and a couple were injured from some icy ones. One kid had his glasses break and his eye was injured. The good thing about this past Sunday is that it appears no one was physically injured this time form the classless fans and thugs.
The story is ture as the Chicago TV station has a picture of the sign...which evidently was not removed by security from the fan. I have been to many a game in the Superdome and have seen signs taken down by security if they in any way could be viewed as offensive. it appears this was there for many to see and remained...not sure though as I was not there.
The conduct must have been pretty bad if the mayor has apologized.


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
OK...You will probably not think of me as being one of your "class bears fans" that you have this idea about, but I am so sick of this Katrina and New Orleans thing. Is it ever going to end?
Was it tragic? Yes
Do I have sympathy for everyone involved? Yes
Am I glad that this storm didn't hit my area and ruin my life? Yes
Everyone knows what happened down there and everyone knows that it was a terrible situation, but why do we all need to be reminded of it on an hourly basis? And why does it matter how good their football team does? Time to move on, people. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you can actually focus on getting your lives back together.
I'm sure that everyone will hate me for this thread, but whatever. Just need to vent sometimes, you know?
Go Bears!
PS. Everyone was so quick to mention the storm when the Saints started to perform, but how come no one mentioned the Great Fire that destroyed the city of Chicago so long ago. The people of Chicago rose up, rebuilt their city, and now look at them. Their team is in the Superbowl.
The people of New Orleans can follow this excellent example.
If you have lost your job, your neighborhood, your home and for some members of your family it is pretty tough. The Saints brought some needed diversion and lifted spirits this year. I have many friends and family back home and this is how they feel regarding what the team has done for the region. This is why it mattered.
Since you are not from New Orleans, I do not expect you or anyone else to understand.
I'm glad they had a good year and could bring some good positivie feelings to the region. That's why it somehow mattered and matters.


Active Member
I know there are many great fans for Chicago...and I agree...we should not paint with too broad a brush. I should have started a different thread...I certainly aplogize as this has taken a turn .
Go Colts.....31-17


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
In college teams are ranked based on voting. In the pros defense is ranked based on statistics. Ravens had the #1 defense in the nfl based on stats...not some ranked voting.
I simply posted a q...if defense wins championships then the Ravens should be Super Bowl Champs as they had the overall #1 defense in the entire nfl.
OSU was ranked #1 by some other means....not based on yardage/points, etc given up.
How are they overranked when statistics place them as #1 in defense based on stats?

I guess my question to you would be the same then. How can the colts have the #1 QB in the NFL the last 3 to 4 years (based on stats) and just now be able to now make it (some how) to the dance?
and by the way, I understand the differences in pro rankings and colege rankings. I was simply making a comparison. It seems that some how you are the onle one entitled to an opinion...

Good luck next week colts fan. ***)


New Member
first of all we are 15-2. second do you really think the colts defense could stop thomas and benson.