coral reefs take millions of years to grow


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This entire quote is inaccurate.
1. No where in the OT or NT is Satan considered a faithful servant... Now I don't know what each individual jewish scect believes, but from a purely OT perspective this is false.
2. Satan attacked Job after God commented on Job being "Blamesless and upright".
3. No idea where the idea that Satan is sitting on the left hand of God comes from.
4. The Bible absoultely DOES have a problem with Solomon and his wives. Read carefully how Solomon comes to fall away from God. As I posted previously, just because the Bible records it, that does not imply approval.
5. You misquote Paul... Reread the passage you are referring too. Lust is sinful, not --- within marriage.
6. "--- is dirt among Christians".... An absolute lie. ---, in the context of marriage, is the purest gift that God gives His followers. The Bible makes that clear.
Umm.... Amen


Active Member
Originally Posted by caomt
anony (5:05:59 PM): those are fake
anony (5:06:06 PM): coral reefs take millions of years to grow
anony (5:12:21 PM): it aint gonna grow in your tank
anony (5:12:26 PM): its illegal to remove reefs
guys is this true... i was chatting to my cousin
The Sun: Evidence for a Young Earth
One of the best ways to show that the earth is not "billions of years old" is to look at the sun.
We are all aware that the sun is burning. What you may not have thought of though, is that it can not burn forever. Though the sun does oscillate, it is also rapidly decreasing in size and mass.
For the last 300 years Boyal (sp) Observatory in England has been keeping records of the suns diameter (K. Hovind debate at the University of West Florida).
They have carefully recorded the rate the sun is shrinking. They have determined that the sun is shrinking at a rate of 5 feet per hour. At this rate, the sun would have been twice its present radius only one million years ago. The farther you go back in time, the larger the sun would have been. This is true even though the rate of shrinkage may not have always been the same. In fact in the past, the sun would have burned faster than it does today.
"The shrinkage rate centuries ago would be determined by the balance of the solar forces. Since the potential energy of a homogeneous spherical sun varies inversely with the solar radius, the rate of shrinkage would have been greater in the past than it is now". (Dr. Russel Akridge, ICR impact article #82 )
This means that today’s rate of shrinkage (5 feet per hour) was faster years ago. Perhaps at the rate of 10 or 20 feet per hour.
The sun would have been big enough to touch the earth only 20 million years ago. Evolutionists claim the earth is 4 BILLION years old. You can see why this is impossible.
If the earth was Billions of years old, then the earth would have been destroyed by the sun.
The Evolutionists idea that dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago is absurd. This is far too long ago for the sun to have allowed life on earth.
The earth can not be millions of years old.

the statement that the sun was that large millions of years ago is a false statement. There are different size stars and all larger stars died out very early in the creation of the universe. If our sun were a large star, it would not exists today and we would not be having this discussion. These large stars burned out fast because it takes more hydrogen to keep them going. Basically, they are gas guzzlers!. Once they used up their hydrogen, which they did really fast, they began burning heluim and they expanded (this is because it takes more pressure to burn heluim). And eventually they ran out of gases to burn and they went super nova.
Thank god our star is a meduim range star, and still has a couple billion years left of hydrogen to burn.
If I recall correctly, a medium siuze star lasts about 5 billion years and we have used up 3 billion.
and btw, the smallest stars last the longest as they bearly burn any hydrogen.


Active Member
I'm going to relate this all back to saltwater fish and reefs with my inflamatory statement.
If you believe that the earth is not that old, I think you should turn off your lights and skimmer and begin praying to god that your corals and fish survive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
I'm going to relate this all back to saltwater fish and reefs with my inflamatory statement.
If you believe that the earth is not that old, I think you should turn off your lights and skimmer and begin praying to god that your corals and fish survive.
LoL, awesome


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This entire quote is inaccurate.
1. No where in the OT or NT is Satan considered a faithful servant... Now I don't know what each individual jewish scect believes, but from a purely OT perspective this is false.
2. Satan attacked Job after God commented on Job being "Blamesless and upright".
3. No idea where the idea that Satan is sitting on the left hand of God comes from.
4. The Bible absoultely DOES have a problem with Solomon and his wives. Read carefully how Solomon comes to fall away from God. As I posted previously, just because the Bible records it, that does not imply approval.
5. You misquote Paul... Reread the passage you are referring too. Lust is sinful, not --- within marriage.
6. "--- is dirt among Christians".... An absolute lie. ---, in the context of marriage, is the purest gift that God gives His followers. The Bible makes that clear.
zechariah 3:1-5 NIV

1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.
2 The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel.
4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
5 Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by.
Satan is standing to accuse Joshua, and The LORD rebukes him.
Does this not sound like a courtroom drama to you? The district attourney accuses you of doing something, but you have a deal made with the judge (i.e. you are saved) and the judge stands up for you inspite of all the evidence that is there.
Looks like satan is merely doing his job.
Besides one verse in 1 chronicles that doesn't show anything about satans character, this is the only other reference to satan in the OT aside from the book of Job.
That is true but it makes no difference to my point or to the interpretation of the scripture. God brags on Job, Satan points out that anyone so well taken care of would definitely be a faithful servant, and god AGREES to allow satan to kill all of his CHILDREN!!!
That's where the D.A. sits, jesus, sits RIGHT hand of the father/judge, and is the advocate, the defence, sits.
Ok then forget soloman for a moment and lets look at numbers 31:15-17 shall we?
Num 31:15
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
Num 31:16Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
Num 31:17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
Num 31:18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
I believe capturing --- slaves constitutes a freedom of sexuality, oh and, how exactly do you test girls to see if they are virgins hmm? I believe you have to do it manually, and if you did that today you would go to jail for ---- by instrumentation.
Definition of lust from
1. Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.
1. An overwhelming desire or craving: a lust for power.
2. Intense eagerness or enthusiasm: a lust for life.
3. Obsolete. Pleasure; relish.
Now I don't know if you are married or not, but I assure you that this quality is NOT missing from married ---.
That being said, please, go and find me one mainstream christian writing from the new testament through 1800 that believes that --- is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated by married people. Why do you think that preists can't marry? It's ground into the core of the christian psyche that you are dirty when you have ---. Think of how much anguish has taked over young boys who masturbate and have nightmares of hell.
I think we are done here...


Originally Posted by bergamer
the statement that the sun was that large millions of years ago is a false statement. There are different size stars and all larger stars died out very early in the creation of the universe. If our sun were a large star, it would not exists today and we would not be having this discussion. These large stars burned out fast because it takes more hydrogen to keep them going. Basically, they are gas guzzlers!. Once they used up their hydrogen, which they did really fast, they began burning heluim and they expanded (this is because it takes more pressure to burn heluim). And eventually they ran out of gases to burn and they went super nova.
Thank god our star is a meduim range star, and still has a couple billion years left of hydrogen to burn.
If I recall correctly, a medium siuze star lasts about 5 billion years and we have used up 3 billion.
and btw, the smallest stars last the longest as they bearly burn any hydrogen.

look how complex this world is...from the tiniest microscopic things to the biggest star..your telling me it all poped out of no where?

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Kablamo
Why do you think that preists can't marry?
Because Priests are to only love God. The catholic church believes a relationship of any kind by their Priests interferes and clouds their relationship with God.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kablamo
zechariah 3:1-5 NIV

1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.
2 The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel.
4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
5 Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by.
Satan is standing to accuse Joshua, and The LORD rebukes him.
Does this not sound like a courtroom drama to you? The district attourney accuses you of doing something, but you have a deal made with the judge (i.e. you are saved) and the judge stands up for you inspite of all the evidence that is there.
Looks like satan is merely doing his job.
I think this is quite a stretch, especially if you are attempting to say that this proves Satan is a faithful servant in the OT. There is nothing here that says he is faithful. Actually, since it is Satan who is rebuked you have not only not proven that he is a faithful servant, but that he is also deserving of being rebuked in this situation.
Besides one verse in 1 chronicles that doesn't show anything about satans character, this is the only other reference to satan in the OT aside from the book of Job.
Not true, just off the top of my head Satan is at least referred to in Genesis as he is the one who convinced Eve to take from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And God sure didn't seem happy with Satan about that. He did not want Adam & Eve to eat from the tree, they lived on heaven on earth and that was how God wanted it, but evil (Satan) tempted Adam & Eve and they chose evil.
You are probably thinking that gaining knowledge (of good and evil) is a good thing, because we are taught these days that knowledge is more important than almost anything. Not all knowledge is beneficial though. This knowledge took human kind of out heaven on earth and resulted in evil entering the world (because man chose to bring it in), increased labor pains for women, and men working by the sweat of their brow. All of this is in Genesis 3.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kablamo
Why do you think that preists can't marry? It's ground into the core of the christian psyche that you are dirty when you have ---. Think of how much anguish has taked over young boys who masturbate and have nightmares of hell.
I think we are done here...
I don't know if you read all of the posts in this thread or not, but we pretty much covered this already. It was a Pope's decision to stop priests from marrying. And while Pope's are self declared as infallible, I don't believe it because there is no reason to other than the word of the Pope's. The bible never says anyone should not get married. Like I said, read through the thread and you will see this was discussed.
Unfortunately, many have used traditions like this to replace scripture. Many don't even realize that things like this aren't even in the Bible. This is an area that a majority of Christians need to improve upon. In other words, let's read our Bible's and take them in context and for all they are worth.


New Member
Jesus died for my sins! I am a warrior of christ! < that right there, is a ridiculous statement. Jesus was not the son of god. I would rather turn the lord of the rings into a religious dogma than believe that crap they call the bible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Apathy
Jesus died for my sins! I am a warrior of christ! < that right there, is a ridiculous statement. Jesus was not the son of god. I would rather turn the lord of the rings into a religious dogma than believe that crap they call the bible.
You might want to change your choice of books as Tolkien was a Christian...


New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You might want to change your choice of books as Tolkien was a Christian...

Ok how about the chronicles of narnia, a book that was loosley based on the christian religion anyways seeing as how c.s. lewis was an atheist.
REgardless of what I pick, it is all just s story. So your saying that if a muslim person had an account with jesus and that was in the bible it wouldnt be true? Only christians can write christian heralded material?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
I'm going to relate this all back to saltwater fish and reefs with my inflamatory statement.
If you believe that the earth is not that old, I think you should turn off your lights and skimmer and begin praying to god that your corals and fish survive.
Deal... as long as you take out EVERYTHING from your tank, seal it up in a vaccum, then wait for nothing to evolve into a coral reef....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kablamo
zechariah 3:1-5 NIV
...Does this not sound like a courtroom drama to you? The district attourney accuses you of doing something, but you have a deal made with the judge (i.e. you are saved) and the judge stands up for you inspite of all the evidence that is there.
Looks like satan is merely doing his job.
Besides one verse in 1 chronicles that doesn't show anything about satans character, this is the only other reference to satan in the OT aside from the book of Job.
You're changing your argument... I never said it didn't sound like a courtroom drama..
Originally Posted by Kablamo
That is true but it makes no difference to my point or to the interpretation of the scripture. God brags on Job, Satan points out that anyone so well taken care of would definitely be a faithful servant, and god AGREES to allow satan to kill all of his CHILDREN!!!
Again, you stated something not true... now you are changing your argument.
Originally Posted by Kablamo
That's where the D.A. sits, jesus, sits RIGHT hand of the father/judge, and is the advocate, the defence, sits.
Again, you're misquoting scripture and just flat out making stuff up...
Originally Posted by Kablamo

Ok then forget soloman for a moment and lets look at numbers 31:15-17 shall we?
Num 31:15
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?...
Again, you are changing your argument... and of course taking things out of context...
The first line says it all... ALL of the Midianites were supposed to be killed.
Originally Posted by Kablamo

That being said, please, go and find me one mainstream christian writing from the new testament through 1800 that believes that --- is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated by married people....
Actually, better yet, find me ONE verse in the Bible that says --- within marriage is "dirty"? The Bible makes it clear that --- is created as the ultimate expression of love between a married couple.
Originally Posted by Kablamo

I think we are done here
Most likely.. you're trying to twist the Bible into teaching things that it doesn't. This tangent probably belongs elsewhere.

darth tang

Active Member
One woman worshipping two men? A little homoerotic for my tastes. Tell you what....just switch days of whom you worship.......Journeyman already worships me as it is.....don't need any ideas getting in his head.