Originally Posted by
Clown Boy
The idea that the earth is billions of years old is a theory. It is now, and it has always been. Unfortunately, many people treat it like fact, when there is, in fact, no evidence for it and plenty of evidence against it. Sure, there are things that look like they might support the theory, but nothing that proves it.
As has been discussed in numerous other threads, your interpretation of "theory" and the scientific purpose of "theory" are NOT the same. In addition, scientists do NOT prove hypotheses, they work to falsify them, which is a very fundamental and basic principle of science that needs to be understood. Scientists make experiments and observations to falsify hypotheses. If the hypothesis is not at that time falsified, it is not proven, it just stands until the point when it is falsified. The accumulation of observations that do not falsify the hypothesis may result in it ultimately reaching the scientific definition of a "theory" (such as gravity and relativity), but if a single scientific and testable observation out of a defined experiment disproves the hypothesis then it should be discarded or reconsidered. This is assuming, of course, you have good, objective scientists (and I will be the first to say there are many who are not). But if you are looking to prove a hypothesis, you are not working in the scientific realm or at least according to the standard scientific method, IMO.