Dinosaurs and the Bible


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainmkr07
What evidence is there against the Earth being 4.5 billion years old?
Well there are many. For one there is not enough salt in the ocean based on how much salt gets eroded and carried into the ocean, and there is not enough mud/sand at the bottom of the ocean based on how much mud/sand gets eroded/carried into the ocean. Also there is the moon thing Clown Boy mentioned. There is plenty of evidence to go either way I suppose.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I heard about (not sure how real it actual is) that there is a place in Texas where a creek or river is breaking down some thin rock layers revealing human and dinasour footprints side by side. Again I don't know if it's all just a fake or if it's so unpopular because the evolutionists/uniformitarians don't want to admit that they are wrong and do some more research on it.
Again not sure about the liability of it, just something I have heard.
Also there are many ledgends in most cultures about dragons. All the way from Britian to China there are stories/ledgends of dragons.
Which can also be argued that creationists are not open to an equally logical interpretation that weathered fossilized tracks can be from many things. There are plenty of sites on both sides of the argument.
It is also, from the Creationist side, on the list of "things not to use"


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
The idea that the earth is billions of years old is a theory. It is now, and it has always been. Unfortunately, many people treat it like fact, when there is, in fact, no evidence for it and plenty of evidence against it. Sure, there are things that look like they might support the theory, but nothing that proves it.

The idea that I just typed this and posted it on an invisible internet is just a thoery that we accept as fact. Everything is questionable and not truley able to be proven except for math. Which is why mathematics is the basis for most everything we use in our everyday lives. So yeah and the fact that the bible was written by man makes it flawed. A man could in no way correctly interperet what GOD is really trying to relay. So I dont believe anything I cant see, touch, and interact with. Religion on a world wide scale has done nothing but bring war and death.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I heard about (not sure how real it actual is) that there is a place in Texas where a creek or river is breaking down some thin rock layers revealing human and dinasour footprints side by side. Again I don't know if it's all just a fake or if it's so unpopular because the evolutionists/uniformitarians don't want to admit that they are wrong and do some more research on it.
Again not sure about the liability of it, just something I have heard.
It's perfectly true. I've heard a guy who knows a guy who saw them himself. They depressions were too real for them to be fake.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Well there are many. For one there is not enough salt in the ocean based on how much salt gets eroded and carried into the ocean, and there is not enough mud/sand at the bottom of the ocean based on how much mud/sand gets eroded/carried into the ocean. Also there is the moon thing Clown Boy mentioned. There is plenty of evidence to go either way I suppose.
Ummm When you say this you have to take into account all the salt and sand that is dragged back upon the land during the many many many iceages that have accured.
And I ask clownboy to prove that the moon is leaving us an inch per year with out quoting a book. Oh wait a book is about all religion has.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Like I said there are very good arguments for both sides.
Yes, I am starting to realize this. It's truly a very fascinating subject, from both sides. I feel like I am more in the middle today, and find it hard to understand how so many can be so polarized, when each side has so many quality arguments for and against their side.


Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Yes, I am starting to realize this. It's truly a very fascinating subject, from both sides. I feel like I am more in the middle today, and find it hard to understand how so many can be so polarized, when each side has so many quality arguments for and against their side.
I dont believe in an afterlife nor do I want to. I believe your soul never leaves the earth. Everything in mother nature is recycled. Nothing is added or taken away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Yes, I am starting to realize this. It's truly a very fascinating subject, from both sides. I feel like I am more in the middle today, and find it hard to understand how so many can be so polarized, when each side has so many quality arguments for and against their side.
Yeah it is quite interesting. But then it all comes down to do you have faith in what you believe because obviously each side has its points, and faith isn't believing what you can see, but believing what you can't.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Well, for one thing, there's the moon. We are slowly losing the moon. It moves away from the earth at about an inch per year. So do a little thinking, and you realize that before, the moon was closer. Go back a couple of tens of thousands of years, and the moon's gravitional pull would make the tides drown everything on earth twice a day. You can only drown comfortably once a day...

If you'd like more facts, let me know.
A couple tens of thousands of years at 1" per year is about 500 yards. So instead of 238,856.95 miles away like it is now it used to be 238,856.65 miles away. Somehow I don't think that would make a significant difference on the tides.
Got anymore "facts"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I heard about (not sure how real it actual is) that there is a place in Texas where a creek or river is breaking down some thin rock layers revealing human and dinasour footprints side by side. Again I don't know if it's all just a fake or if it's so unpopular because the evolutionists/uniformitarians don't want to admit that they are wrong and do some more research on it.
Again not sure about the liability of it, just something I have heard.
Also there are many ledgends in most cultures about dragons. All the way from Britian to China there are stories/ledgends of dragons.
Near Glen Rose, Texas. Same area where Dinosaur Valley State Park is. You can walk the creekbed and find dinosaur footprints all over. It's really a great place. I loved it as a kid.
The supposed footprints of dinosaur and man were found on a nearby ranch (near to the state park) in the same stream, I believe. I've seen them first hand, and I've got to say I'm faaaar from convinced. There is a small Creation Museum in near Glen Rose that houses them (or did several years ago when I saw them).
I'm not saying they aren't, I'm just saying I didn't see what they said you could see. Then again, I never see what the Dr. says I should see on an X-ray either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
The idea that I just typed this and posted it on an invisible internet is just a thoery that we accept as fact. Everything is questionable and not truley able to be proven except for math. Which is why mathematics is the basis for most everything we use in our everyday lives. So yeah and the fact that the bible was written by man makes it flawed. A man could in no way correctly interperet what GOD is really trying to relay. So I dont believe anything I cant see, touch, and interact with. Religion on a world wide scale has done nothing but bring war and death.
I'll disagree on two points:
First, biblically, Jesus became man and walked with His disciples. So, of course, he could teach them. Further, in the OT God spoke directly to His recipients and prophets, so again they certainly would know exactly what to write. Even further, if a God can make everything from nothing He can certainly make sure His book says what He wants it to say.
Again, you can choose to not accept the validity of the Bible, but don't use "God" from the Bible to then try to disprove the Bible. Just say you don't believe in God. We can agree that is your right.
Second, If I accepted your premise that (bad) religion has brought us war and death I would ask you what has (good) atheism brought us?
Of course, if you believe the Bible then you can't accept your premise. The Bible teaches original sin brought war and death, and Christ brings hope and the promise of peace.

I know a lot of orphanages, hospitals, Universities, soup kitchens, Women Shelters, Children Aid services, Foreign Aid services, etc. all done by various denominations. Would you care to compare a list of those to a list of Atheist relief agencies?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
A couple tens of thousands of years at 1" per year is about 500 yards. So instead of 238,856.95 miles away like it is now it used to be 238,856.65 miles away. Somehow I don't think that would make a significant difference on the tides.
Got anymore "facts"?
Does that matter? You still get the point. If the earth and moon was millions of years old, life couldn't exist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It's perfectly true. I've heard a guy who knows a guy who saw them himself. They depressions were too real for them to be fake.
I saw the depressions, no problem. The dinosaur track looks like a dinosaur track. I just didn't personally think the human footprint looked like a human footprint.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
I dont believe in an afterlife nor do I want to.
So you'd rather believe that when you die, you just are dead? Another thing: if there is no afterlife, what makes you think that we even have souls?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I saw the depressions, no problem. The dinosaur track looks like a dinosaur track. I just didn't personally think the human footprint looked like a human footprint.
Did you know that some of the scientists concluded that it must have been a Dinosaur with Human feet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
... Oh wait a book is about all religion has.
Hehe, I would argue this of course, but I think we would quickly cross the line of intellectual debate into proselytizing.
I will say, for me, "religion" is much more than a book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Did you know that some of the scientists concluded that it must have been a Dinosaur with Human feet?

Lol, not the tracks I saw. The tracks I saw in the museum were casts of a dinosaur footprint. The claim is that the human walked after the dinosaur and stepped in it's footprint.
Like I said, I didn't see it, but again I couldn't see a slipped disk on my X ray when the Dr. pointed it out.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Does that matter? You still get the point. If the earth and moon was millions of years old, life couldn't exist.
Moving 1" per year for millions of years is still only about 60 miles. Now we're down to the moon being only 238,795 miles away.
I'm still not convinced that would make a noticeable difference in the tides.
Whoever is feeding you this information failed 3 grade math.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
I dont believe in an afterlife nor do I want to. I believe your soul never leaves the earth. Everything in mother nature is recycled. Nothing is added or taken away.
Then I would ask why you believe you have a soul to begin with?