Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I wanna see you take up Hovind's offer, Jmick.

Well if I was a scientist and that was my choosen field I might enjoy it and have time for it. All I'd do is embarass myself with the limited knowledge I posses on the subject.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I for one read each of your posts. I think I responded to most of them.
My satire was not directed at any one person. However there are some people who have made claims that things I have said have been 'proven falsehoods' and I have yet to receive said proof.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Well if I was a scientist and that was my choosen field I might enjoy it and have time for it. All I'd do is embarass myself with the limited knowledge I posses on the subject.
So you're arguing a theory that you can't prove?


I simply do not know enough about creation or evoloution to substantiate my beliefs (somewhat frustrating) but am fascinated by the depth of thought put into some of the responses. Im a simple man.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Did you guys know that Dr. Kent Hovind has offered a $250,000
Reward for anyone who can prove Evolution at all? It has been standing for 17 years, and no one has qualified for it yet! If you are so sure of yourselves... eeeeasy money...
I wonder how much proof would be enough.
'If they do not listen to science and observations, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'
Hmm, that sounded familiar, where did I get that crazy idea from.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I wonder how much proof would be enough.
'If they do not listen to science and observations, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'
Hmm, that sounded familiar, where did I get that crazy idea from.....
Some would argue believing the idea of a man coming back from the dead is far easier to swallow than the billions of billions of random occurences that would have had to occur at precisely the right time to give us even the simplest of life forms from nothing...


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
It was merely my poor attempt at satyr.
It doesn't seem like anyone was interested in any of the information I offered so I thought I would try something else.
Do you mean "satire"?
Satyr = "A mythological Greek creature, half man and half goat, who attended Dionysus and represented male sexuality and drunken revelry; goatskin-clad followers of Dionysus who served as the chorus of the satyr play."
Ozmar the Greek Historian


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ozmar
Do you mean "satire"?
Satyr = "A mythological Greek creature, half man and half goat, who attended Dionysus and represented male sexuality and drunken revelry; goatskin-clad followers of Dionysus who served as the chorus of the satyr play."
Ozmar the Greek Historian
Yes, I am an idiot. Thanks for the correction. I shall go back and edit my posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Some would argue believing the idea of a man coming back from the dead is far easier to swallow than the billions of billions of random occurences that would have had to occur at precisely the right time to give us even the simplest of life forms from nothing...

Sure sure sure, but where did I get that passage from? I mean I only changed two words.... Fun game.
I am never saying that something comes from nothing. Just the something seem possible to come from something else.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I wonder how much proof would be enough.
'If they do not listen to science and observations, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'
Hmm, that sounded familiar, where did I get that crazy idea from.....
I have hear this man talk... the deal is for ANY REAL PROOF at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
So you're arguing a theory that you can't prove?
Obviously, it cannot be proven if it's a theory. That's why it's called a theory.
Can you prove the theory of creation that you are arguing for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Indeed! But I must be going to eat now... but mark my words, I shall prove creation!

Lol, if you could prove creation, you'd be the first since the dawn of time. And, we wouldn't be having this debate on evolution.


I think eveloution is true because it is the best argument so far about where we came from. Another thing is that all these religious people say that science is trying to disprove religion. When you think about it science and religion are kind of alike. THey are both trying to prove the same things. Science might be able to disprove creationism but it cant disprove all the things Jesus said about love they neighbour, love God, dont start wars and that is the true meaning behind religioun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
So you're arguing a theory that you can't prove?
As are you and everyone here who supports either theory, so I don't think I am alone.
That said, I would wager that most educated people would agree that the earth was not created in 6 days and is much older then 7000 years.
I'll gladly take science over religion any day of the week. Look what science/engineering has given us...
Artifical hearts
Sky Scrapers
Nuclear Weapons
Space Flight
Cure to some cancers

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by fatcats
I think eveloution is true because it is the best argument so far about where we came from. Another thing is that all these religious people say that science is trying to disprove religion. When you think about it science and religion are kind of alike. THey are both trying to prove the same things. Science might be able to disprove creationism but it cant disprove all the things Jesus said about love they neighbour, love God, dont start wars and that is the true meaning behind religioun.
Evolution is highly religious... it's not Science against Religion... just had time to come on here and say that...

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I'll gladly take science over religion any day of the week. Look what science/engineering has given us...
Artifical hearts
Sky Scrapers
Nuclear Weapons
Space Flight
Cure to some cancers
Then what do you think will happen to you when you die?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Then what do you think will happen to you when you die?
Either nothing, I become worm food or somethig else, I am not really worried about it. If there is indeed a god I have a hard time believing I will be "judged" and if so, bring it on man. I have lived a good life, probably better then 95% of christains out there and if only christains go to heaven then I guess I will join the majority of the world in Hell. Kind of interesting when you think about it, the majority of the christain world is white and non-christain world is brown and black....might enjoy being a minority


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I have hear this man talk... the deal is for ANY REAL PROOF at all.
If he decides what is proof or not I highly doubt he will ever accept any proof that is shown to him.
The claim he uses is merely for shock value, to make people say, "Wow, this guy MUST be sure if he'll risk so much money!"
I doubt many scientists have taken him up on his offer since the evidence they find probably brings in far more money than $250,000.