Do you believe in evolution?

nano reefer

Active Member
there is definitely proof of evolution. Every living thing has evolved from tiny one celled organisms. Evolution is just a very slow proccess. They have found skeletons of humans homo habilis, home erectus, neanderthal, and we are cro magnon. So, there is definitely evolution. If there is a "god" or all powerful force out there, then he may have created these little one celled things. I am not atheist or anything but if god created humans, then where did god come from? God was a human being right? Evolution is the only logical proof that says where things came from. It is like "which came first, the chicken or the egg?", and any Harry Potter readers know that "A circle has no beginning and no end". It is very confusing and no one knows the answer. People can make up their own answers, people can believe what they are told, and people try to find them, but there is no evidenc e stating where everything came from. I think evolution is the best lead we have to findong out where everything began, because god didnt exist until jesus came along 14000 years after the first cro magnons... why didn god send a profit earlier???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Ok, so I have gotten a few interesting answers to the question I posed and it is much like I assumed, there are a lot of different opinions. God can do anything was mentioned and if there was an all power being then he could do whatever he liked, but then it seems pointless to try to explain the HOW if in the end it comes down to, 'well God can do anything.' The idea of a localized flood was also mentioned, and although this seems much more possible it does bring up the question about how literally people who believe the bible should interpret it.
the bible never says the whole earth was effected by the flood , its very possible it was localized to some point, but i dont know i wasnt around then


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Here we go again...Habits? Habits? So bones, body plans, genetic makeup are habits? You yourself said that there was no salt water before the flood. Not that I agree with that ridiculous statement, but if it were true, then it isn't a habit that changes kidney structure and function to deal with salt water - it is changes in the nature of how a kidney functions. To say that habits change is to embrace Lamark, and his thinking has been shown many times to be incorrect. Habits? Wrong again, Clown Boy!
you still havnt proved how one species can change into another


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
there is definitely proof of evolution. Every living thing has evolved from tiny one celled organisms. Evolution is just a very slow proccess. They have found skeletons of humans homo habilis, home erectus, neanderthal, and we are cro magnon. So, there is definitely evolution. If there is a "god" or all powerful force out there, then he may have created these little one celled things. I am not atheist or anything but if god created humans, then where did god come from? God was a human being right? Evolution is the only logical proof that says where things came from. It is like "which came first, the chicken or the egg?", and any Harry Potter readers know that "A circle has no beginning and no end". It is very confusing and no one knows the answer. People can make up their own answers, people can believe what they are told, and people try to find them, but there is no evidenc e stating where everything came from. I think evolution is the best lead we have to findong out where everything began, because god didnt exist until jesus came along 14000 years after the first cro magnons... why didn god send a profit earlier???
1-God is not human -he was never created
2-God had many prophets before jesus
like you said, think of God as a circle because theres no beggining or end
3-theres no proof of evolution


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Neanderthal? People still believe in that???? Neanderthal was proven to be an old man with arthritis.

Please be careful when you use the word "proven". An assertion by someone who has a clear cut agenda and absolutely no evidence is not proof. There is absolutely no doubt as to the existence in the past of homo neanderthalis
, although there is debate as to its exact capabilities. They were an interesting evolutionary dead end, and were not sapiens'


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
the bible never says the whole earth was effected by the flood , its very possible it was localized to some point, but i dont know i wasnt around then
Maybe you are refering to a different bibile, but the one I read said.
I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.
Genesis 6:17
They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
Genesis 7:19-20


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Maybe you are refering to a different bibile, but the one I read said.
I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.
Genesis 6:17
They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
Genesis 7:19-20

so was it localized or did it cover the whole earth? a universal flood was possible .there is enough water on the earth to cover all dry land ,thats the way the earth began right. like i said i wasnt around then i was just stateing it could have been localized . idk but you do so cudos


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
so was it localized or did it cover the whole earth? a universal flood was possible .there is enough water on the earth to cover all dry land ,thats the way the earth began right. like i said i wasnt around then i was just stateing it could have been localized . idk but you do so cudos
I do not claim to know. I am asking you, because you have insisted that the bible is to be taken literally. Did I quote the wrong bible? Because if you insist the earth was created in 6 days because of what the bible says shouldn't you believe that the flood covered the entire earth since that is what the bible says?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
An assertion by someone who has a clear cut agenda and absolutely no evidence is not proof.
That's exactly what Neanderthal is. If you were to give Mr. Neanderthal a shave and a business suit, he wouldn't stand out at all.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
That's exactly what Neanderthal is. If you were to give Mr. Neanderthal a shave and a business suit, he wouldn't stand out at all.

You are using a standard creationist misquote that was drawn originally from a study of Neanderthalis by evolutionary biologists. That isn't exactly what was said in the original paper, and worse, it perverts the meaning of what was said. At some point in our little posting debate here you will realize that the creationist quotes and sources you are using generally misquote, lie and change meanings to make their case. As long as you use such poor sources, I guess I am stuck here to correct you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
You are using a standard creationist misquote that was drawn originally from a study of Neanderthalis by evolutionary biologists. That isn't exactly what was said in the original paper, and worse, it perverts the meaning of what was said. At some point in our little posting debate here you will realize that the creationist quotes and sources you are using generally misquote, lie and change meanings to make their case. As long as you use such poor sources, I guess I am stuck here to correct you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I do not claim to know. I am asking you, because you have insisted that the bible is to be taken literally. Did I quote the wrong bible? Because if you insist the earth was created in 6 days because of what the bible says shouldn't you believe that the flood covered the entire earth since that is what the bible says?
the bible doesnt say that the universe or earth was created in one day ,like i said earlyer .everything of the earth was created in 6 days. now after rereading about the flood i would have to say it covered the whole earth, it also says that every living thing died so i guess that would have to include fish as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
the bible doesnt say that the universe or earth was created in one day ,like i said earlyer .everything of the earth was created in 6 days. now after rereading about the flood i would have to say it covered the whole earth, it also says that every living thing died so i guess that would have to include fish as well
Ok, so Noah must have had several aquariums on the ark too? A reef tank, a few aggressive tanks, a freshwater tank. Or did God recreate everything again after the flood? If that was the case why did he make Noah take anything if he was just going to recreate it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Ok, so Noah must have had several aquariums on the ark too? A reef tank, a few aggressive tanks, a freshwater tank. Or did God recreate everything again after the flood? If that was the case why did he make Noah take anything if he was just going to recreate it.
Why are you trying to press his beliefs?
This is supposed to be about evolution, not a flood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Why are you trying to press his beliefs?
This is supposed to be about evolution, not a flood.
I want to know what people believe and why. I think it is important to think ones own belief through before claiming to have an ultimate knowledge.
The only reason I brought up anyone's beliefs is because they used their beliefs in an attempt to offer 'proof'.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I want to know what people believe and why. I think it is important to think ones own belief through before claiming to have an ultimate knowledge.
The only reason I brought up anyone's beliefs is because they used their beliefs in an attempt to offer 'proof'.
Christians believe in faith. They don't have the answers for everything. Everything he tells you is going to be his own interpretations.
However, it is interesting to hear what he thinks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Christians believe in faith. They don't have the answers for everything. Everything he tells you is going to be his own interpretations.
However, it is interesting to hear what he thinks.
I believe in faith as well. I have no problem with faith or with people who do not have all the answers. I have faith and I know nothing. What I do not understand is people who claim to have faith but yet attempt to prove that their faith is correct. With faith there should be no need to prove anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I believe in faith as well. I have no problem with faith or with people who do not have all the answers. I have faith and I know nothing. What I do not understand is people who claim to have faith but yet attempt to prove that their faith is correct. With faith there should be no need to prove anything.
Lol, I agree.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I believe in faith as well. I have no problem with faith or with people who do not have all the answers. I have faith and I know nothing. What I do not understand is people who claim to have faith but yet attempt to prove that their faith is correct. With faith there should be no need to prove anything.
believe what you want, God gave you free will and the capability to choose what youu want to believe , its your future not mine. ill stick with God and his word for me to believe in anything else is foolish and irrelavent. and i never once stated i knew everything if i did i would be God , infact jobe is a great book to remind us we know nothing