Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Psalm 90:4 - "A thousand years in Your sight are as a day that passes, as a watch in the night"
this means that God is not restricted by time. in the creation story he did make it a point to say day so we would have an understanding how long it took


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
That means that time is nothing to God, not that every time God says "day" he means a thousand year.

But during the six days of creation, there was no man on earth to record the time. Why could it not have been according to "God's time", since he was the only one present?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
But during the six days of creation, there was no man on earth to record the time. Why could it not have been according to "God's time", since he was the only one present?
if that was the case he wouldnt of said anything at all about how long it took since time is meaningless to him

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
But during the six days of creation, there was no man on earth to record the time. Why could it not have been according to "God's time", since he was the only one present?
You are misquoting the scripture. God is not saying that every time He says a day, He means 1,000 years. He is only saying that time is nothing to him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
You are misquoting the scripture. God is not saying that every time He says a day, He means 1,000 years. He is only saying that time is nothing to him.
God didn't say this, it's a prayer from Moses to God. And I'm not misquoting; I'm just trying to say that there are other possiblilities, and that evolution does not have to contradict the Bible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
God didn't say this, it's a prayer from Moses to God. And I'm not misquoting; I'm just trying to say that there are other possiblilities, and that evolution does not have to contradict the Bible.
evolution contradics the bible when the bible says God created adam and eve and evolution says a common ancestor that just appeared evolved to man

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
there are other possiblilities, and that evolution does not have to contradict the Bible.
That's not what I see...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
evolution contradics the bible when the bible says God created adam and eve and evolution says a common ancestor that just appeared evolved to man
Evolution doesn't say anything about how life began. It only states that organisms can evolve.
I believe God created life, but I also believe that God created it with the necessary mechanisms to evolve to higher forms, and eventually man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Evolution doesn't say anything about how life began. It only states that organisms can evolve.
I believe God created life, but I also believe that God created it with the necessary mechanisms to evolve to higher forms, and eventually man.
if you believe that God created an organism to evolve to man rather then God creating man himself then we can never agree on that


Active Member
If you believe God can do anything than you should believe he can do anything, there should be no need to attempt to prove that he can do anything. So if God can do anything could he not create man and also create evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
If you believe God can do anything than you should believe he can do anything, there should be no need to attempt to prove that he can do anything. So if God can do anything could he not create man and also create evolution?
absolutly but he never talks about it in the bible so to me its irrelevant


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
absolutly but he never talks about it in the bible so to me its irrelevant
Ok, irrelevant to you I can understand. That makes sense, but irrelevant does not mean it can not happen. So I do not understand the problem with making observations about the world that God gave us and trying to figure out how things in God's creation work while. It is possible to believe that God created everything and yet try to understand the nature of the universe we live in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Ok, irrelevant to you I can understand. That makes sense, but irrelevant does not mean it can not happen. So I do not understand the problem with making observations about the world that God gave us and trying to figure out how things in God's creation work while. It is possible to believe that God created everything and yet try to understand the nature of the universe we live in.
i think we can agree to disagree . its great to make observations , ive made mine thruogh the teachings in the bible , mabie im just simplifying it for myself by takeing things literaly


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i think we can agree to disagree . its great to make observations , ive made mine thruogh the teachings in the bible , mabie im just simplifying it for myself by takeing things literaly

I have no problem with you reading the bible, it is an interesting book and I fully support your choice to believe in it. However I think it is foolish to toss out other ideas just because we are not sure how they will fit in with out beliefs. In the end if you believe God can do anything it doesn't seem to go against God to believe in evolution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Adding on to reaffreak's post:
... and evolution is a theory. It always will be.
But so is Creation!!! I don't understand where you find your proof.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
God said that he created everything in 7 days. Does that make it a theory?

I guess we will agree to disagree.
At least we believe in the same basic tenements of the Bible. Belief in Creation or evolution isn't important to God, as He only gave it a brief paragraph in the Bible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
God said that he created everything in 7 days. Does that make it a theory?
Did someone actually see god write that or take a sworn oath from god? If not, it's hearsay at best


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I have no problem with you reading the bible, it is an interesting book and I fully support your choice to believe in it. However I think it is foolish to toss out other ideas just because we are not sure how they will fit in with out beliefs. In the end if you believe God can do anything it doesn't seem to go against God to believe in evolution.
i would rather spend my energy on focusing on God rather then man made theory