Do you believe in evolution?

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
The world is degrading, not upgrading. Look up the word ENTROPY. It's a scientific fact.
Nice. Agreed

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I believe that there is a passage that says that those were never told would recieve half the punishment as someone who knows, and does wrong anyways.
All humans are born with a conscience (knowing when something you do is wrong). Why do you think that 2 year olds know when they have do is wrong? When you steal something (even a little thing), deep down inside, you know that what you have done is wrong. This is not due to your rearing...
I believe that it's more of that if you could see a creator in nature even if you think it is many gods and you have not been told about Jesus I believe then you would go to heaven.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Not knocking on religion, but The Holy Bible was written by people, not scribbled out on a stone or scroll by God and found by people... sort of like Joseph Smith claimed... People are faultered.
Well, the Bible might not have been handwritten by God, but he inspired the writing of it and that makes it perfect. Please private message me if you are not a believer so we can talk about this or even if you want to debate about it or whatever I don't care just please pm me ASAP.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Dogstar
Is it possible to have three days prior of morning and evening without there being the sun yet ??
What did he do on the first day ??
We don't know that it was actually days like Jan.1 then Jan.2 ...
It could have been just Jan.1 was day1 then any amount of time later there could be day 2 we don't know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
God defined days before the sun was created. He then made the sun to fit that.
You will have to give me the verse that says that one...He defined it ?? as if he wrote a dictionary on the first day !!.....He said " let there be " just as he said " let there be " of all the days, are all the days just definitions and not acually when he created the things ?? Im trying to understand...please do better than this in your explination......

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
You will have to give me the verse that says that one...He defined it ?? as if he wrote a dictionary on the first day !!.....He said " let there be " just as he said " let there be " of all the days, are all the days just definitions and not acually when he created the things ?? Im trying to understand...please do better than this in your explination......
Uh... I mean that God created the days.
"And God called the light "Day" and the darkness he called "Night".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Uh... I mean that God created the days.
"And God called the light "Day" and the darkness he called "Night".
Im not trying to be difficult..Im trying to understand how you/believers understand this chapter....
What is this light from ?
I agree you dont need any light source for time to exist, but dont you need a source for a light?
The day and night/ morning and evening is from the earth rotateing and the sun shineing on half as it this what he did on the first day ? OR does this mean something other...

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I believe in faith as well. I have no problem with faith or with people who do not have all the answers. I have faith and I know nothing. What I do not understand is people who claim to have faith but yet attempt to prove that their faith is correct. With faith there should be no need to prove anything.
That doesn't make sense. Faith is believing in something that you don't absolutely know. If there was no need to prove anything then
1. God would not really be that much of a god. He would be rather human.
2. Faith is firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
Right out of the dictionary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
pretty much that's what it means. And the light was like the sun, moon, stars, etc.
" like " ? But the sun and stars ect. was created on the fourth day, right ? explain.


Active Member
I personaly think there were other planets and such already there before earth was made, which would explain that the earth was a deseretted ball floating in space, and could explain other bodies in space. The fact that there are so many glaxies and such, I feel they were here a long time before earth was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
That doesn't make sense. Faith is believing in something that you don't absolutely know. If there was no need to prove anything then
1. God would not really be that much of a god. He would be rather human.
2. Faith is firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
Right out of the dictionary.
You have me completely confused. I stated that I do not see why people try to prove their faith. And then you say I didn't make any sense and state that Faith is firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
So, if there is no proof, what is the point of trying to prove something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
To bring others to your faith and to try to make sense of it.
But by very definition of faith there is no proof so it makes no sense to prove something that has no proof.
To bring this back to topic, I do no understand how something that someone believes in because of faith should prevent anyone from making observations and developing theories.
This isn't a thread about converting people to your faith, it is about evolution. Many people believe many different things which is great, however many people have come here and insisted that they can prove the evolution could not have happend because they believe that it goes against their faith.
Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that if someone has faith in an all powerful being that they would not need to try to dismiss observation of nature that they do not fully understand.


Well-Known Member
To bring this back to topic, I do no understand how something that someone believes in because of faith should prevent anyone from making observations and developing theories.
I think that this is at the core of the problem, and you see it in the very question that began this huge thread. Darknes asked "Do you believe in evolution?". But this is the wrong question since belief requires an act of faith, which is belief for which there is no proof. Any evolutionary scientist worth his/her salt would (should) answer the question with a "No!". Evolutionary scientists accept that the theory of evolution provides the currently best explanation of the observed facts. This requires no belief (except perhaps belief in the process of science) or faith, and is not a religious position.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I do have a question regarding Evolution. If i evolved from apes then how come there are still apes?
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
—Herbert Spencer


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I do have a question regarding Evolution. If i evolved from apes then how come there are still apes?
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
—Herbert Spencer
This is a common question that I hear alot. Even previously in this thread. Of course being almost 20 pages long I do not fault anyone for repeating the question.
Basically the idea is that the apes living today evolved from the same common ancestor as humans. It isn't like one day a chimpanze turned into a human, instead it is like at one point two populations of a common ancestor were isolated and ended up evolving in different ways.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Basically the idea is that the apes living today evolved from the same common ancestor as humans.
Or Man was created by GOD.
This thread will go on for along time because there is no proof for either. You either believe one and dismiss the other I'm surprised Aliens haven't got into this discussion yet