Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i would rather spend my energy on focusing on God rather then man made theory
Ok sure, focus on God, thats fine. But why insist that certain observations made by man are wrong if you aren't willing to focus your energy on atleast understanding what the man made theory says?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Ok sure, focus on God, thats fine. But why insist that certain observations made by man are wrong if you aren't willing to focus your energy on atleast understanding what the man made theory says?
i know what it says and ive discredited it because i find it hard to swallow


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i know what it says and ive discredited it because i find it hard to swallow
But you just said you would focus on God instead of a man made theory, but if you know what it says you must have focused some on the man made theory. So I guess the question is how much focus should be given to man made theorys and how much to God?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
But you just said you would focus on God instead of a man made theory, but if you know what it says you must have focused some on the man made theory. So I guess the question is how much focus should be given to man made theorys and how much to God?
i wasnt always a christian


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i wasnt always a christian
fair enough, although even now it seems pointless to attempt to argue a point based on old information. Theories constantly change so what you learned back before you became a Christian might have already changed. It would seem a bit hasty to toss out any new ideas because you didn't agree with old ideas.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
God said that he created everything in 7 days. Does that make it a theory?
No, that does not make it a theory, it makes it a hypothesis, which is a preliminary explanation. A theory is a comprehensive explanation, based on testable data, that explains the observed events, and is capable of predicting further observations. Most lay (non-scientists) people use theory in the way that you do - as a loose, "I guess the Martians did it" kind of guess. That is not a scientific theory. There is nothing wrong with a hypothesis. It is the first stage in forming a scientific theory, but it needs testing (in the scientific sense) to advance to theory. The problem with religious belief si that some people try to force it into a scientific mold, which is incorrect. That a person believes something is fine, especially when those beliefs lead a person to lead a better life. But it isn't science, and all ofthese false efforts to try to make it so just dilute the value of faith, imho.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Jerhunter, I believe it was you that said that the reason that the article about Homo Habilis was invalid was because that is just about one of the fossils for this species. Can you give me a link to information about these other fossils for Habilis? Thanks.

Try this for more habilis fossils:
Blumenschine R.J., Peters C.R., Masao F.T., Clarke R.J., Deino A., Hay R.L. et al. (2003): Late Pliocene Homo and hominid land use from western Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Science, 299:1217-21. (discovery of OH 65)
Tobias P.V. (2003): Encore Olduvai. Science, 299:1193-4. (commentary on OH 65)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Correct me? You haven't corrected me... you just said that the facts that I gave you aren't valid. I have absolutely no idea what paper you are talking about...

Your original statement was about shaving Neanderthal subjects, dressing them in suits and their ability to ride the New York sub way unnoticed. That is a standard creationist misquote of a research paper about Neanderthal in which the authors commented that Neanderthal has been mis-represented as hairy thug-like organisms, when they were fairly modern in appearance. The comment about the sub way was hyperbole, since pretty much anything could ride the New York sub way system unnoticed
. There are many Neanderthal remains, and it is clear that they were quite different in many respects from modern man, but not totally so. A habiline riding the New York sub way, btw, would have almost certainly led to most of the riders moving to the opposite end of the car

clown boy

Active Member
I just discovered that you can't spell sub way as one word or it will look like this. Su
ay. Funny... is that how anyone feels about it, or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Can someone explain what God did on the fourth day ?
I suppose I could try, here is a short passage from the christian bibile's account.
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.
Genesis 1:14-19
So it sounds like in this account that God created the bodies of light such as the sun and stars, and although the moon isn't actually a light it seems to be refered to as a light in this case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
...bodies of light such as the sun...
Is it possible to have three days prior of morning and evening without there being the sun yet ??
What did he do on the first day ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Is it possible to have three days prior of morning and evening without there being the sun yet ??
What did he do on the first day ??
Heh, I already asked that same question.. Usually the only answer you get is that God can do anything. And when it comes down to the 'God can do anything' defense there isn't much use in listening anymore.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Is it possible to have three days prior of morning and evening without there being the sun yet ??
What did he do on the first day ??
God is the one who defined day and night.


Active Member
Not knocking on religion, but The Holy Bible was written by people, not scribbled out on a stone or scroll by God and found by people... sort of like Joseph Smith claimed... People are faultered. The Bible is a book of morals and philosophies, lessons to show mankind why living by the "word of God" is a wise choice. I am Agnostic and even I understand that. I'm not trying to take anything away from the Christian faith, but the stories are faultered. Religion is faultered. Christs philosophy is about as fair as fair can be, and hardly needs explanation. Living by the 10 Commandments might not make life perfect, but it sure takes a lot of the unnecessary drama out of life.
It was common practice to make up stories to explain the "unexplainable" way back when... mythology. This method of "reason" is still in use today by many people, although far less common in modern civilization.
Again, not knocking religion, just an observation. People said the Earth was flat. People said the sun revolved around the Earth. People said you would fall off the Earth if you sailed too far across the sea. And others believed it, at the time.
Rant off.
If all who do not accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior go to Hell, what about tribal people who worship many gods and aren't converted by missionaries? What about the Mayans, Aztecs, etc? Are the people who were never aware of Christianity to share the same fate as someone who denies God and Christ?
Just a few thoughts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Is it possible to have three days prior of morning and evening without there being the sun yet ??
What did he do on the first day ??
yeah why not, do you need the sun for time to exsist. on the first day he created light

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
If all who do not accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior go to Hell, what about tribal people who worship many gods and aren't converted by missionaries? What about the Mayans, Aztecs, etc? Are the people who were never aware of Christianity to share the same fate as someone who denies God and Christ?
I believe that there is a passage that says that those were never told would recieve half the punishment as someone who knows, and does wrong anyways.
All humans are born with a conscience (knowing when something you do is wrong). Why do you think that 2 year olds know when they have do is wrong? When you steal something (even a little thing), deep down inside, you know that what you have done is wrong. This is not due to your rearing...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I believe that there is a passage that says that those were never told would recieve half the punishment as someone who knows, and does wrong anyways.
All humans are born with a conscience (knowing when something you do is wrong). Why do you think that 2 year olds know when they have do is wrong? When you steal something (even a little thing), deep down inside, you know that what you have done is wrong. This is not due to your rearing...
Do you have children? Let me tell you, a two year old knows when they have done wrong because you have told them over and over and over not to do something and then you catch them doing it anyway. I'm sorry, a conscience is something that is developed in a person as they mature. If you take a child from the time they are born and lock them in a room with ZERO human interaction and then let them loose on society when they are 18, they will have NO consceince...I gaurantee you this. The human conscience is a product of rearing and adhearing to the norms of soceity, we are a social creature and want to fit in and will adjust our behavior accordingly.