Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
believe what you want, God gave you free will and the capability to choose what youu want to believe , its your future not mine. ill stick with God and his word for me to believe in anything else is foolish and irrelavent
It would seem that it would be just as foolish and irrelavent to attempt to prove the validity of this belief.


Active Member
reefreak, I have a question for you:
Do you believe the bible literally word for word?
If so, do you understand ancient Hebrew and Aramaic?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
If so, do you understand ancient Hebrew and Aramaic?
I take it literally. My best friend knows Hebrew, and he studies the Bible in it.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
You are using a standard creationist misquote that was drawn originally from a study of Neanderthalis by evolutionary biologists. That isn't exactly what was said in the original paper, and worse, it perverts the meaning of what was said. At some point in our little posting debate here you will realize that the creationist quotes and sources you are using generally misquote, lie and change meanings to make their case. As long as you use such poor sources, I guess I am stuck here to correct you.
Correct me? You haven't corrected me... you just said that the facts that I gave you aren't valid. I have absolutely no idea what paper you are talking about...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
It would seem that it would be just as foolish and irrelavent to attempt to prove the validity of this belief.
why is that , everyone should get a chance to here the word of God so they may have eternal life ,its called witnessing


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
reefreak, I have a question for you:
Do you believe the bible literally word for word?
If so, do you understand ancient Hebrew and Aramaic?
i believe in every word literally except for the book of revelations
and no i dont know hebrew or aramaic


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I take it literally. My best friend knows Hebrew, and he studies the Bible in it.

Originally Posted by reefreak29

i believe in every word literally except for the book of revelations
and no i dont know hebrew or aramaic
If you take it literally, don't you understand that certain words do not translate from their original language to English? Some of their words had several different contexts, but all translate to the same English word with one meaning. There are also many different English translations of the Bible, and certain passages can be read differently. Also, certain words in ancient times had different meaning behind them than they do now.
Don't you feel that someone as powerful as God would have added some 'mystery' to his words? That His words could have both a literal parable, but also symbolic meaning?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
If you take it literally, don't you understand that certain words do not translate from their original language to English? Some of their words had several different contexts, but all translate to the same English word with one meaning. There are also many different English translations of the Bible, and certain passages can be read differently. Also, certain words in ancient times had different meaning behind them than they do now.
Don't you feel that someone as powerful as God would have added some 'mystery' to his words? That His words could have both a literal parable, but also symbolic meaning?
the translations do not in anyway change the point of meaning, the bible really boils down to one thing and that has not been lost


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
the translations do not in anyway change the point of meaning, the bible really boils down to one thing and that has not been lost
I agree with that.
But taking the English translations literally is a bit different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
I agree with that.
But taking the English translations literally is a bit different.
what shouldnt be taken literally

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
If you take it literally, don't you understand that certain words do not translate from their original language to English? Some of their words had several different contexts, but all translate to the same English word with one meaning. There are also many different English translations of the Bible, and certain passages can be read differently. Also, certain words in ancient times had different meaning behind them than they do now.
Don't you feel that someone as powerful as God would have added some 'mystery' to his words? That His words could have both a literal parable, but also symbolic meaning?
You want it from the Hebrew? Alright. One Hebrew word for "day" is
the word "yom." Almost every time, in the hundreds of times it is used in the OT, it means
a plain, ordinary, twenty-four hour day. Occasionally the word "yom" can mean a period of
time; but in the Genesis creation account, God had the writer always include other words
like the first and the second. The Bible also says that it was evening and morning the first
day, the second day, and so on. Whenever "yom" is used with the words "first" and "second"
or with "evening and morning", it always means a real twenty-four hour day – not a long
period of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
what shouldnt be taken literally
I personally have no problem with anyone taking the bible literally, however, I do not understand why there is a need to attempt to prove a belief that should be based on faith.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
what shouldnt be taken literally
What I believe is that you have to truly study the Bible to fully understand it. This means in the original languages it was written in.
There were Jewish scholars in Jesus' time that spent their whole lives studying the Old Testament, yet they never fully understood it. I believe that there is so much more to God's words than what you see on the outside.
This is why the Catholic Church does not believe in Scriptures alone. Different people have their own perceptions of what certain passages mean to them. This is what is so magnificent about the words of God!

clown boy

Active Member
Jerhunter, I believe it was you that said that the reason that the article about Homo Habilis was invalid was because that is just about one of the fossils for this species. Can you give me a link to information about these other fossils for Habilis? Thanks.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
What I believe is that you have to truly study the Bible to fully understand it. This means in the original languages it was written in.
There were Jewish scholars in Jesus' time that spent their whole lives studying the Old Testament, yet they never fully understood it. I believe that there is so much more to God's words than what you see on the outside.
This is why the Catholic Church does not believe in Scriptures alone. Different people have their own perceptions of what certain passages mean to them. This is what is so magnificent about the words of God!
Darknes, did you read post #870?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
You want it from the Hebrew? Alright. One Hebrew word for "day" is
the word "yom." Almost every time, in the hundreds of times it is used in the OT, it means
a plain, ordinary, twenty-four hour day. Occasionally the word "yom" can mean a period of
time; but in the Genesis creation account, God had the writer always include other words
like the first and the second. The Bible also says that it was evening and morning the first
day, the second day, and so on. Whenever "yom" is used with the words "first" and "second"
or with "evening and morning", it always means a real twenty-four hour day – not a long
period of time.
Psalm 90:4 - "A thousand years in Your sight are as a day that passes, as a watch in the night"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
What I believe is that you have to truly study the Bible to fully understand it. This means in the original languages it was written in.
There were Jewish scholars in Jesus' time that spent their whole lives studying the Old Testament, yet they never fully understood it. I believe that there is so much more to God's words than what you see on the outside.
This is why the Catholic Church does not believe in Scriptures alone. Different people have their own perceptions of what certain passages mean to them. This is what is so magnificent about the words of God!
true , you could get ten people to read one verse and get 10 different answers but i also believe the most important thing is getting the main point.
i personally study the bible in fact i read it all the way thruogh every year . the awsome thing is at 80 (if i make it) i will still be learning new things. I dont think God wants us to fully understand it then we would stop learning and building.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Psalm 90:4 - "A thousand years in Your sight are as a day that passes, as a watch in the night"
That means that time is nothing to God, not that every time God says "day" he means a thousand year.