Flower is correct we are kicking things around at the very moment, and honestly Flower my engine is getting all rev'd up ready to fire up the garage again and get moving again....I was going to call my buddy Matt and then I thought, he'd kill me for pulling him away from coaching little league football. There's so much buzz right now and everyone is ready to kick it into high gear.....
Al, that sounds about right......I wish I had taken a measurement, but never figured we'd be rebuilding from scratch.....
but hey!!!!!! We are only given what we can handle....Nothing more nothing less.....I have to look at it; that everything happens for a reason, we might not see it today, but there is a reason for everything.....
Jstdv8 we are in the planning stage on your idea, and give us a few moments here, and were trying to get things setup.....It's amazing the amount of support and offers that have come up since this mishap, but were trying to work some logistics, to keep things correct. To you and all others putting offers on the table; it is greatly appreciated, and not forgotten, just bear with us, and it will unfold shortly!!!!!!