Healthcare bill will pass the senate.


Active Member
It is actually a very GOOD Hosptial. Saved my bacon a few times. They are also a level 2 Trauma center and attract Olympic Ski Team Surgeons. We have 2 on staff now. So we are not that bad in fact I am due to see one soon for my Shoulder since the I now know why Kerry wood did not make a good recovery since my last doc was the one that did his surgery on his arm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
He should be put out of business for refusing to issue birth control

Why? There are more healthy alternatives to both, so why be put out of business? Also, it is one of the reasons his business did so well. In the town he lives in, a majority of the population is Catholic, with Lutheran taking up a majority of the rest, so people actually preferred the religion oriented health care as opposed to the public institution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Why? There are more healthy alternatives to both, so why be put out of business? Also, it is one of the reasons his business did so well. In the town he lives in, a majority of the population is Catholic, with Lutheran taking up a majority of the rest, so people actually preferred the religion oriented health care as opposed to the public institution.
Sorry, but there should never be a 'religion oriented health care' when it comes to practicing medicine. Regardless of what the Hippocratic Oath states, the health and well-being of a patient should go over and beyond what a doctor's individual religious beliefs are. There's no excuse for a doctor to refuse treatment to an individual simply because their faith doesn't agree with it. Want to abide to your religious beliefs? Become a priest, not a doctor. I personally would never go to a doctor that put his faith over his medical skills. Again, I wouldn't want to risk my life with an individual who believes in a 'god wouldn't want me to perform that procedure, so I'm not.' type of attitude.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sorry, but there should never be a 'religion oriented health care' when it comes to practicing medicine. Regardless of what the Hippocratic Oath states, the health and well-being of a patient should go over and beyond what a doctor's individual religious beliefs are. There's no excuse for a doctor to refuse treatment to an individual simply because their faith doesn't agree with it. Want to abide to your religious beliefs? Become a priest, not a doctor. I personally would never go to a doctor that put his faith over his medical skills. Again, I wouldn't want to risk my life with an individual who believes in a 'god wouldn't want me to perform that procedure, so I'm not.' type of attitude.
Then you can chose another doc. It's a free country, the doc doesn't have to conform to your standards or you his.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Then you can chose another doc. It's a free country, the doc doesn't have to conform to your standards or you his.
I would agree with this statement for individuals who live in or around a large metropolis. But when you live in a small or rural community, and you don't have multiple options in which to choose a health care provider, you shouldn't have to rely on a doctor that has religious convictions that differ from your own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Dragon Zim a little thing called the Separation of CHURCH and State and FREEDOM OF RELIGION. By his own Religion he can not issue Birth Control Perform Abortions and such. We have the same problem in my town the Hospital is Catholic and no women or Men can get Surgical Sterlization don e there. However we go 18 miles away to the next town to a Non-Catholic Hosptial and the Same Docs have Privileges there and the girls can get Cut Tied and Burned and the Men can get the Snip done. However here in town the Docs can not even talk about it because of the Contract they have with the Hospital.
You've fallen for one of the classic blunders.
Where is "separation of church and state" in the Consitutiton?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I imagine if he was forced, he would just leave and start a new practice again, as he didn't have to sell, the money was that good.
So much for the Hippocratic Oath huh? I really don't see how they can force anyone to do that because of Federal Funding, but I guess abortion has been deemed legal by the Supreme Court.
Well, they forced me to NOT take the Hippocratic Oath at graduation from med school.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sorry, but there should never be a 'religion oriented health care' when it comes to practicing medicine. Regardless of what the Hippocratic Oath states, the health and well-being of a patient should go over and beyond what a doctor's individual religious beliefs are. There's no excuse for a doctor to refuse treatment to an individual simply because their faith doesn't agree with it. Want to abide to your religious beliefs? Become a priest, not a doctor. I personally would never go to a doctor that put his faith over his medical skills. Again, I wouldn't want to risk my life with an individual who believes in a 'god wouldn't want me to perform that procedure, so I'm not.' type of attitude.

Originally Posted by bionicarm

I would agree with this statement for individuals who live in or around a large metropolis. But when you live in a small or rural community, and you don't have multiple options in which to choose a health care provider, you shouldn't have to rely on a doctor that has religious convictions that differ from your own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I would agree with this statement for individuals who live in or around a large metropolis. But when you live in a small or rural community, and you don't have multiple options in which to choose a health care provider, you shouldn't have to rely on a doctor that has religious convictions that differ from your own.
Then move. This aint burger king. I live in the Denver Metro area. Not where I wanna be. I left the LA area nearly 20 years ago to get away from the disease. Took about a 50% cut in pay but ended up where I wanted to live, the western part of Montana.
I gave up Western Montana to move here because the wife had a job opportunity she really wanted to take. We could have moved out to the sticks here but decided to go for the convenience and savings from not doing an 80 mile commute each day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Then move. This aint burger king. I live in the Denver Metro area. Not where I wanna be. I left the LA area nearly 20 years ago to get away from the disease. Took about a 50% cut in pay but ended up where I wanted to live, the western part of Montana.
I gave up Western Montana to move here because the wife had a job opportunity she really wanted to take. We could have moved out to the sticks here but decided to go for the convenience and savings from not doing an 80 mile commute each day.
That's a ridiculous statement. Move? In today's economy and job market? Sorry, but you should "Have it your way." I think it would be a stupid move for a Country Doc to alienate a sector of his patients due to religious convictions. A doctor should do what he was trained to do - practice medicine and properly take care of his/her patients. That's why they toil for 12+ years in college and residency, and stack up over $300K in bills and loans. Why ruin that just because some religious belief tells you otherwise?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
That's a ridiculous statement. Move? In today's economy and job market? Sorry, but you should "Have it your way." I think it would be a stupid move for a Country Doc to alienate a sector of his patients due to religious convictions. A doctor should do what he was trained to do - practice medicine and properly take care of his/her patients. That's why they toil for 12+ years in college and residency, and stack up over $300K in bills and loans. Why ruin that just because some religious belief tells you otherwise?
You say "you should have it your way". Does that go for the folks who don't think abortion should be legal?
The right to practice religion is a Constitutional right. Abortion isn't. The Supreme court simply ruled the right to privacy meant the Government couldn't meddle with the decision between a woman and her doctor. Well hate to break it to ya but that street must run both ways. If the government isn't allowed to tell the doc he can't they sure as hell can't tell him he has to, right to privacy don't ya know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sorry, but there should never be a 'religion oriented health care' when it comes to practicing medicine. Regardless of what the Hippocratic Oath states, the health and well-being of a patient should go over and beyond what a doctor's individual religious beliefs are. There's no excuse for a doctor to refuse treatment to an individual simply because their faith doesn't agree with it. Want to abide to your religious beliefs? Become a priest, not a doctor. I personally would never go to a doctor that put his faith over his medical skills. Again, I wouldn't want to risk my life with an individual who believes in a 'god wouldn't want me to perform that procedure, so I'm not.' type of attitude.
So, you think birth control has no side effects? The side effects vary from type to type, but how does a doctor choosing whether to prescribe a contraceptive affect their medical skills? Its not a necessary medicine and there are healthier alternatives, so in a sense, they are taking better care of their patients.
I could understand your logic if religious beliefs denied someone necessary, life saving procedures or medicine, but that is not the case here.


HAHAHA, Someone is definitely butthurt.
"Hi, my name is Veni, I have nothing of substance to offer any conversation so I'll just insult people with racist insults which nullify the validity of any of my statements since I am a racist, hateful, intolerant person."


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
So, you think birth control has no side effects? The side effects vary from type to type, but how does a doctor choosing whether to prescribe a contraceptive affect their medical skills? Its not a necessary medicine and there are healthier alternatives, so in a sense, they are taking better care of their patients.
I could understand your logic if religious beliefs denied someone necessary, life saving procedures or medicine, but that is not the case here.
You need to do a little more research on birth control

. They are used for other medical reasons besides keeping someone from getting pregnant. Doctors have prescribed birth control

for hormonal and menopausal issues for women.
Healthier alternatives? What, rhythm method, abstinence, or c0ndoms?
That's why Catholic women pop out 3 times as many babies as any other woman who practices other religions. Let's have 5 kids because 'god told us it was the right thing to do'. What a crock. That's why I have a sister who is 63, and a brother who is 42. Gotta love that Catholic logic.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
HAHAHA, Someone is definitely butthurt.
"Hi, my name is Veni, I have nothing of substance to offer any conversation so I'll just insult people with racist insults which nullify the validity of any of my statements since I am a racist, hateful, intolerant person."
typically liberal cry...."Racist" dont get mad at me because Cubans turned once nice,decent neighborhoods into ghettos.
BTW i dont like you not because your cuban but because you are you.I cant help but to despise liberals. If that make me intolerant
then i am.
Have a nice day


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
typically liberal cry...."Racist" dont get mad at me because Cubans turned once nice,decent neighborhoods into ghettos.
BTW i dont like you not because your cuban but because you are you.I cant help but to despise liberals. If that make me intolerant
then i am.
Have a nice day

Once a troll, always a troll. Just because you posted over 2500 nonsenical and rude posts in the other forums, doesn't mean you can't be a troll in this forum. Pretty much every post I read of yours contains some type of insult or response that makes no sense or is completely out of context of the conversation. Case in point - Cubans turned Miami into a ghetto? When exactly was the last time you've been to Miami? What about that cesspool called Illinois you live in? Talk about ghetto. You give conservatives a bad name. Extremist like you is what causes a division in our political system.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Once a troll, always a troll. Just because you posted over 2500 nonsenical and rude posts in the other forums, doesn't mean you can't be a troll in this forum. Pretty much every post I read of yours contains some type of insult or response that makes no sense or is completely out of context of the conversation. Case in point - Cubans turned Miami into a ghetto? When exactly was the last time you've been to Miami? What about that cesspool called Illinois you live in? Talk about ghetto. You give conservatives a bad name. Extremist like you is what causes a division in our political system.
I dont believe i was talking to you ,but ill answer you anyway.
I live in Florida now and visit Miami enough to know what im talking about.Do you? You really should watch who you call troll...... kettle or pot.Your post is amazing ,your criticizing me for being rude or insulting.
You really are clueless.52 posts

BTW the cesspool you reefer to produced your hero Obama,and ill agree with you nothing good has come from Illinois in a long time,im just glad its to cold for the Cuban crime wave to wanna migrate to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont believe i was talking to you ,but ill answer you anyway.
I live in Florida now and visit Miami enough to know what im talking about.Do you? You really should watch who you call troll...... kettle or pot.Your post is amazing ,your criticizing me for being rude or insulting.
You really are clueless.52 posts

BTW the cesspool you reefer to produced your hero Obama,and ill agree with you nothing good has come from Illinois in a long time,im just glad its to cold for the Cuban crime wave to wanna migrate to.
Oh that's right. I forgot you moved to Florida and de-valued the neighborhood you moved into. What's it like living in yet another ghetto? What happened, you missed your mommy, and had to move into her retirement home? Go riding around in a golf cart chasing grandma's in walkers?

Don't brag about you posts count. I assume 99% of them you insulted the people who asked the simple/multiple questions always asked in the other forums -- How do you get rid of cyano? What kind of fish can I put in my tank? Can I put a Blue Hippo in a 30 gallon tank?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Don't brag about you posts count. I assume 99% of them you insulted the people who asked the simple/multiple questions always asked in the other forums -- How do you get rid of cyano? What kind of fish can I put in my tank? Can I put a Blue Hippo in a 30 gallon tank?

You have it ass backwards like usual. I only insult 1% so here it is retard.Just because you live in Texas dosent mean you should feed your guppys BBQ,if you stop doing that you wont have the cyno problem.As to your second problem,if you think you could fit a Hippo into a 30 gallon go ahead but your probably gonna have to take out your sea monkeys first.Sea monkeys and tangs are incompatible much like a loud mouth Texans and his steer boyfriend.
How you havent been thrown out of Texas yet ???????